Unique x for all g in G such that $x^m=g$?

In summary: those "fun facts" we learned about factoring integers into primes in grade school, turn out to be useful after all.
  • #1
Let G be a group, |G|=n and m an integer such that gcd(m,n)=1.

(i) show that $x^m=y^m$ implies $x=y$

(ii)Hence show that for all g in G there is a unique x such that $x^m=g$

(i) there exist a, b such that am+bn=1 so that $m^{-1}=a (mod n)$.

Hence $x^m=y^m ->x=y$ ok?

(ii) (i) shows uniqueness. Not sure about existence. Cheers.
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  • #2
Poirot said:
Let G be a group, |G|=n and m an integer such that gcd(m,n)=1.

(i) show that $x^m=y^m$ implies $x=y$

(ii)Hence show that for all g in G there is a unique x such that $x^m=g$

(i) there exist a, b such that am+bn=1 so that $m^{-1}=a (mod n)$.

Hence $x^m=y^m ->x=y$ ok?

(ii) (i) shows uniqueness. Not sure about existence. Cheers.
To show existence in (ii) define $f:G\rightarrow G$ as $f(g)=g^m$. We know that $f$ is an injective map. Since $G$ is finite, $f$ is also surjective. Hence...
  • #3
Very clever. I know in part (i) that am+bn=1 ->$m^{-1}=a$ mod(n), but I've attempted to derive this and have failed.
  • #4
Poirot said:
Very clever. I know in part (i) that am+bn=1 ->$m^{-1}=a$ mod(n), but I've attempted to derive this and have failed.
Are you asking why is it true that $\gcd (m,n)=1 \Rightarrow \exists a,b\in \mathbb{Z}$ such that $am+bn=1$??
  • #5
caffeinemachine said:
Are you asking why is it true that $\gcd (m,n)=1 \Rightarrow \exists a,b\in \mathbb{Z}$ such that $am+bn=1$??

Actually forget about it. am = 1 (mod n) because am - 1 is a multiple of n (which is what I was asking)
  • #6
Poirot said:
Actually forget about it. am = 1 (mod n) because am - 1 is a multiple of n (which is what I was asking)
  • #7
you can also write it this way:

since $am+bn = 1$

$x^m = y^m \implies (x^m)^a = (y^m)^a$

$\implies x^{am} = y^{am} \implies (x^{am})(e^b) = (y^{am})(e^b)$

$\implies (x^{am})((x^n)^b) = (y^{am})((y^n)^b)$

$\implies (x^{am})(x^{bn}) = (y^{am})(y^{bn})$

$\implies x^{am+bn} = y^{am+bn} \implies x = y$

as an example of how this works, suppose $G = \{e,a,a^2\}$

and we have $x^2 = y^2$.

if $x = e$, then $y = e$ since $G$ has no elements of order 2.

if $x = a$, then $e^2 = e$, and $(a^2)^2 = a$, so $y$ must be $a$.

if $x = a^2$, then $e^2 = e$ and $(a)^2 = a^2$ but $x^2 = a$, so $y = a^2$.

what are the a and b in this case?

clearly 1 = (-1)2 + (1)3

so $x = x^{am+bn} = (x^2)^{-1}(x^3)^1 = x^{-2}$

the map $G \to G$ given by $g \to g^2$ is:

$e \to e$
$a \to a^2$
$a^2 \to a$ <--clearly bijective (in this case it's just the inversion map).

those "fun facts" we learned about factoring integers into primes in grade school, turn out to be useful after all.

FAQ: Unique x for all g in G such that $x^m=g$?

1. What is Elementary Group Theory?

Elementary Group Theory is a branch of mathematics that studies the properties of groups, which are mathematical structures consisting of a set of elements and a binary operation. It deals with the fundamental concepts and principles of groups and their applications in various areas of mathematics.

2. What are the basic elements of a group?

The basic elements of a group are the set of elements, a binary operation, and the identity element. The set of elements can be any objects, while the binary operation combines two elements to produce a third element. The identity element is the element that, when combined with any other element, gives the same element as the result.

3. What is the significance of the identity element in a group?

The identity element is significant in a group because it serves as the starting point for all other group elements. It also plays a crucial role in defining the inverse element of each element in the group, as well as the group's associative property.

4. What are the different types of groups in Elementary Group Theory?

There are several types of groups in Elementary Group Theory, such as finite groups, infinite groups, abelian groups, non-abelian groups, cyclic groups, and dihedral groups. Each type has its own unique properties and characteristics that make them useful for different applications.

5. How is Elementary Group Theory applied in other branches of mathematics?

Elementary Group Theory has various applications in other branches of mathematics, including abstract algebra, number theory, geometry, and physics. It provides a framework for understanding the structure and behavior of mathematical systems and has practical applications in cryptography, coding theory, and other areas of computer science.

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