Uniform Continuity of functions

  • #1
Bling Fizikst
Homework Statement
Relevant Equations
Discuss uniform continuity of the following functions:
##\tan x## in ##[0,\frac{\pi}{2})##
##\frac{1}{x}\sin^2 x## in ##(0,\pi]##
##\frac{1}{x-3}## in ##(0,3),(4,\infty),(3,\infty)##

I am completely new to this uniform continuity and couldn't find a lot of examples to learn the solving pattern .
For the first problem , i tried to use the definition ,
for ##x,y## in the given interval , ##|x-y|<\delta\implies |\tan x-\tan y|=\frac{|\sin(x-y)|}{|\cos x\cos y|}\leq \frac{1}{|\cos x\cos y|}##
Just stuck in this and the other problems .
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
If you are stuck trying to show uniform continuity of the function, try to show that the function is NOT uniformly continuous.
  • #3
Continuity is a local phenomenon. It always means continuous at a point ##x_0.## The usual definition is that for every ##\varepsilon >0## there is a ##\delta >0## such that ##|f(x)-f(x_0)|<\varepsilon## whenever ##|x-x_0|<\delta.##

If you look closer to that definition, then you will find out that ##x_0## is chosen prior to ##\delta## as is ##\varepsilon.## This means that it actually should have been written as:
\forall\;\varepsilon>0 \;\;\exists \;\delta(x_0,\varepsilon) \, : \, |x-x_0|<\delta(x_0,\varepsilon) \Longrightarrow |f(x)-f(x_0)|<\varepsilon\;.
The difference is, that I noted that ##\delta=\delta(x_0,\varepsilon)## depends on location ##x_0## as well as on the margin ##\varepsilon.## We only say ##x\to f(x)## is continuous without mentioning the location if ##f## is continuous for all ##x_0## in the domain of ##f.## But ##\delta## may depend on the various locations ##x_0.##

A third definition is uniform continuity. It simply expresses the fact that we can chose ##\delta = \delta(\varepsilon) ## without using the location ##x_0.## We have
\forall\;\varepsilon>0 \;\;\exists \;\delta(\varepsilon) \, : \, |x-x_0|<\delta(\varepsilon) \Longrightarrow |f(x)-f(x_0)|<\varepsilon\;.
for any two ##x,x_0## in the domain of ##f.##

The question in the exercise is thus: Can ##\delta## be chosen independently from the location ##x_0##? Can we choose ##\delta=\delta(\varepsilon)## only depending on our choice of the margin ##\varepsilon## anywhere in the domain or not?

The typical example is ##f(x)=\dfrac{1}{x}## on ##(0,1].## It is continuous but not uniformly continuous because our ##\delta## would be
\delta=\delta(x_0,\varepsilon)= \min\left\{\dfrac{x_0}{2}\, , \,\dfrac{x_0^2\varepsilon}{2}\right\}
$$\left|f(x)-f(x_0)\right|=\left|\dfrac{1}{x}-\dfrac{1}{x_0}\right|=\left|\dfrac{x-x_0}{xx_0}\right|\leq \dfrac{2\left|x-x_0\right|}{x_0^2}<\dfrac{2\delta}{x_0^2}<\varepsilon\;.$$
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