Universal fractal structure and the infinite universe

In summary: However, it is interesting to consider the possibility of an infinite, fractal structure in both the large and small scales of the universe. There is evidence of self-similar and repeating patterns in both the very small and very large structures of our known universe, suggesting a universal fractal structure. This could mean that our universe is just one level of a larger structure, with billions of super-universes making up the next level. While this is purely speculative and would require further evidence, it is an intriguing concept to consider.
  • #1
Disclaimer: I am a science buff – not a scientist.

I am curious to know if there has ever been a theory developed about the infinite nature of the universe, large and small, relating to a fractal structure.

I was pondering fractal subdivision, and how it offers at least the theoretical possibility for infinity to exist within a seemingly finite space through continuous subdivision. Which if true, would in fact, render the whole idea of finite space, a myth.

I know that it has been jokingly said that inside each atom - could be a universe, and so, our universe could be just an atom ect.. ect. That is not what I am asking about.

However, it does seem obvious to the casual observer that the very small and the very large structures in our known universe seem to have a self similar and repetitive appearance. So if we are seeing a universal fractal structure, it possible that “the universe” is an ever enlarging set of structures that are self similar and repeating, continuing the similar design of our planetary systems, solar systems and galaxies?

Could the universe as we conceive of it, a mass of galaxies in an expanding space, merely be the next structure up? And then above that there is a super universe with a self similar in structure, which in turn is just one of billions of super-universes making up the next level?.. you see where I am going.

I seem to remember that the Milky Way Galaxy was once thought to be THE Universe. It was not that long ago. But then advanced telescopes revealed that what we thought of as THE UNIVERSE – was merely the next structure up from our solar system.

If it were true, that there is a universal fractal structure, of course it would follow that like the universe, the atom is infinitely structured downward - into sub particles which have a self similar structure. By that theory, quarks, not only would have, but must have sub particles, and those particles must have sub structure and so on.

I understand that these tiny substructures, like the massive ones, might not be subject to the same laws of physics as we understand, or as we have defined them - but that would be more of function of our understanding rather than anything else.

Anyway, I am just throwing this out for dissection and discussion.
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  • #3
I was pondering fractal subdivision, and how it offers at least the theoretical possibility for infinity to exist within a seemingly finite space through continuous subdivision. Which if true, would in fact, render the whole idea of finite space, a myth.

I don't think your conclusion follows from your statement. But the whole area of fractals IS enough to give one considerable pause...

See this article as an example...


You might also find this read of interest:

Also, NOVA (PBS science TV in the USA) is currently running an hour program on fractals ..I only saw a biological segment but it was interesting...has the word FRACTALS in the title,,,

  • #4
We know with fair certainty the universe is observationally finite - at least back to the surface of last scattering [~ 400,000 years after the big bang]. All bets are off at that point. Extrapolating beyond that is currently little more than speculation.
  • #5

I find this idea of a universal fractal structure and the possibility of an infinite universe to be intriguing and worth exploring further. It is certainly not a new concept, as many scientists and philosophers have pondered the idea of an infinite universe and the potential for fractal patterns within it.

One potential theory that could explain this is the concept of scale invariance, where the laws of physics remain the same regardless of the scale at which they are observed. This could allow for the repetition and self-similarity of structures at different levels of the universe.

However, it is important to note that while fractal patterns may exist in nature, they are not necessarily indicative of an infinite universe. The concept of infinity is still a subject of debate and there is currently no concrete evidence to support the idea of an infinite universe.

Additionally, as you mentioned, the laws of physics may not necessarily apply at smaller scales, and therefore the concept of a fractal structure may break down at some point. It is also worth considering that our current understanding of the universe is limited by our technology and observations, so there may be much more to discover and understand about the structure of the universe.

Overall, the idea of a universal fractal structure and an infinite universe is certainly thought-provoking and warrants further exploration and discussion in the scientific community.

Related to Universal fractal structure and the infinite universe

1. What is a universal fractal structure?

A universal fractal structure is a repeating geometric pattern that is found in nature and throughout the universe. It is a self-similar pattern that repeats at different scales, creating a never-ending complexity.

2. How is the concept of a universal fractal structure related to the infinite universe?

The concept of a universal fractal structure is related to the infinite universe because it suggests that the same patterns and structures that we see on a small scale can also be found on a larger scale, indicating that the universe has no definite end.

3. Are there specific examples of universal fractal structures in the universe?

Yes, there are many examples of universal fractal structures in the universe, such as the branching patterns of trees, the spiral arms of galaxies, and the distribution of matter in the cosmic web.

4. How does the concept of a universal fractal structure impact our understanding of the universe?

The concept of a universal fractal structure expands our understanding of the universe by providing a framework for how different parts of the universe are connected and how they evolve over time. It also suggests that there may be underlying principles or laws that govern the structure and behavior of the universe.

5. Can the idea of a universal fractal structure be proven through scientific evidence?

While there is evidence of fractal patterns in nature and the universe, it is difficult to prove the existence of a universal fractal structure on a large scale. However, some scientists argue that the fractal nature of the universe can be observed through phenomena such as the distribution of matter, the clustering of galaxies, and the structure of the cosmic microwave background radiation.

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