Unified Field Theory - Consciousness

In summary, the paper by Juan Miguel Marin discusses the controversy surrounding the possible incorporation of mysticism into quantum mechanics. It is argued that this is necessary in order to solve the field unification problem, and that the mainstream scientific community should be more open to this idea.
  • #1
"Mysticism in Quantum Mechanics": the forgotten controversy by Juan Miguel Marin, Harvard, Eur. J. Phys. 30 (2009) 807 - 822. How's that Mr. Mentor? Or are you going to censor this post also? Small-minded world physicists, like the 'flatlander-earth-centric' astronomers of old better take their blinders off regarding the missing piece of 'consciousness' in any true unified field theory before some young, out-of-the-box thinking, doctorate candidate turns your/our world upside down. Open your mind and stop with the circular argument that all posts have to be based on 'mainstream' science to be worthy of this board. It's common knowledge that all major scientific breakthroughs have happened this way. You are just holding your finger in the dike. Sorry, but true.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
StevenGuy said:
"Mysticism in Quantum Mechanics": the forgotten controversy by Juan Miguel Marin, Harvard, Eur. J. Phys. 30 (2009) 807 - 822. How's that Mr. Mentor? Or are you going to censor this post also? Small-minded world physicists, like the 'flatlander-earth-centric' astronomers of old better take their blinders off regarding the missing piece of 'consciousness' in any true unified field theory before some young, out-of-the-box thinking, doctorate candidate turns your/our world upside down. Open your mind and stop with the circular argument that all posts have to be based on 'mainstream' science to be worthy of this board. It's common knowledge that all major scientific breakthroughs have happened this way. You are just holding your finger in the dike. Sorry, but true.

Please note that you are claiming that such a thing can be incorporated to solve such "unified field theory"! Where in that paper is there such a claim?! This is similar to a creationist citing Thermo's law (a perfectly valid idea) to back up claim that evolution violates such laws!

There is a difference between claiming "mysticism" in QM (still highly dubious by itself) to making a jump that it can address field unification. THAT is the peer-reviewed connection that I asked for!

  • #3
StevenGuy said:
"Mysticism in Quantum Mechanics": the forgotten controversy by Juan Miguel Marin, Harvard, Eur. J. Phys. 30 (2009) 807 - 822. How's that Mr. Mentor? Or are you going to censor this post also? Small-minded world physicists, like the 'flatlander-earth-centric' astronomers of old better take their blinders off regarding the missing piece of 'consciousness' in any true unified field theory before some young, out-of-the-box thinking, doctorate candidate turns your/our world upside down. Open your mind and stop with the circular argument that all posts have to be based on 'mainstream' science to be worthy of this board. It's common knowledge that all major scientific breakthroughs have happened this way. You are just holding your finger in the dike. Sorry, but true.
Did you actually read the paper itself or just jump on the word "Mysticism" in the title? The paper itself is nothing like you seem to think.

And as for "worthy of this board", it has nothing to do with "worth". The person who pays to have this board on the internet (thank you, by the way) can put on or delete whatever he wants!
  • #4
StevenGuy said:
"Mysticism in Quantum Mechanics": the forgotten controversy by Juan Miguel Marin, Harvard, Eur. J. Phys. 30 (2009) 807 - 822. How's that Mr. Mentor? Or are you going to censor this post also? Small-minded world physicists, like the 'flatlander-earth-centric' astronomers of old better take their blinders off regarding the missing piece of 'consciousness' in any true unified field theory before some young, out-of-the-box thinking, doctorate candidate turns your/our world upside down. Open your mind and stop with the circular argument that all posts have to be based on 'mainstream' science to be worthy of this board. It's common knowledge that all major scientific breakthroughs have happened this way. You are just holding your finger in the dike. Sorry, but true.

Do you honestly think arguing with the moderators and calling them names is going to help?
  • #5
StevenGuy said:
"Mysticism in Quantum Mechanics": the forgotten controversy by Juan Miguel Marin, Harvard, Eur. J. Phys. 30 (2009) 807 - 822. How's that Mr. Mentor? Or are you going to censor this post also? Small-minded world physicists, like the 'flatlander-earth-centric' astronomers of old better take their blinders off regarding the missing piece of 'consciousness' in any true unified field theory before some young, out-of-the-box thinking, doctorate candidate turns your/our world upside down. Open your mind and stop with the circular argument that all posts have to be based on 'mainstream' science to be worthy of this board. It's common knowledge that all major scientific breakthroughs have happened this way. You are just holding your finger in the dike. Sorry, but true.

This is not a board oriented to discussion of fads in physics. It is intended to educate people on established mainstream science. And what you call "circular" is actually a very demanding process that culls out most useless speculation.

As to where the next big thing is coming from... how would you know any more than anyone else? Most breakthroughs come from years of hard work, and generally not from idle speculation.

If you have something useful to say, say it and skip the impolite editorial comments. Posting a reference alone is fairly worthless given the number of papers published daily.

FAQ: Unified Field Theory - Consciousness

What is Unified Field Theory?

Unified Field Theory, also known as the Theory of Everything, is a theoretical framework in physics that aims to explain all physical forces and particles in the universe within a single mathematical framework.

What is the role of consciousness in Unified Field Theory?

In Unified Field Theory, consciousness is considered to be a fundamental aspect of the universe, similar to the four fundamental forces (gravity, electromagnetism, strong and weak nuclear forces). It is believed that consciousness arises from the unified field and is responsible for creating and shaping the physical world.

How is consciousness scientifically defined in Unified Field Theory?

Consciousness is defined as the underlying, all-pervading field of intelligence that connects and governs all aspects of the universe. It is considered to be the source of all knowledge, creativity, and intelligence in the universe.

What evidence supports the existence of a unified field and its connection to consciousness?

While there is currently no direct experimental evidence for the existence of a unified field, there have been many theoretical and mathematical models that support its existence. Additionally, studies in quantum mechanics and neuroscience have provided insights into the connection between consciousness and the underlying unified field.

What are the potential implications of understanding Unified Field Theory and consciousness?

If Unified Field Theory is proven to be true and our understanding of consciousness deepens, it could have significant implications for our understanding of the universe and ourselves. It could potentially lead to advancements in fields such as quantum computing, artificial intelligence, and even spirituality and human potential.
