Unit reduction is not making sense, what's going on?

In summary: I was getting a little lost.In summary, the equation states that critical sonic velocity is: a_{cr}=\sqrt{\frac{2\gamma}{\gamma+1}gR_{gas}T'} where g is a unitless constant and gamma is the planet's gravity. Units should result in velocity (\frac{m}{s}) but when I do the unit reduction I do not get that answer. Instead, I get: \left( \frac{m}{s^{2}}\right)\left( \frac{kJ}{kg\bullet K}\right)\left(K\right) which is correct in metric units but incorrect in English units.
  • #1
I am using an equation that states that critical sonic velocity is:


The units should result in velocity ([itex]\frac{m}{s}[/itex])

Yet, when I do the unit reduction I do not get that answer.

Here is what I get:

Lets ignore the square root for now.
Also, [itex]\frac{2\gamma}{\gamma+1}[/itex] has no units, so that makes our job easier.

We are left with [itex]gR_{gas}T'[/itex]

With this we have: [itex]\left( \frac{m}{s^{2}}\right)\left( \frac{kJ}{kg\bullet K}\right)\left(K\right)[/itex]

Right away we cancel the Kelvin unit.

We now have: [itex]\left( \frac{m}{s^{2}}\right)\left( \frac{kJ}{kg}\right)[/itex]
Next we conver kJ to N∙m: [itex]\left( \frac{m}{s^{2}}\right)\left( \frac{1000 N \bullet m}{kg}\right)[/itex]

And N to [itex]\frac{kg∙m}{s^{2}}[/itex]: [itex]\left( \frac{m}{s^{2}}\right)\left( \frac{1000 \frac{kg∙m}{s^{2}} \bullet m}{kg}\right)[/itex] = [itex]\left( \frac{m}{s^{2}}\right)\left( \frac{1000 m^{2}}{s^{2}}\right)[/itex] = [itex]\left( \frac{1000m^{3}}{s^{4}}\right)[/itex]

Now if we throw the square root back on we see that:

[itex]\sqrt{\left( \frac{1000m^{3}}{s^{4}}\right)}[/itex]≠[itex]\frac{m}{s}[/itex]

I'm sure I am making a silly mistake somewhere, but I cannot find where. The text I got this from used English units and it checked out. I though that SI units would be even easier...

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  • #2
it's almost as if you did not need g to be in there...are you sure that g is supposed to be there? and is it really gravity? Are you sure is not just supposed to mean gamma? ...maybe you have doubled up in your constants...Wikipedia shows speed to be sqrt(gamma X Rgas X T)
  • #3
What is R?

If it's the gas constant your units for it are wrong.
  • #4
Critical sonic velocity does not have anything to do with the planet's gravity. Therefore, g (the way you used it) should not enter the formula.
  • #5
The unit for the universal gas constant is:

[R] = \frac{\mathrm{J}}{\mathrm{K} \cdot \mathrm{mol}}
  • #6
unreal89: The g in your equation isn't gravity; it's a unitless constant. I have a hunch it's a conversion factor that makes the conversion from lbm to lbf easier when you're dealing with English units. You can ignore it when dealing in metric units, since gc=1 in that case. I would like to see the equation from the original text to make sure I'm telling you right.

About the R, unreal89 has the right units, but it's for a specific gas. The universal gas constant has units of J/mol*K, but moles is a very inconvenient measurement for problems like this, so we divide the universal constant by the molar mass of the gas to get a constant specific to whatever gas we're analyzing. The accepted units for this constant are kJ/kg*K. This equation insists on a constant for a specific gas, because as you can see, it wouldn't yield the right units otherwise.
  • #7
You are correct, Tim. The g in this equation is used for converting lbm to lbf. Once you go into SI units, it is unnecessary.

Thanks for everyone's help.

FAQ: Unit reduction is not making sense, what's going on?

1. Why is unit reduction not making sense?

Unit reduction may not make sense because there could be a discrepancy or error in the data or calculations. It is important to double check all inputs and calculations to ensure accuracy.

2. What could be causing the confusion with unit reduction?

There could be multiple factors causing confusion with unit reduction, such as incorrect units, rounding errors, or missing data. It is important to carefully review all aspects of the problem to identify the source of confusion.

3. How can I troubleshoot unit reduction that is not making sense?

To troubleshoot unit reduction, it is important to carefully review all inputs and calculations, and to check for any mistakes or inconsistencies. It may also be helpful to consult with colleagues or experts in the field for additional guidance.

4. What should I do if unit reduction is not making sense?

If unit reduction is not making sense, it is important to carefully review all aspects of the problem and try to identify any potential sources of error. If the issue cannot be resolved, it may be necessary to seek assistance from colleagues or experts in the field.

5. How can I avoid confusion with unit reduction in the future?

To avoid confusion with unit reduction in the future, it is important to carefully review all inputs and calculations, and to double check for any mistakes or inconsistencies. It may also be helpful to create a clear and organized method for recording and analyzing data to minimize errors.

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