Understanding Waveguides: Basics and Operation of TE Modes

In summary, a waveguide is a conduit for EM waves and can be classified by its shape (parallel plate, circular, or rectangular) and mode (TE, TM, TEM). The speed of propagation is limited by skin effect, which causes higher resistance at higher frequencies. The figures in subscript for TE mode indicate the particular mode, and boundary conditions play a role in determining the behavior of EM waves within the waveguide.
  • #1

Homework Statement

OK, so, a compounding of my knowledge so far.
- A waveguide is a conduit for EM waves.
- They can be parallel plate (infinite), circular, or as I'm looking at - rectangular.
- Speed of propogation is limited by skin effect - the higher freq, the thinner the skin & so higher resistance . . . . .
- they are classified in terms of mode (TE, TM, TEM)
- the modes have different operating conditions (TE10, etc.)

Homework Equations

Stupid questions I should know regarding TE mode;
- do the EM waves travel through the media inside the guide(i.e. air) or do they travel in the wall of the guide?
- in TE mode what do the figures in sbbscript indicate (m & n, I understand as in TEmn)
- EM waves travel in, say, z-direction. Electric field (transverse, i.e. at 90degrees) to EM propogation, but magnitude of E is less at sides than centre. Why? Is this the infamous boundary conditions? B 1 ⊥ -B 2 ⊥ =0
Just basics, but I need clarification. Thanks.
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  • #2
Roodles01 said:
- Speed of propogation is limited by skin effect - the higher freq, the thinner the skin & so higher resistance . . . . .
Resistance does not determine group velocity. At frequencies well above cutoff, the group velocity vg is determined by the dielectric constant inside the guide, while close to cutoff vg becomes frequency dependent. This is termed "dispersion."
Roodles01 said:

Homework Equations

Stupid questions I should know regarding TE mode;
- do the EM waves travel through the media inside the guide(i.e. air) or do they travel in the wall of the guide?
- in TE mode what do the figures in sbbscript indicate (m & n, I understand as in TEmn)
- EM waves travel in, say, z-direction. Electric field (transverse, i.e. at 90degrees) to EM propogation, but magnitude of E is less at sides than centre. Why? Is this the infamous boundary conditions? B 1 ⊥ -B 2 ⊥ =0
1. Both--they travel within the waveguide system. The wave propagates in the dielectric while the metal "guide" confines and directs the fields.
2. The subscripts denote the particular mode. In a rectangular guide, the first refers to the x mode and the second to y.
3. Boundary conditions impose constraints on the fields at the guide surface. You are referring to the configuration of the characteristic mode, or eigenmode, of a wave between two plates. The characteristic functions are sines, and the mode index gives the number of half cycles present between the walls.

FAQ: Understanding Waveguides: Basics and Operation of TE Modes

1. What is a waveguide?

A waveguide is a physical structure that is used to guide and direct electromagnetic waves, such as radio waves, microwaves, and light, along a specific path. It is typically made of metal, plastic, or dielectric material and has a specific shape and size to allow the propagation of waves within it.

2. How does a waveguide work?

A waveguide works by confining and directing electromagnetic waves along a specific path. The walls of the waveguide reflect and guide the waves, ensuring that they travel along the desired path without significant loss or interference.

3. What are the benefits of using a waveguide?

Using a waveguide has several benefits, including low loss of signal, high power handling capacity, and low interference. It also allows for the propagation of a single mode, which can be advantageous in certain applications.

4. What are the different types of waveguides?

There are several types of waveguides, including rectangular, circular, and elliptical. Rectangular waveguides are the most commonly used and have a rectangular cross-sectional shape. Circular waveguides have a circular cross-section and are used for applications that require high power handling. Elliptical waveguides are used for specific applications that require a specific polarization of the waves.

5. What are the applications of waveguides?

Waveguides have a wide range of applications, including in communication systems, radar systems, satellite communications, microwave ovens, and medical equipment. They are also used in scientific research, such as in particle accelerators and telescopes.
