Understanding Virtual Particles: Speed and Rest Mass

In summary, the conversation discusses the existence and nature of virtual particles. The participants argue over whether virtual particles actually exist or are simply a mathematical concept used in perturbation series in QFT. The concept of a virtual particle is defined as a line drawn on paper to aid in calculations. The conversation also touches on the ability to derive certain effects, such as the Casimir effect, without the use of virtual particles. It is concluded that virtual particles do not contradict the Casimir effect and their existence is still a topic of debate.
  • #1
Do virtual particles travel at the speed of light, or do they have 'virtual rest mass'?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #5
Virtual particles don't move; they are drawn only.

Their positions are bound variables in an integral ranging over Minkowski space.

To ask about the speed of a virtual particle is therefore like asking for the speed of a point in the graph of a curve enclosing an area that you want to compute by integration.
  • #6
Michael Price said:
What about the photon propagator?
Well, as you can see: ##\frac{-\eta_{\mu\nu}}{k^2+i\varepsilon}## - it's standing still - in the rest frame of this page of course:oldbiggrin:
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  • #7
So let's recap: we've been told that virtual particles:
1) don't exist - or perhaps they do
2) don't move - or perhaps they've stationary

Virtual particles have endpoints in configuration space, so of course they can have defined velocities.
  • #8
Michael Price said:
So let's recap: we've been told that virtual particles:
1) don't exist - or perhaps they do
2) don't move - or perhaps they've stationary

Virtual particles have endpoints in configuration space, so of course they can have defined velocities.
How do you define the velocity of a straight line segment?
  • #10
Michael Price said:
BTW, I read those links when you posted them on another thread, and wasn't convinced. Full of circular reasoning, and never gave an operational meaning of "exist".
I defined exist = having a state, which is necessary to talk about probabilities of observation.

What is your operational meaning of the word?
  • #11
A. Neumaier said:
I defined exist = having a state, which is necessary to talk about probabilities of observation.

What is your operational meaning of the word?
Having a measurable effect. Virtual particles mediate forces (which we can measure) and other stuff (which we can also measure).
  • #12
Michael Price said:
don't exist - or perhaps they do

When I said that they don't exist I meant that they don't exist the way real particles do - everything is explained in the insight articles.

Michael Price said:
BTW, I read those links when you posted them on another thread, and wasn't convinced.

Wasn't convinced of what? "Virtual particle" is a name for a certain line you draw on a paper when you want to do some calculation. That's what all textbooks on QFT I have seen say. The only books that give them any realness are pop-science books. Have you ever done any calculation using Feynman diagrams? Have you drawn any Feynman diagram? If you did, at what velocity did the internal line you draw on your paper move?

Michael Price said:
Virtual particles have endpoints in configuration space

you integrate all that out.
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  • #13
weirdoguy said:
When I said that they don't exist I meant that they don't exist the way real particles do - everything is explained in the insight articles.
Wasn't convinced of what? "Virtual particle" is a name for a certain line you draw on a paper when you want to do some calculation. That's what all textbooks on QFT I have seen say. The only books that give them any realness are pop-science books. Have you ever done any calculation using Feynman diagrams? Have you drawn any Feynman diagram? If you did, at what velocity did the internal line you draw on your paper move?
you integrate all that out.
Yes, you can integrate them out, but you don't have to.
PS ad hominems ignored.
  • #14
Michael Price said:
Virtual particles mediate forces (which we can measure) and other stuff (which we can also measure).

Virtual particles appear only in perturbative methods and it's only a name physicists gave to certain part of the mathematical expressions. You seem to be stuck on a pop-science view of them. And as I said in other thread, you can derive Casimir effect without virtual particles.

Michael Price said:
PS ad hominems ignored.

Um, what? There is no ad hominem. You simply don't accept the very definition of a virtual particle that physicists use.
  • #15
weirdoguy said:
Virtual particles appear only in perturbative methods and it's only a name physicists gave to certain part of the mathematical expressions. You seem to be stuck on a pop-science view of them. And as I said in other thread, you can derive Casimir effect without virtual particles.
Lots of effects in physics have multiple explanations or valid models. One valid model does not invalidate another.
  • #16
That does not mean that every single part of the model correspond to reality. Expecially when it contradicts the definition of that part. And the definition of virtual particles is as straightforward as it could be.
  • #17
weirdoguy said:
That does not mean that every single part of the model correspond to reality. Expecially when it contradicts the definition of that part. And the definition of virtual particles is as straightforward as it could be.
Unless virtual particles contradict the Casimir effect - which would be an amazing claim - then this is irrelevant, incorrect or confused.
  • #18
Michael Price said:
Unless virtual particles contradict

Your view of them contradicts their definition. And also it contradicts the consensus among physicists (probably that's why your last thread was closed), and contradicts what most textbooks on quantum field theory say. Student Friendly Quantum Field Theory by Klauber has even one whole chapter (chapter 10) discussing related issues.
  • #19
weirdoguy said:
Your view of them contradicts their definition. And also it contradicts the consensus among physicists (probably that's why your last thread was closed), and contradicts what most textbooks on quantum field theory say. Student Friendly Quantum Field Theory by Klauber has even one whole chapter (chapter 10) discussing related issues.
From the truncation I gather that you accept that virtual particles do not contradict the Casimir effect. If so, then we are only disputing what "exist" means. Which is not subject to operational resolution.
  • #20
Michael Price said:
Having a measurable effect. Virtual particles mediate forces (which we can measure) and other stuff (which we can also measure).
But only on paper. In this sense, the exponential function also exists since it is ubiqitous in the derivation of measurable effects.
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  • #21
B and I threads on this topic are always difficult. It is possible to use English language words like “position” and “mass”, but doing so is terribly misleading to an audience that hasn’t seen the actual mathematical treatment - and that requires an A-level understanding.

Statements like
Virtual particles have endpoints in configuration space, so of course they can have defined velocities
can be justified under a suitably abstract definition of velocity... but it’s pedagogical malpractice to toss them into this discussion.

This thread is closed, as the responses in post 2 and 3 of this thread are reasonable. @Ranku, you should feel free to start new threads with follow up questions after you’ve been through those links.

(As with all thread closures, the thread can be reopened if necessary to allow further constructive discussion. PM me or any other mentor)

Related to Understanding Virtual Particles: Speed and Rest Mass

1. What are virtual particles?

Virtual particles are particles that are not directly observable, but are predicted by quantum field theory to exist in the vacuum of space. They are constantly popping in and out of existence and can interact with other particles, affecting their behavior.

2. How do virtual particles move?

Virtual particles do not have a defined trajectory or path like regular particles. They move in a probabilistic manner, meaning their position and velocity cannot be precisely determined. They can also appear and disappear in a matter of moments.

3. Can virtual particles be detected?

No, virtual particles cannot be directly detected or measured. They are only inferred through their effects on other particles and the vacuum energy of space.

4. How do virtual particles contribute to the universe?

Virtual particles play a crucial role in the universe by mediating the fundamental forces of nature, such as gravity and electromagnetism. They also contribute to the vacuum energy and can influence the behavior of particles in quantum systems.

5. Are virtual particles real?

Virtual particles are considered to be real in the context of quantum field theory. They have measurable effects and are an integral part of our current understanding of the universe. However, they do not have the same properties as regular particles and cannot be directly observed.

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