Union Homework: Prove f(E U F)=f(E) U f(F)

In summary, the conversation discusses the proof that if a function f maps from set A to set B, and subsets E and F are taken from A, then f(E ∪ F) = f(E) ∪ f(F) and f(E ∩ F) ⊆ f(E) ∩ f(F). The proof involves showing that for any arbitrary element y in the union of f(E) and f(F), there exists an element x in the union of E and F such that f(x) = y. This implies that y is also an element of f(E ∪ F), and therefore the two sets are equal. It is noted that there may be multiple x values for a given y, but as long as one exists
  • #1

Homework Statement

Show that if ##f: A \rightarrow B## and ##E,F \subseteq A##, then ##f(E \cup F) = f(E) \cup f(F)##, and ##f(E \cap F) \subseteq f(E) \cap f(F)##.

Homework Equations

##f(E) := \{f(x)~|~ x \in E \}##.

The Attempt at a Solution

Okay, showing ##f(E \cup F) \subseteq f(E) \cup f(F)## is rather easy. Let us look at the second direction. Let ##y \in f(E) \cup f(F)## be arbitrary. Then ##y \in f(E)## or ##y \in f(F)##, which means there exists ##x_1 \in E## and ##x_2 \in F## such that ##f(x_1) = y = f(x_2)##.

It isn't clear why this implies ##y = f(x) \in f(E \cup F) := \{f(x) ~|~ x \in E ~or~ x \in F \}##. Certainly if ##x_1 = x_2 := x## were the case, then I could see this.
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  • #2
What you proceeded isn't correct.
##y\in f(E)## or ##y\in f(F)## implies that ##\exists x\in E## or ##x\in F,## that is, ##x\in E\cup F,## st. ##f(x)=y.## Hence ##y\in f(E\cup F).##
  • #3
Why wouldn't we have different ##x##'s? For instance, consider ##y=f(x) = x^2##. Given a ##y##, there exist two different ##x##'s.
  • #4
There's no another ##x## in my statement. Just confirm if ##x## belongs to ##E\cup F.##

FAQ: Union Homework: Prove f(E U F)=f(E) U f(F)

What is "Union Homework"?

Union Homework is a mathematical concept that involves proving the equality of two sets using the union operation. It is often used in fields such as algebra, set theory, and analysis.

What does "f(E U F)=f(E) U f(F)" mean?

This notation represents the equality of two sets, where f is a function mapping elements from the union of two sets E and F to the union of the images of E and F under the same function f.

Why is it important to prove f(E U F)=f(E) U f(F)?

Proving this equality is essential for understanding the properties of functions and sets. It allows us to manipulate and simplify expressions involving unions of sets and their corresponding images under a given function.

What are some common applications of "Union Homework"?

Union Homework is commonly used in computer science, particularly in database and data mining algorithms. It is also used in economics, game theory, and other fields that involve the study of sets and functions.

What are some tips for successfully completing "Union Homework"?

Some tips for successfully completing Union Homework include understanding the definitions and properties of sets and functions, carefully applying mathematical rules and operations, and using diagrams or examples to visualize the problem.
