Uniqueness of identity elements for rectangular matrices

In summary, The identity element of the set of n x n matrices under matrix multiplication is the unique identity matrix. This can be proven using the monoidal properties of multiplication and is only true for square matrices. For non-square matrices, the left and right identity matrices may have different sizes. It is known that the left-identity and right-identity are both unique, but it is unclear how to prove this. It is also unclear if there can be multiple right-identity elements. However, if we let B be an identity element and A be an m x n matrix, we can find a condition on B by setting AB = A and varying the values of i and j.
  • #1
Let A be the set of [itex] n \times n [/itex] matrices. Then the identity element of this set under matrix multiplication is the identity matrix and it is unique. The proof follows from the monoidal properties of multiplication of square matrices.

But if the matrix is not square, the left and right identities are not equivalent; they are both identity matrices, but have a different size.

How do you know that the left-identity is unique, and that the right-identity is unique?
So given an [itex] m \times n [/itex] matrix A, how do you know that the only matrix satisfying [itex] AI = A [/itex] for all A is the [itex] n \times n [/itex] identity matrix?

Is this even true? Could I possibly find multiple right-identity elements?

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  • #2
Let ##B## be an identity element. Let ##A## be the ##m\times n## matrix with a 1 on the ##i##th row and the ##j##th column and zero everywhere else. You know that ##AB = A##. This gives a condition on ##B##. Which one? What if you vary ##i## and ##j##?

FAQ: Uniqueness of identity elements for rectangular matrices

What is the uniqueness of identity elements for rectangular matrices?

The uniqueness of identity elements for rectangular matrices refers to the fact that there can be only one identity matrix of a given size and shape. This means that for any n x n rectangular matrix, there is only one n x n identity matrix that can exist.

What is an identity matrix?

An identity matrix is a square matrix in which all diagonal elements are 1 and all other elements are 0. It is denoted by the symbol I, and it serves as the identity element for matrix multiplication. This means that when an identity matrix is multiplied by another matrix, the result is the original matrix.

Why is the uniqueness of identity elements important for rectangular matrices?

The uniqueness of identity elements is important because it ensures consistency and accuracy in mathematical operations involving rectangular matrices. If there were multiple identity matrices for a given size and shape, it could lead to errors and inconsistencies in calculations.

How do identity elements affect matrix operations?

The identity element, or identity matrix, is the neutral element in matrix multiplication. This means that when a matrix is multiplied by an identity matrix, the result is the original matrix. It also serves as a unit of measurement in matrix operations, similar to the role of 1 in arithmetic operations.

Can the identity matrix be a rectangular matrix?

Yes, the identity matrix can be a rectangular matrix as long as it is a square matrix with equal number of rows and columns. This is because the defining characteristic of an identity matrix is that all diagonal elements are 1, regardless of the size and shape of the matrix.
