Uniform Convergence of f_n(x): Explained

  • Thread starter littleHilbert
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In summary, the sequence f_n(x) does not converge uniformly on the whole of \mathbb{R}. There is a point where it reaches a maximum, but it's not at x=1/n.
  • #1
Uniform convergence

I've got a short question to an example.
I should check the following sequence for uniform convergence on the whole of [itex]\mathbb{R}[/itex]:
It says that the conevergence is nonuniform, because:
Obviously they put [itex]x=1/n[/itex]. I cannot see why this is true.
I tried to differentiate the given function sequence and see, wether the derivative can become zero or not, i.e. I look for maximum values, but the derivative term gets difficult to manage in the end.
How can I make it clear to myself that the above inequality holds?
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  • #2
Hello little Hilbert,

littleHilbert said:
evergence is nonuniform, because:
Obviously they put [itex]x=1/n[/itex]. I cannot see why this is true.

Are you sure that the inequality shouldn't read something like:

[itex]sup_{\mathbb{R}}|\frac{nx(7+sin(nx))}{4+n^2x^2}|\leq{\frac{7+sin1}{5}[/itex] ?

You need to find a supremum to show that the series of functions converges uniformly on R.

Obviously the sinus term can be 1 at max. And after canceling nx you will have the given numerator already. Can you go from there and find the denominator?


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  • #3
No, the greater-equals-sign is correct.
Estimatation from above is:
[itex]|\frac{nx(7+sin(nx))}{4+n^2x^2}|\le{\frac{8n|x|}{4+n^2x^2}[/itex], because [itex]|sin(nx)|\le{1}[/itex]...but it leads me to nowhere because I need a majorant independent of x.
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  • #4
My bad, I thought you'd have to show that it does converge uniformly, sorry. :rolleyes:
  • #5
[itex]|\frac{nx(7+sin(nx))}{4+n^2x^2}|\le{\frac{8n|x|}{4 +n^2x^2}\le{\frac{8n|x|}{n^2x^2}\le{\frac{8}{nx} [/itex]

and therefore f(x) is maximal for x = 1/n . You must now proove that

lim(n->infinity) [ sup (|fn(x)-f(x)|)] > 0

So : lim(n->infinity) [|8/(nx) - 8|] = 8 > 0

Now you need to write this properly but the main ideas are there. My experiences with analysis have teached me that you cannot be rigourous enough so if anyone sees a flaw in my reasoning, don't hesitate to rectify my monstrosities.
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  • #6
The maximum of f(x) is not at x=1/n. It's probably at someplace gross. Fortunately we don't need to know where it is.

Every place you see an "n" in your function f_n(x), there's an "x" living next to it, you can think of it as a function of "nx". So if you set x=1/n the result will be entirely devoid of x and n, it's just a convenient place to evaluate f at that gives a constant. You could have taken x=2/n, or pi/n, etc.

So we know for any n,


Hence for any n we have


since f_n(x) takes on a value larger than 1.
  • #7
Taking x = 2/n or pi/n does not bound 8/(nx) maximaly but work just fine too given the fact that you must disprove the unif.conv. The use of x = 1/n seems to be forced by the " sup " part of the equation. Nevertheless, I seem to be using a slightly different theorem than you ( even if they are equiavlent) and I thank you for bringing to my attention an easier way to investigate such interesting matter.
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  • #8
Gagle The Terrible said:
Taking x = 2/n or pi/n does not bound 8/(nx) maximaly but work just fine too given the fact that you must disprove the unif.conv.

Nor would x=1/n. But making 8/(nx) large won't help an upper bound.

All you've shown is there that f_n(1/n)<8. Bounding one point of the function from above does not tell you anything at all about the sup over the reals. (again I'll points out that the maximum of f_n(x) does not occur at x=1/n, and again that we don't even care)

You want to bound the sup from below in any case. For that it's enough to have a sequence of points where [tex]f_n(x_n)[/tex] is bounded away from zero, i.e. they are all >=k for some fixed k>0.

FAQ: Uniform Convergence of f_n(x): Explained

What is uniform convergence?

Uniform convergence is a property of a sequence of functions, where the functions in the sequence converge to a single function at the same rate over the entire domain. In other words, the convergence is not only pointwise, but is also uniform across the entire domain.

How is uniform convergence different from pointwise convergence?

Pointwise convergence only requires that for each point in the domain, the sequence of functions converges to the same limit. However, it does not guarantee that the convergence is uniform across the entire domain. On the other hand, uniform convergence guarantees that the convergence is uniform over the entire domain.

Why is uniform convergence important?

Uniform convergence is important because it ensures that the limit function is continuous over the entire domain. This is especially useful in applications where continuity is necessary, such as in numerical analysis and optimization problems.

How is uniform convergence related to the Weierstrass M-test?

The Weierstrass M-test is a criterion for determining whether a series of functions converges uniformly. If the series of functions satisfies the conditions of the M-test, then it can be concluded that the series converges uniformly. Therefore, the M-test can be used to prove uniform convergence.

Can a sequence of functions converge pointwise but not uniformly?

Yes, a sequence of functions can converge pointwise but not uniformly. This can happen when the rate of convergence varies across the domain. In other words, the functions in the sequence may converge to the limit function at different rates at different points in the domain, making the convergence not uniform.

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