Understanding Unitary Operator Evolution in Quantum Mechanics

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In summary: So the total number of kicks is N=8. ThanksThat's for kicking system. It is used for a kicking at time is t=3 and t=-3. For each kicking time, a potential sin(x) is applied. So the total number of kicks is N=8.
  • #1
Hi there,
I am reading a book in which the unitary evolution operator is
[tex]U = \exp(-i H/\hbar)[/tex]

where H is the given Hamiltonian. But in another book, I found that the evolution operator is general given as
[tex]U = \exp(-i \int H(t) dt / \hbar)[/tex]

which one is correct and why there are two expression? Thanks
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  • #2
The first expression has a typo, but it applies to time-independent Hamilton operators. It solves the operator equation for the time-evolution operator of states in the Schrödinger picture,
[tex]\frac{\mathrm{d} \hat{U}}{\mathrm{d} t}=-\frac{\mathrm{i}}{\hbar} \hat{H} \hat{U}.[/tex]
Since [itex]\hat{H}[/itex] is time-independent it trivially always commutes with itself at any instant of time, and you can formally integrate this equation as if you had a usual differential equation. Together with the initial condition [itex]\hat{U}(0)=1[/itex], you get
[tex]\hat{U}(t)=\exp \left (-\frac{\mathrm{i}}{\hbar} \hat{H} t \right).[/tex]
The second equation is usually not generally correct. It only holds, if [itex]\hat{H}(t)[/itex] commutes with [itex]\hat{H}(t')[/itex] for any two times [itex]t,t'[/itex]. The correct solution for the equation in this case is
[tex]\hat{U}(t)=\mathcal{T}_c \exp \left (-\frac{\mathrm{i}}{\hbar} \int_0^t \mathrm{d} t' \hat{H}(t') \right ),[/tex]
where [itex]\mathcal{T}_c[/itex] is the time-ordering operator. For a detailed explanation and derivation of the formula, see


page 16. Don't worry that this is a script on quantum-field theory. The first chapter is a summary of usual non-realtivistic quantum mechanics.
  • #3
Thanks vanhees. Suppose the Hamiltonian is somethings like [tex]H(t) = p^2/(2m) + \sin(x)[\delta(t-3) + \delta(t+3)][/tex]
where p is the momentum, x is the spatial variable, t is the time, so Hamiltonian is time-dependent so I should use the intergral form of evolution operator, right?

But in this case, how do I check H(t) and H(t') commutes or not? The delta function looks complicated to me.

vanhees71 said:
The first expression has a typo, but it applies to time-independent Hamilton operators. It solves the operator equation for the time-evolution operator of states in the Schrödinger picture,
[tex]\frac{\mathrm{d} \hat{U}}{\mathrm{d} t}=-\frac{\mathrm{i}}{\hbar} \hat{H} \hat{U}.[/tex]
Since [itex]\hat{H}[/itex] is time-independent it trivially always commutes with itself at any instant of time, and you can formally integrate this equation as if you had a usual differential equation. Together with the initial condition [itex]\hat{U}(0)=1[/itex], you get
[tex]\hat{U}(t)=\exp \left (-\frac{\mathrm{i}}{\hbar} \hat{H} t \right).[/tex]
The second equation is usually not generally correct. It only holds, if [itex]\hat{H}(t)[/itex] commutes with [itex]\hat{H}(t')[/itex] for any two times [itex]t,t'[/itex]. The correct solution for the equation in this case is
[tex]\hat{U}(t)=\mathcal{T}_c \exp \left (-\frac{\mathrm{i}}{\hbar} \int_0^t \mathrm{d} t' \hat{H}(t') \right ),[/tex]
where [itex]\mathcal{T}_c[/itex] is the time-ordering operator. For a detailed explanation and derivation of the formula, see


page 16. Don't worry that this is a script on quantum-field theory. The first chapter is a summary of usual non-realtivistic quantum mechanics.
  • #4
Where does such a strange Hamiltonian come from? What should it describe? It's pretty strange to say the least!
  • #5
vanhees71 said:
Where does such a strange Hamiltonian come from? What should it describe? It's pretty strange to say the least!

That's for kicking system. It is used for a kicking at time is t=3 and t=-3. For each kicking time, a potential sin(x) is applied

FAQ: Understanding Unitary Operator Evolution in Quantum Mechanics

1. What is a unitary operator?

A unitary operator is a type of linear transformation in mathematics and physics that preserves the inner product of vectors. In other words, it is a mapping that maintains the length and angle of vectors in a vector space. In quantum mechanics, unitary operators are used to represent time evolution and transformations between different quantum states.

2. How is a unitary operator different from other types of operators?

A unitary operator is different from other types of operators, such as Hermitian or anti-Hermitian operators, because it has the special property of preserving the inner product of vectors. This means that the transformation does not change the length or angle of vectors in a vector space, which is a desirable property in many mathematical and physical applications.

3. What are some examples of unitary operators?

Some common examples of unitary operators include rotations, reflections, and translations in Euclidean space. In quantum mechanics, the Pauli matrices and the Hadamard gate are also examples of unitary operators. In general, any transformation that preserves the length and angle of vectors in a vector space can be considered a unitary operator.

4. How are unitary operators used in quantum computing?

In quantum computing, unitary operators are used to represent quantum gates, which are the basic building blocks of quantum circuits. These gates perform specific operations on quantum bits (qubits) and their states, such as rotations, flips, and entanglement. Unitary operators are also used to represent time evolution in quantum systems, allowing for simulations and calculations of quantum processes.

5. What is the importance of unitary operators in physics and mathematics?

Unitary operators play a crucial role in many areas of physics and mathematics, particularly in quantum mechanics and linear algebra. They help to describe and understand the behavior of systems and transformations while preserving important properties such as energy and probability. In addition, the use of unitary operators allows for efficient and accurate calculations in various fields, including quantum computing, signal processing, and quantum field theory.

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