Unitary Operator: Proof & Counterexample

  • Thread starter Shackleford
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In summary, the conversation is discussing the definition of a unitary operator on a finite-dimensional inner product space V. A unitary operator is defined as a linear operator T on V where ||T(x)|| = ||x|| for all x in V. The question is then asked whether a linear operator U on V is unitary if ||U(x)|| = ||x|| for all x in some orthonormal basis for V. A counterexample is provided to show that this is not necessarily the case. The conversation then continues to discuss further questions and clarifications regarding the properties of unitary operators.
  • #1
Here's the definition.
Let T be a linear operator on a finite-dimensional inner product space V. If [itex] \|\vec{T(x)}\| = \|\vec{x}\| \\[/itex] for all x in V, we call T a unitary operator.
Let U be a linear operator on a finite-dimensional inner product space V. If [itex] \|\vec{U(x)}\| = \|\vec{x}\| \\[/itex] for all x in some orthonormal basis for V, must U be unitary? Justify your answer with a proof or a counterexample.

The question is asking about for all x in some orthornormal basis for V. Isn't that the same as for all x in V?
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  • #2
Not at all. It says "some orthonormal basis for V". It doesn't say "for all orthonormal bases for V". Think counterexample.
  • #3
Dick said:
Not at all. It says "some orthonormal basis for V". It doesn't say "for all orthonormal bases for V". Think counterexample.

Doesn't a basis generate all of V, though?
  • #4
Shackleford said:
Doesn't a basis generate all of V, though?

Yes, a basis generates V. But ||U(a)||=||a|| and ||U(b)||=||b|| doesn't imply that ||U(a+b)||=||a+b||.
  • #5
Dick said:
Yes, a basis generates V. But ||U(a)||=||a|| and ||U(b)||=||b|| doesn't imply that ||U(a+b)||=||a+b||.

I think the question is confusing me. I interpret "for all x in some orthornormal basis for V" as meaning for every linear combination x of the basis.

What kind of counterexample am I looking for? Just some orthonormal basis that's not unitary?
  • #6
Shackleford said:
I think the question is confusing me. I interpret "for all x in some orthornormal basis for V" as meaning for every linear combination x of the basis.

What kind of counterexample am I looking for? Just some orthonormal basis that's not unitary?

Pick ANY orthonormal basis. Call it {e_1,e_2,...,e_n}. You want to define U somehow. The only condition that U has to satisfy is that ||U(e_i)||=1 for 1<=i<=n.
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  • #7
Dick said:
Pick ANY orthonormal basis. Call it {e_1,e_2,...,e_n}. You want to define U somehow. The only condition that U has to satisfy is that ||U(e_i)||=1 for 1<=i<=n.

How about I take the standard basis for R2 and define

T(x1, x2) = (x1 - x2, 0).

T(1,0) = (1,0); ||T(e1)||= 1
T(0,1) = (-1,0); ||T(e2)||= 1

T(1,1) = (0,0); ||T(e1 + e2)||= 0
  • #8
Shackleford said:
How about I take the standard basis for R2 and define

T(x1, x2) = (x1 - x2, 0).

T(1,0) = (1,0); ||T(e1)||= 1
T(0,1) = (-1,0); ||T(e2)||= 1

T(1,1) = (0,0); ||T(e1 + e2)||= 0

Looks good to me!
  • #9
Dick said:
Looks good to me!


I have another question. I didn't understand property #5. Why does it sum over every entry, not just the diagonal?

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  • #10
Shackleford said:

I have another question. I didn't understand property #5. Why does it sum over every entry, not just the diagonal?


Use sigma notation to write out the product AA*, then take the trace. It just works out that way.
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FAQ: Unitary Operator: Proof & Counterexample

What is a unitary operator?

A unitary operator is a linear transformation that preserves the inner product of vectors, meaning that the length and angle between vectors are not changed after the transformation. In other words, it is a special type of operator that preserves the geometry of vector spaces.

How is a unitary operator represented?

A unitary operator can be represented by a unitary matrix, which is a square matrix with complex entries whose conjugate transpose is its inverse. Alternatively, it can also be represented by a sequence of unitary matrices, known as a unitary circuit, in quantum computing.

What is the significance of unitary operators?

Unitary operators have many applications in mathematics and physics, particularly in quantum mechanics. They are used to describe symmetries in physical systems, and also play a crucial role in quantum computing algorithms and quantum error correction.

How do you prove that an operator is unitary?

To prove that an operator is unitary, you can use the definition of a unitary operator and show that it preserves the inner product of vectors. This can be done by showing that the operator's matrix representation is unitary or by showing that it satisfies the unitarity condition: U†U = I, where U† is the conjugate transpose of U and I is the identity matrix.

Can you provide a counterexample of a non-unitary operator?

Yes, an example of a non-unitary operator is the matrix A = [1 1; 1 1]. This matrix does not preserve the inner product of vectors, as the angle between the vectors [1 0] and [0 1] is 90 degrees, but after the transformation by A, the angle becomes 180 degrees. Therefore, A is not a unitary operator.
