Understanding Transvections:T_W:V->V Tv=v+w

  • Thread starter Bacle
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In summary, a transvection is an invertible linear map that fixes a codimension-1 subspace and translates points parallel to that subspace. It can be represented by a matrix of the form \left(\begin{array}{cc} I & M\\ 0 & I\end{array}\right), but not all matrices of this form represent transvections. This definition can be found in the book "Classical Groups and Geometric Algebra" by Larry C. Groves.
  • #1
Understanding Transvections:T_W:V-->V Tv=v+w

Esteemed Algebraists:

Please help me understand better the definition of a transvection.

Let V be a finite-dimensional vector space, and let W

be a codimension-1 subspace of V . A transvection

is defined to be an invertible linear map T:V-->V

such that:

i) T|_W =1_W , i.e., the restriction of T to W

is the identity on W.

ii)For any v in V, T(v)=v+w ; w in W.

Condition i) is clear, but does condition ii) just say that

vectors in V-W are mapped to V-W?

Also: given a choice of basis for V, is the

matrix representation for V always that of

a shear matrix, i.e., a matrix with all diagonal

entries equal to 1, and all off-diagonal entries

except for exactly one equal to zero, i.e., a

matrix describing adding a multiple by k of one

row to another row?

I know this is the representation in vector spaces over R; is

it true for V.Spaces over any field F? ( I know all V.Spaces of same

dimension are isomorphic, but I don't know if that guarantees the result).

I was thinking of a simple example of a linear map from

R<sup>3</sup> to R<sup>3</sup>

preserving points of types (x,0,0) and (0,y,0). Then ii) above would say that, using the

standard basis {e_<sub>i</sub>; i=1,2,3}.

i) T(1,0,0)=(1,0,0)

ii) T(0,1,0)=(0,1,0)

iii) T(0,0,1)= (0,0,1)+(a,b,0) ; a,b in F

Is the intended meaning that for z in V-W, T(z) in V-W? Also, the representation of

this transvection does not seem to match that of a shear transformation, since it includes

the case of two non-zero entries a,b.

Any Ideas?

Thanks in Advance.

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  • #2

Bacle said:
Esteemed Algebraists:

Please help me understand better the definition of a transvection.

Let V be a finite-dimensional vector space, and let W

be a codimension-1 subspace of V . A transvection

is defined to be an invertible linear map T:V-->V

such that:

i) T|_W =1_W , i.e., the restriction of T to W

is the identity on W.

ii)For any v in V, T(v)=v+w ; w in W.

Where did you find this definition. I don't say it's incorrect, but it's a bit weird. The definition on wiki is a little better:

To be more precise, if V is the direct sum of W and W′, and we write vectors as

v = w + w′

correspondingly, the typical shear fixing W is L where

L(v) = (w + Mw′) + w ′

where M is a linear mapping from W′ into W.

I like it better because it's little less ambiguous.

Condition i) is clear, but does condition ii) just say that

vectors in V-W are mapped to V-W?

No. Of course, the definition will still imply that V-W is mapped to V-W, but that's not quite enough. Take V=R^2 and W=R. Then T(1,0)=(1,0) and T(0,1)=(0,2) will satisfy that V-W is mapped to V-W, but it's not a transvection since there is no w in W such that T(0,1)=(0,2)+w.

Geometrically, a transvection maps W onto itself and translates points outside of W parallel to W.

Also: given a choice of basis for V, is the

matrix representation for V always that of

a shear matrix, i.e., a matrix with all diagonal

entries equal to 1, and all off-diagonal entries

except for exactly one equal to zero, i.e., a

matrix describing adding a multiple by k of one

row to another row?

I don't think this is true. If we follow wiki's definition, then a transvection always has the form

[tex]\left(\begin{array}{cc} I & M\\ 0 & I\end{array}\right)[/tex]

In my (limited) understanding of the topic, a shear matrix will represent a transvection, but not vice versa.

You could help me enormously in providing the reference you're using...
  • #3

Hi, Micromass:

Sorry for the delay. I am going from the book "Classical Groups

and Geometric Algebra", by Larry C. Groves; a GTM book; mostly

pages 7 and 22. He describes transvections on a fin.-dim v.space

V; with invariant codimension-1 subspace W, as maps T:V-->V ,

with T|<sub>W</sub> =1<sub>W</sub> (i.e., map T:V-->V

restricts to the identity on W ), and , for any v in V, T(v)=v+w for

some w in W.

Grove goes on to show that transvections generate

both SL(V):={M in GL(V), Det(M)=1}, as well as the

symplectic group of V, given a symplectic form.
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  • #4

micromass said:
Where did you find this definition. I don't say it's incorrect, but it's a bit weird. The definition on wiki is a little better:

I like it better because it's little less ambiguous.

No. Of course, the definition will still imply that V-W is mapped to V-W, but that's not quite enough. Take V=R^2 and W=R. Then T(1,0)=(1,0) and T(0,1)=(0,2) will satisfy that V-W is mapped to V-W, but it's not a transvection since there is no w in W such that T(0,1)=(0,2)+w.

Yes, I understand that; but , since a transvection does map elements in V-W to elements in V-W, what additional condition do we need to characterize transvections? Maybe better to leave good-enough alone and accept T:v=v+w. So what else does the def. say that T:v-w is sent to v-w?

Geometrically, a transvection maps W onto itself and translates points outside of W parallel to W.

Well, actually, you would need a notion of orthogonality defined on your space; there are abstract vector spaces without an inner-product (thing homology over Z/2), without a standard ( if at all) notion of orthogonality.

I don't think this is true. If we follow wiki's definition, then a transvection always has the form

[tex]\left(\begin{array}{cc} I & M\\ 0 & I\end{array}\right)[/tex]

In my (limited) understanding of the topic, a shear matrix will represent a transvection, but not vice versa.

You could help me enormously in providing the reference you're using...

Sorry to bring this up so late, I was just reviewing my posts.
  • #5

I can provide a response to your question about transvections. A transvection is a type of linear map that is defined on a finite-dimensional vector space V, with a codimension-1 subspace W. This map, denoted as T_W:V->V, has two conditions that must be met in order to be considered a transvection. The first condition, i), states that the restriction of T to W is the identity, meaning that the map leaves all vectors in W unchanged. The second condition, ii), states that for any vector v in V, T(v) is equal to v plus a vector w in W. This means that the map will move vectors in V-W to other vectors in V-W, while leaving vectors in W unchanged.

To better understand this definition, let's consider an example in R^3. If we have a linear map T that preserves the points (x,0,0) and (0,y,0), then condition ii) tells us that for any vector (0,0,z) in V-W, T(z) will also be in V-W. This means that the map T is a transvection.

Regarding the representation of transvections, it is true that in vector spaces over any field F, the matrix representation of a transvection will be a shear matrix, with all diagonal entries equal to 1 and only one off-diagonal entry equal to 0. This is because all vector spaces of the same dimension are isomorphic, meaning that they have the same underlying structure. Therefore, the representation of a transvection will be the same regardless of the field F.

I hope this helps clarify your understanding of transvections. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Keep exploring and learning!

FAQ: Understanding Transvections:T_W:V->V Tv=v+w

1. What is a transvection?

A transvection is a type of linear transformation that involves adding a multiple of one vector to another vector. It is also known as a shear or a shear mapping. In the context of matrices, a transvection is represented by a matrix with diagonal entries of 1 and one off-diagonal entry of 1.

2. How is a transvection different from other linear transformations?

A transvection differs from other linear transformations in that it only involves adding a multiple of one vector to another, while other linear transformations can involve scaling, rotating, and reflecting vectors. Transvections also do not preserve the length or angle of vectors, unlike other linear transformations.

3. What is the purpose of transvections in mathematics?

Transvections are important in linear algebra and geometry as they allow for the manipulation and transformation of vectors and matrices. They also have applications in areas such as computer graphics, physics, and engineering.

4. Can transvections be combined with other linear transformations?

Yes, transvections can be combined with other linear transformations to create more complex transformations. For example, a transvection followed by a rotation will result in a shear rotation.

5. How are transvections used in practical applications?

Transvections have practical applications in computer graphics, where they are used to manipulate and transform images, as well as in physics and engineering to model and solve problems involving linear systems. They can also be used in optimization algorithms to efficiently solve linear systems of equations.

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