Understanding Underwater Pressure: Exploring Multiple Hulls and Structures

In summary, the pressure underwater increases by 1 atm for every 33-34 feet, making it difficult for submarines to dive to depths of 200-300 meters. Multiple hulls or walls in the case of buildings could potentially work, but the materials needed to withstand the immense pressure would be costly and require precision in construction. However, even with multiple stages, the global stresses and forces would still be present and need to be accounted for in the barrier's design.
  • #1
Ok I am almost positive this doesn't work or it would be used in deep submersibles, but I am at a loss as to why.

About every 33 or 34 feet pressure underwater increases by 1 atm. So a submarine at 33 feet under water with 1 atm internal pressure would have 2 atm of external pressure. Increase that to 330 feet and you have 10atm which is a bit harder to handle.

I am not sure about the biology and what kind of air pressure humans are capable of breathing and living comfortably in but for simplilcity sake can just say that 1 atm is desired.

Now many materials can not withstand this kind of force, most submarines can only dive to 200-300 meters and this isn't even for extended periods of time.

But why doesn't multiple hulls / walls in the case of buildings work? My real question has to do with underwater structures.

Say you have something like this

(10atm)--| (7atm) | (4atm) | (1atm) |

A series of hulls and chambers with slowly reducing pressures. The outermost one is the water, and as you move in its a series of sealed chambers, or possibly open to a moon pool. until there is an inner chamber at 1 atm. Now would the 10atm pressure apply to all internal chambers? or would it only apply to the outer one? If it would pass through and apply pressure to all chambers how does it do this? would distance between the chambers matter? I have a hard time picturing an outer wall and then 20 feet of pressurized air and then another wall having a perfect transfer of force. It has been a long time since I have taken physics and feel I am missing something simple
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  • #2
But why doesn't multiple hulls / walls in the case of buildings work? My real question has to do with underwater structures.

What do you mean doesn't work?

Multiple stages are perfectly feasible, but what would you gain?
  • #3
needing materials that would not be required to withstand immense pressure say at 660 ft, a straight wall structure would not be able to withstand a 19atm difference without buckling. A series of smaller differences would make for less costly materials with less precision in their construction + allow for failure.
  • #4
I'm sorry to disillusion you but there would still be the same global stresses/forces for the barrier to cope with, whatever its construction.

Imagine a ring, with 10 atm outside the outer circle and 1 atm inside the inner and some sort of internal structure between the rings. Whatever this structure it will have to conform as stated above.
  • #5

I can provide some insights into the concept of multiple hulls and structures for underwater pressure management.

Firstly, it is important to understand that the concept of pressure increasing by 1 atm every 33 feet is a simplified approximation. In reality, the pressure increases gradually with depth and can vary depending on factors such as water temperature and salinity.

Secondly, the idea of multiple hulls or walls in underwater structures is not a new concept. In fact, many deep-sea submersibles and underwater habitats already use this design to withstand the high pressures at great depths. These structures are designed to withstand the pressure by distributing it evenly across the multiple hulls, rather than having it concentrated on a single point.

The principle behind this design is based on Pascal's Law, which states that pressure applied to a confined fluid is transmitted equally in all directions. In the case of underwater structures, the fluid is the water outside the hulls, and the pressure is transmitted through the walls to the internal chambers.

So, in the example given, the 10 atm pressure would indeed apply to all internal chambers, but it would be distributed evenly across the structure. The distance between the chambers does not have a significant impact as long as the walls are strong enough to withstand the pressure.

However, there are limitations to this design. As you mentioned, not all materials can withstand high pressures, and there is a limit to how deep this type of structure can go. Additionally, the more chambers and walls there are, the more complex and expensive the structure becomes.

In conclusion, while multiple hulls and structures can be an effective way to manage underwater pressure, it is not a perfect solution and has its own limitations. As scientists, it is important for us to continue researching and developing new technologies and materials to push the boundaries of deep-sea exploration and underwater structures.

Related to Understanding Underwater Pressure: Exploring Multiple Hulls and Structures

1. How does the number of hulls affect underwater pressure?

The number of hulls can greatly affect underwater pressure. In general, the more hulls a vessel has, the less pressure it experiences. This is because the multiple hulls create more surface area, which helps to distribute the pressure more evenly. In contrast, a single hull will experience greater pressure due to the smaller surface area.

2. What is the difference between a monohull and a multihull vessel in terms of underwater pressure?

A monohull refers to a vessel with a single hull, while a multihull refers to a vessel with multiple hulls. In terms of underwater pressure, a multihull vessel will experience less pressure due to the increased surface area of the multiple hulls. This can be beneficial for navigating in deep waters or during extreme weather conditions.

3. How does the shape of a vessel's hull affect underwater pressure?

The shape of a vessel's hull can greatly impact underwater pressure. A round or curved hull will experience less pressure compared to a flat or angular hull. This is because a curved hull allows for a smoother flow of water, reducing the resistance and pressure on the vessel.

4. How can engineers design structures to withstand high underwater pressure?

Engineers use various methods to design structures that can withstand high underwater pressure. These can include using strong and durable materials such as steel or reinforced concrete, as well as incorporating geometric shapes and angles to distribute the pressure more evenly. The design and placement of support beams and columns can also play a crucial role in withstanding high underwater pressure.

5. What is the impact of underwater pressure on marine life?

Underwater pressure can have a significant impact on marine life. As pressure increases with depth, it can affect the physiology and behavior of marine animals. Some species have adapted to survive at certain depths, while others may experience negative impacts such as changes in their buoyancy or difficulty regulating their oxygen levels. Understanding underwater pressure is crucial for protecting and preserving marine life and their habitats.

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