Unit Step Function and Laplace Transforms

In summary: L}\{f(t)\} = \int_0^\infty f(t)e^{-st} \ dtand then {\cal L}\{f(t - a)\} is what you expect it to be.I think it is a little strange for a book to use {\cal L}\{f(t - a)\} to mean \int_0^{\infty}f(t)e^{st}dt. I am not sure how to explain it in a way that will satisfy you. It is a common abuse of notation, but it is an abuse of notation; it is not proper mathematical notation. I think the point is that it is a different viewpoint. You are looking at a function of
  • #1

I was wondering if someone would check my work on this problem:

[tex]{\cal L}[/tex] = Laplace
[tex]{\cal U}[/tex] = Unit Step Function

[tex]{\cal L} \{ \cos(2t) \,\,\, {\cal U} (t - \pi)\}[/tex]

[tex]=e^{-\pi s} {\cal L} \{ \cos(2(t + \pi)) \}[/tex]

[tex]=e^{-\pi s} {\cal L} \{ \cos(2t + 2\pi) \}[/tex]

[tex]=e^{-\pi s} {\cal L} \{ \cos(2t) \}[/tex]

[tex]=\frac{se^{-\pi s}}{s^2+4}[/tex]

Can anyone help me with this problem:

[tex]{\cal L} \{ \sin(t) \,\,\, {\cal U} (t - \pi/2)\}[/tex]

[tex]=e^{-\frac{\pi s}{2}} {\cal L} \{ \sin(t + \pi / 2) \}[/tex]

[tex]=e^{-\frac{\pi s}{2}} {\cal L} \{ \cos(t) \}[/tex]

[tex]=\frac{s \, e^{-\frac{\pi s}{2}}}{s^2 + 1}[/tex]

But this is different from the books published answer (in the exponential, they do not have it divived by two, they just have e^(-pi*s)...but the rest of it the same...also the solution manual did the problem differently, it changed the sin(t) to cos(t - pi/2)...but then wouldn't that just convert back to sin(t)? Anyways...it skips a lot of work and just ends up with the answer after that step
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  • #2
First one is correct.

[tex] {\cal L}\{ \cos(t - \pi / 2) u(t - \pi / 2) \} = e^{-\frac{\pi}{2}s}{\cal L}\{\cos \left( (t+\pi /2) - \pi /2\right)\} = e^{-\frac{\pi}{2}s}{\cal L}\{\cos{t}\} = \frac{e^{-\frac{\pi}{2}s}s}{s^2+1}[/tex]
  • #3
oh, I edited my post as you posted that...so is the books answer wrong then?
  • #4
your answer is correct...

Sounds like the author of the solutions manual was having a bad day.
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  • #5
ok, thanks
  • #6
ok, I am confused on the end of the proof of the Second Translation Theorem

If you go to this link (just a link I found that has the proof so I don't have to type it all in LaTeX):


Then go to PAGE 20

That is the page with the end of the proof.,..what I don't understand is this part:

[tex]=e^{-as}\int_0^\infty{e^{sv} \, f(v) \, dv}[/tex]

[tex]=e^{-as}{\cal L}\{ f(t) \}[/tex]

Isn't that integral the definition of the Laplace transform of f(v), not f(t)?? I don't understand why it is the Laplace of t instead of the transformed variable v.

Thanks for any help!
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  • #7
Actually I think the first one is wrong. When you say L{cos(2t+2pi)} you implicitly mean L{f(t)} where f(t) = cos(2t+2pi) for t>0 and 0 for t<0. This is not the same as g(t) = cos(2t) for t>0 and 0 for t<0. This could be obtained by doing another translation. Do you have an answer for this problem?

Regarding your last post, v and t are just dummy variables and can be interchanged. I'm not exactly sure why they used v in the first place, but maybe they explain it somewhere else.
  • #8
it is explained as to why v is there, it was used in a transformation:

v = t - a

This was done to make it to correct for of a Laplace transformation
  • #9
It's not the Laplace transform of anything, the way it's written (I assume you missed a minus sign! :smile:).

Once corrected, it's really the Laplace transform of the function [itex]f[/itex]. The argument is irrelevant. Note that

[tex]\int_0^\infty f(t)e^{-st} \ dt = \int_0^\infty e^{-sv}f(v) \ dv = \int_0^\infty e^{-s\asymp}f(\asymp}) \ d\asymp.[/tex]

The [itex]t[/itex], [itex]v[/itex], and [itex]\asymp[/itex] are just "dummy variables."

Your textbook undoubtedly actually has many mistakes in it, because of this. By their own definition,

[tex]{\cal L}\{f(t - a)\} = {\cal L}\{f(t)\}[/tex]

for every real [itex]a[/itex]. What they really mean when they look at [itex]{\cal L}\{f(t-a)\}[/itex], of course, is [itex]{\cal L}\{g(t)\}[/itex] where [itex]g(t) = f(t-a)[/itex].
  • #10
As for your comment about my first problem posted, I had already accounted for the Unit Step function when I pulled out the exponential and plugged in t - pi into the cos function
  • #11
So is this true:

[tex]{\cal L}\{ f(t + a) \} = {\cal L}\{ f(t) \}[/tex]

For any real number a?
  • #12
Actually I think the first one is wrong. When you say L{cos(2t+2pi)} you implicitly mean L{f(t)} where f(t) = cos(2t+2pi) for t>0 and 0 for t<0. This is not the same as g(t) = cos(2t) for t>0 and 0 for t<0. This could be obtained by doing another translation. Do you have an answer for this problem?

It's right, because [itex]\cos[/itex] is [itex]2\pi[/itex]-periodic. Otherwise you would be right.
  • #13
I'm sorry, I'm probably too tired to be trying to help.
  • #14
So is this true:

[tex]{\cal L}\{f(t - a)\} = {\cal L}\{f(t)\}[/tex]

For any real number a?

Yes. But that isn't what your textbook means when it says [itex]{\cal L}\{f(t - a)\}[/itex]. As I said, it has many "errors" in it as a result.

Recall the definition of the Laplace transform,

[tex]{\cal L}\{f(t)\} = \int_0^\infty f(t)e^{-st} \ dt.[/tex]

and thus

[tex]{\cal L}\{f(t - a)\} = \int_0^\infty f(t-a)e^{-s(t-a)} \ d(t-a).[/tex]

This integral is the same one as in the definition (note that it is now [itex]d(t-a)[/itex]!), with the dummy variable changed from [itex]t[/itex] to [itex]t-a[/itex].

This is NOT what your textbook means when it says [itex]{\cal L}\{f(t - a)\}[/itex], though, and this is why they have made errors (unless they have some cleverly hidden fine print somewhere :wink:).

What your textbook actually means by [itex]{\cal L}\{f(t - a)\}[/itex] is

[tex]\int_0^\infty f(t-a)e^{-st} \ dt,[/tex]

which is not the same thing (note we now have just [itex]dt[/itex], and the exponent on the [itex]e[/itex] has changed!).
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  • #15
Good. I should have pointed out the mathematical resolution to this apparent conundrum (no, current math isn't ultimately totally inconsistent!):

instead define

[tex]{\cal L}\{u\} = \int_0^\infty u e^{-st} \ dt[/tex]

while the difference doesn't look too big, it's pretty important... when you want [itex]{\cal L}\{u\}[/itex] for any [itex]u[/itex], just throw it into that position in the integral.
  • #16
ok, thanks

FAQ: Unit Step Function and Laplace Transforms

1. What is a unit step function?

A unit step function, also known as the Heaviside function, is a mathematical function that is equal to 0 for all negative input values and 1 for all positive input values.

2. How is a unit step function used in engineering and physics?

Unit step functions are often used to model discontinuous processes in engineering and physics, such as the switching on and off of a signal or the sudden change in a physical system's behavior.

3. What is the Laplace transform of a unit step function?

The Laplace transform of a unit step function is a simple function that can be used to solve differential equations and analyze systems in the Laplace domain. The Laplace transform of a unit step function is 1/s.

4. How do you calculate the Laplace transform of a piecewise function?

To calculate the Laplace transform of a piecewise function, you can use the properties of the Laplace transform and split the function into separate parts, using the Laplace transform of each part individually.

5. Can the Laplace transform be used to solve differential equations with initial conditions?

Yes, the Laplace transform can be used to solve differential equations with initial conditions. By taking the Laplace transform of both sides of the equation and applying the initial conditions, you can obtain the solution in the Laplace domain, which can then be inverse transformed to get the solution in the time domain.
