Unifying Gravitational Force Equation

In summary, ZarkoHari Seldon's theory of vector gravity is based on the assumption that mass creates an accelerative gravitational field. This field is necessary for the interaction between mass and other objects in the universe, but it does not exist until an object with mass is placed within it. Additionally, Seldon's theory has not been experimentally refuted, but it does have some problems that need to be addressed.
  • #1
F = ma + mvxw

where: F=force, m=mass, a=static gravitational field, v=velocity of mass 'current', x=cross product, w=angular velocity of rotating mass.

To confirm:

Follow Maxwell's derivation for electromagnetic equations, but rather than initiating with F=qE as the static manefestation of the force, exchange charge for mass by using F=ma. Continue tensor derivation with mass in the place of charge and the above force equation will become evident. Equation can then be used to unify electromagnetic forces with gravitational ones. Also confirms the existence of gravitons.

Feel free to email me if you would like further details.

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Hari Seldon says hello.
  • #3
Long time no see,

R Daneel Olivaw
  • #4
The short reply is that what you've noted has been known for almost 100 years now. It is also wrong. You have some interpretational errors, but even when the idea is used correctly, vector gravity (as its called) does not agree with experiment.

Your simplest problem with your take on it is "what is a (or g as it would normally be called)?" If you take it to be the Newtonian form, then that already violates the principles of special relativity that you used to derive the result. The entire thing is therefore logically inconsistent. There are more issues, but I don't feel like listing them.

Incidentally, the lowest order form of Einstein's equation is almost the same as Maxwell's equations (but not quite). The force laws are also similar. In the full theory, though, there is no resemblance.
  • #5
I understand your interpretation of the problem, and yes, I am aware of similar logic having been developed years ago. The original interpretation however, first postulated, and the results that followed, were incorrect and therefore yielded inconsistent experimental results. Those results however do not invalidate this theory and its distinct interpretation. First off, physicists have the predisposition of believing (becuase of their intangibility) that static objects of mass m create gravitational "g"-fields. This is incorrect. Rather, the g-field or "a" as referred to in the force equation (accelerative field) already exists in the universe irrespective of whether a mass is placed in it or not. It is not until a massive object is placed within a field of strength a that static gravitational forces exert themselves on neighboring bodies. The confusion surrounds the need to drop the archaic perception that the force field is non-existent until space is acted upon by a mass. Ask yourself if E-fields can exist without static charges, and if so, why would an identical mathematical derivation exchanging one constant for another (i.e. charge for mass) be interpreted differently?

As for your indication that this theory has been experimentally refuted, it has not - well, more correctly, it has not via my interpretation of g or a which only defines static fields. Further, we must acknowledge that extreme angular velocity fields must be generated before we recognize any significant force on neighboring bodies. Neutron stars would make for excellent experimentation candidates due to their speedy rotations. We have as yet not performed such intricate experiments for such a seemingly 'weak' component to the force equation. End point: unless the object of mass m is rotating about its axis at incredible frequency, the force equation will read F=ma or F=mg as you have already mentioned.

  • #6
so young, you have time to rebound from your mistakes...

FAQ: Unifying Gravitational Force Equation

1. What is the Unifying Gravitational Force Equation?

The Unifying Gravitational Force Equation, also known as the Unified Field Theory, is a theory proposed by Albert Einstein that aims to combine the laws of gravity and electromagnetism into a single equation.

2. How is the Unifying Gravitational Force Equation different from Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation?

The Unifying Gravitational Force Equation takes into account the effects of both gravity and electromagnetism, while Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation only considers the force of gravity between two objects.

3. Has the Unifying Gravitational Force Equation been proven?

No, the Unifying Gravitational Force Equation is still a theoretical concept and has not been proven through experimentation. However, it is a widely studied and debated topic in the field of physics.

4. How would the Unifying Gravitational Force Equation impact our understanding of the universe?

If proven to be true, the Unifying Gravitational Force Equation would provide a more complete understanding of the fundamental forces that govern the universe. It would also potentially lead to new technologies and advancements in space exploration.

5. What are some challenges in proving the Unifying Gravitational Force Equation?

One of the main challenges is the complexity and mathematical difficulty of the equation itself. Additionally, there is a lack of experimental evidence to support the theory, making it difficult to verify its accuracy.
