Unifying GR and QM - Reasons for Believing in Unity

  • Thread starter HAL9000
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    Gr Qm
In summary, the motivation for looking for a unified theory of quantum gravity is rooted in the desire for a complete understanding of reality and the potential for new technologies. While both theories have been successful in their own right, there are instances where they are both relevant and cannot accurately describe the system. This has led to the search for a unified theory that can incorporate both GR and QM. There are also claims that quantum gravity effects can be observed in the fluctuations of the cosmic microwave background. However, there is currently no concrete explanation for how this unification would be achieved, with only speculative remarks and no substantive work on the matter.
  • #1
I am new to this forum and relatively new to learning physics itself. I have a very basic question.

What is the motivation for looking for a unified theory of quantum gravity? Other than the aesthetics of having a unified understanding of reality, do we have any physical or mathematical reason to believe they can be/should be unified?

Both are standing strong for almost a century of real/thought experiments with probably zero error. We have not seen any deviations in the predictions of both. I can see a small problem in gravity in flat galaxy rotation curve. But honestly that doesn't look like a GR failure. GR is better than that. :) QM is 100% good, AFAIK.

So someone could naturally think to leave them alone as 2 separate laws of nature.

Given all this I am sure there must be reasons to believe in a unity. But i would really honestly appreciate if someone could explain it, mathematically or otherwise.

Thanks for reading.
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  • #2
  • #3
HAL9000 said:
What is the motivation for looking for a unified theory of quantum gravity?
Let me ask you a question right back. What theory is it that you think explains reality at the center of a black hole? (Do you think GR does it? Do you think QM does it?)
  • #4
We don't necessarily have to have a conflict with observation in order to provide a reason to do theoretical work.

But anyway, there is at least one quantum gravity effect that I think we have access to, and that's the fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background. There are claims that measurements are getting good enough to be sensitive to effects from inflation, and those effects require at least a restricted form of quantum gravity (semiclassical gravity) for their explanation.
  • #5
This topic comes up frequently, so the forum search will give many useful results.
We know there are systems where both are relevant at the same time, and none of them individually can be used to describe those systems accurately. The early universe is a very prominent example, black holes are one, extremely high-energetic particle collisions are also examples.

There should be some consistent descriptions including effects of both frameworks at the same time.
  • #6
Because human beings are curious creatures. Also, whenever we discover new physics, it usually leads to new technology. We wouldn't have our modern society if we'd decided that Newton's laws, which also worked almost perfectly for more than 100 years.
  • #7
Mentz114 said:
It is possible that at energies around 1018Gev the fundamental fields were one field. A complete standard model would round things off.
How would this be done? I have seen the standard model Lagrangian before. Would the standard model Lagrangian arise out of some sort of symmetry breaking from this original A-field Lagrangian?
  • #8
DuckAmuck said:
How would this be done? I have seen the standard model Lagrangian before. Would the standard model Lagrangian arise out of some sort of symmetry breaking from this original A-field Lagrangian?
I don't know. I have only seen speculative remarks along these lines but no substantive work ( maybe because I don't look for it).
  • #9
The short answer is that GR and QM are mathematically inconsistent with each other (QM does incorporate special relativity, however). For example, point particles are singularities in GR. Fortunately, GR effects are so tiny in contexts where we usually do QM, and QM effects tend to be irrelevant in lots of the places where we do GR. But, both are relevant, for example, in figuring out questions of cosmology and black holes.

Related to Unifying GR and QM - Reasons for Believing in Unity

1. What is the main goal of unifying GR and QM?

The main goal of unifying General Relativity (GR) and Quantum Mechanics (QM) is to have a single, all-encompassing theory that can explain the fundamental forces of nature and reconcile the differences between the two theories. This would provide a better understanding of the universe at both the macroscopic and microscopic scales.

2. Why is it important to unify GR and QM?

GR and QM are two of the most successful and well-tested theories in physics, but they are incompatible with each other. Unifying these theories would help bridge the gap between the macroscopic world governed by GR and the microscopic world governed by QM, and potentially lead to breakthroughs in understanding gravity, the nature of space and time, and the behavior of matter and energy.

3. What are the challenges in unifying GR and QM?

One of the main challenges in unifying GR and QM is the different mathematical frameworks and concepts used in each theory. GR is based on the concept of spacetime curvature and uses Einstein's field equations, while QM is based on the probabilistic behavior of particles and uses mathematical tools such as wave functions and operators. Another challenge is that GR is a classical theory, while QM is a quantum theory, and reconciling these two frameworks is not a straightforward task.

4. What are some proposed theories for unifying GR and QM?

There are several proposed theories for unifying GR and QM, such as String Theory, Loop Quantum Gravity, and Causal Dynamical Triangulations. These theories attempt to combine the principles of both GR and QM and provide a more comprehensive understanding of the universe. However, they are still in the early stages of development and require further testing and refinement.

5. Is there any evidence for the unity of GR and QM?

While there is no direct evidence for the unity of GR and QM, there are several phenomena that suggest a connection between the two theories. For example, the Hawking radiation predicted by QM has implications for black hole thermodynamics, which is governed by GR. Additionally, the discovery of the Higgs boson, which is responsible for giving particles mass, has implications for both QM and GR. However, more research and experimentation is needed to fully support the idea of a unified theory.

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