Uniform Continuity and Cauchy Sequences

In summary: I'm not sure.In summary, the two conditions mentioned in the conversation are equivalent if and only if the function is uniformly continuous on the set. Additionally, if the function is extended to a continuous function on the closure of the set, then it is always uniformly continuous.
  • #1

I've been attempting to do these problems from my textbook:

1. Suppose that \(\displaystyle f\) is a continuous function on a bounded set \(\displaystyle S\). Prove that the
following two conditions are equivalent:
(a) The function \(\displaystyle f\) is uniformly continuous on \(\displaystyle S\).
(b) It is possible to extend \(\displaystyle f\) to a continuous function on the set \(\displaystyle S\).

2. Let \(\displaystyle f:[0, \infty)\to\Bbb{R}\) be defined by \(\displaystyle f(x) = \sqrt{x}.\) Prove that \(\displaystyle f\) is uniformly continuous on \(\displaystyle [0, \infty)\)

For #1, I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I know the definition of uniform continuity but I just don't know how to go about using it for this.

For #2, I did some extra scratch work and what I did was:
\(\displaystyle \left| f(t)-f(x) \right| = \left| \sqrt{t}-\sqrt{x} \right| \le {\left| \sqrt{t}-\sqrt{x} \right|}^{2} \le \left| \sqrt{t}-\sqrt{x} \right|\left| \sqrt{t}+\sqrt{x} \right| = \left| t-x \right|<\delta\) but now I don't know what to let my \(\displaystyle \delta\) be so that it works out.
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  • #2
Enzipino said:
1. Suppose that \(\displaystyle f\) is a continuous function on a bounded set \(\displaystyle S\). Prove that the following two conditions are equivalent:
(a) The function \(\displaystyle f\) is uniformly continuous on \(\displaystyle S\).
(b) It is possible to extend \(\displaystyle f\) to a continuous function on the set \(\displaystyle S\).
Hi Enzipino and welcome to MHB!

I think there must be something missing from condition (b). If $f$ is already defined on $S$, you don't need any extension to define it on $S$! I suspect that (b) should say
(b) It is possible to extend \(\displaystyle f\) to a continuous function on the closure $\overline{S}$ of \(\displaystyle S\).​
Given that revised form of (b), it is then easy to see that (a) follows. In fact, $\overline{S}$ is compact (in other words, closed and bounded), and a continuous function on a compact set is always uniformly continuous.

To go from (a) to the revised (b), use the fact that a uniformly continuous function takes Cauchy sequences to Cauchy sequences. Then, given $x \in \overline{S},$ there exists a sequence $\{x_n\}$ in $S$ with $x_n\to x$ as $n\to\infty$. Deduce that $\{f(x_n)\}$ is a Cauchy sequence and must therefore be convergent. Define $f(x)$ to be the limit of that sequence.

Enzipino said:
2. Let \(\displaystyle f:[0, \infty)\to\Bbb{R}\) be defined by \(\displaystyle f(x) = \sqrt{x}.\) Prove that \(\displaystyle f\) is uniformly continuous on \(\displaystyle [0, \infty)\)
The easiest way to do this is to split the interval $[0, \infty)$ into two pieces, $[0,1]$ and $[1, \infty)$. Show that $f$ is uniformly continuous on each of these (for different reasons!).
  • #3
Enzipino said:
\(\displaystyle \left| f(t)-f(x) \right| = \left| \sqrt{t}-\sqrt{x} \right| \le {\left| \sqrt{t}-\sqrt{x} \right|}^{2}\)
The last inequality does not necessarily hold.

Another way to prove statement 2 is the following.

Let $n$ be a positive integer and $p,q$ positive real numbers. Then $p^n+q^n\le (p+q)^n$. Substituting $p=x^{1/n}$ and $q=(y-x)^{1/n}$ where $0\le x\le y$, we get
&y=x+(y-x)\le \left(x^{1/n}+(y-x)^{1/n}\right)^n\\
&\implies y^{1/n}\le x^{1/n}+(y-x)^{1/n}&&\text{raising both sides to }1/n\\
&\implies\quad0\le y^{1/n}-x^{1/n}\le (y-x)^{1/n}
  • #4
Opalg said:
Hi Enzipino and welcome to MHB!

I think there must be something missing from condition (b). If $f$ is already defined on $S$, you don't need any extension to define it on $S$! I suspect that (b) should say
(b) It is possible to extend \(\displaystyle f\) to a continuous function on the closure $\overline{S}$ of \(\displaystyle S\).​
Given that revised form of (b), it is then easy to see that (a) follows. In fact, $\overline{S}$ is compact (in other words, closed and bounded), and a continuous function on a compact set is always uniformly continuous.

To go from (a) to the revised (b), use the fact that a uniformly continuous function takes Cauchy sequences to Cauchy sequences. Then, given $x \in \overline{S},$ there exists a sequence $\{x_n\}$ in $S$ with $x_n\to x$ as $n\to\infty$. Deduce that $\{f(x_n)\}$ is a Cauchy sequence and must therefore be convergent. Define $f(x)$ to be the limit of that sequence.

Ah yes, I apologize. It is $\overline{S}$. Thank you very much for the hint! I don't recall covering Cauchy Sequences in my intro class so I will have to read up on it but I do see where I can go with it now.
  • #5
I was just looking through my textbook to brush up on Cauchy sequences since I was planning on using it for this problem but my book utterly leaves it out. But I did come across this Theorem:
Suppose that \(\displaystyle f\) is a function and \(\displaystyle f:S\to\Bbb{R}\). If \(\displaystyle f\) is uniformly continuous on \(\displaystyle S\) then, given any two sequences \(\displaystyle ({x}_{n})\) and \(\displaystyle ({t}_{n})\) in $S$ such that ${t}_{n}-{x}_{n}\to 0$ as $n\to \infty$, we have $f({t}_{n})-f({x}_{n})\to 0$ as $n\to \infty$

Could I use this instead of a Cauchy Sequence? Or use it alongside Cauchy sequences?
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  • #6
Enzipino said:
I was just looking through my textbook to brush up on Cauchy sequences since I was planning on using it for this problem but my book utterly leaves it out. But I did come across this Theorem:
Suppose that \(\displaystyle f\) is a function and \(\displaystyle f:S\to\Bbb{R}\). If \(\displaystyle f\) is uniformly continuous on \(\displaystyle S\) then, given any two sequences \(\displaystyle ({x}_{n})\) and \(\displaystyle ({t}_{n})\) in $S$ such that ${t}_{n}-{x}_{n}\to 0$ as $n\to \infty$, we have $f({t}_{n})-f({x}_{n})\to 0$ as $n\to \infty$

Could I use this instead of a Cauchy Sequence? Or use it alongside Cauchy sequences?
That Theorem is needed in my approach to the problem, to show that the extension of $f$ to $\overline S$ is well-defined. In other words, if you take two different sequences $\{x_n\}$ and $\{t_n\}$ converging to the same point $x\in\overline S$ then $\lim_{n\to\infty}\{f(x_n)\} = \lim_{n\to\infty}\{f(t_n)\}$.

But you still need a result about Cauchy sequences in order to deduce that those limits exist at all.
  • #7
Enzipino said:
2. Let \(\displaystyle f:[0, \infty)\to\Bbb{R}\) be defined by \(\displaystyle f(x) = \sqrt{x}.\) Prove that \(\displaystyle f\) is uniformly continuous on \(\displaystyle [0, \infty)\)

Following Opalg's hint, you have \(\displaystyle [0,1]\) is a compact set and \(\displaystyle f\) is clearly continuous on \(\displaystyle [0,1].\) Does that ring any bell?

Besides, proving uniform continuity on \(\displaystyle [1,\infty)\) follows easily by definition.
  • #8
Opalg said:
That Theorem is needed in my approach to the problem, to show that the extension of $f$ to $\overline S$ is well-defined. In other words, if you take two different sequences $\{x_n\}$ and $\{t_n\}$ converging to the same point $x\in\overline S$ then $\lim_{n\to\infty}\{f(x_n)\} = \lim_{n\to\infty}\{f(t_n)\}$.

But you still need a result about Cauchy sequences in order to deduce that those limits exist at all.

So I was pulling my hair out at Barnes and Noble doing this problem because I was completely unsure if I could just use Cauchy Sequences to prove this problem since my textbook is mean and likes to not name certain things. I decided to go back and look at some of the previous problems in the book and whadda you know, I found these two example problems:

a) Prove that if $f$ is uniformly continuous on a set $S$ and $\{x_n\}$ is a convergent sequence in $S$, then the sequence $(f({x}_{n}))$ is also convergent. (AKA the Cauchy Sequence)​

b) Suppose that $f$ is uniformly continuous on a set $S$, that $x$ is a real number and that $\{x_n\}$ and $\{t_n\}$ are sequences in S that converge to the number $x$. Prove that $\lim_{n\to\infty}\{f(x_n)\} = \lim_{n\to\infty}\{f(t_n)\}$ (AKA the freaking result that I needed).​

Of course, knowing my professor in order for me to use this, I have to first prove it but that doesn't seem to hard because if I can prove the first one then the second one pretty much follows and then with that I can just do:

Suppose $\{x_n\}$,$\{t_n\}$$\in S$ such that ${x}_{n}-{t}_{n}\to0$ and let $\varepsilon>0$. From the theorem I posted before, we have that $f({x}_{n})-f({t}_{n})\to0$ as $n\to\infty$. Now, let $x\in\overline S$ and suppose $\{x_n\}$,$\{t_n\}$ both converge to $x$. By (a), their functions must also be convergent to $f(x)$. Then by (b), $\lim_{n\to\infty}f(x_n) = \lim_{n\to\infty}f(t_n)$.​

P.S. I really appreciate all the help Opalg.
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FAQ: Uniform Continuity and Cauchy Sequences

What is uniform continuity?

Uniform continuity is a mathematical concept used to describe the behavior of a function over a given interval. A function is said to be uniformly continuous if it maintains a constant rate of change over that interval.

How is uniform continuity different from regular continuity?

Uniform continuity is a stronger condition than regular continuity. While regular continuity only requires that a function is continuous at each point, uniform continuity requires that the function is continuous over the entire interval.

What is the importance of uniform continuity?

Uniform continuity is important because it helps us to better understand the behavior of functions over a given interval. It also allows us to make predictions and draw conclusions about the function's behavior without having to analyze every single point.

What are some common examples of uniformly continuous functions?

Some common examples of uniformly continuous functions include polynomials, trigonometric functions, and exponential functions. These functions maintain a constant rate of change over their entire domain, making them uniformly continuous.

How can we prove that a function is uniformly continuous?

There are several methods for proving that a function is uniformly continuous. One approach is to use the definition of uniform continuity, which involves showing that for any given epsilon value, there exists a delta value such that the distance between the output values of two points within that delta is less than epsilon. Another approach is to use the Mean Value Theorem or the Intermediate Value Theorem to prove uniform continuity.

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