Universal gravitational constant and satellite

In summary: So, if you're saying that the satellite would have to be 10^13 kilometers away from the Earth's surface in order to maintain a 4.5N/kg gravitational field, that's pretty ridiculous.
  • #1
A satellite is designed to orbit Earth at an altitude above it's surface that will place it in a gravitational field with a strength of 4.5N/kg

a) calculate the distance above the surface of at which the satellite must orbit

g= GMp/r^2

r^2 = (6.67*10^-11)(5.98*10^24)/4.5 N/kg

r = sqrt(8.86*10^15) = 94147166 Meter

the answer i got was 94 million meters now that's wrong. can some please help me with the calculations? thanks
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Show your work, please. You made a mistake along the way but it's a bit hard to see where when you don't show the calculations.
  • #3
i'm not sure how i should re-write the formula. because the answer should be a couple of

hundred km from the Earth's surface
  • #4
Show how you got the answer that you got: Show how you used the equation and what your intermediate steps were.
  • #5
i re-wrote it again. that's for the distance
  • #6
You made a mistake with your exponents. What is [tex]10^{-11}\cdot10^{24}\;[/tex]?
  • #7
it's in the formula universal gravitational formula
  • #8
hydrocarbon said:
A satellite is designed to orbit Earth at an altitude above it's surface that will place it in a gravitational field with a strength of 4.5N/kg

a) calculate the distance above the surface of at which the satellite must orbit

g= GMp/r^2

r^2 = (6.67*10^-11 N*m^2/kg^2)(5.98*10^24 kg)/4.5 N/kg

r = sqrt(8.86*10^15) = 94147166 Meter

the answer i got was 94 million meters now that's wrong. can some please help me with the calculations? thanks
  • #9
See post #6.
  • #10
  • #12
i still think the answer is wrong, over 9000 Km from the Earth's surface?
  • #13
You almost have the right answer. The distance that you calculated is not the distance above the surface of the Earth.
  • #14
can you give me some hints on how to rearange the formula please? thanks

or am i suppose to subtract the answer from the radius of the earth? thanks again
  • #15
Think of it this way: You are standing on the surface of the Earth. Using the distance from the surface as r in [itex]a=GM/r^2[/itex] would mean you would have an enormous gravitational acceleration, and heaven forbid if you lay down inches from the surface. That r is the distance from the center of the Earth.
  • #16
okay. show me were i went wrong with the calculation please
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  • #17
I already did: "That r is the distance from the center of the Earth."
  • #18
so r=9.0*10^6 - 6.38*10^6m ? because that answer got me 2.6*10^6 which is still too

much i see that you said that r is the distance from the earth. but it still doesn't tell me how

I'm calculating it incorrectly
  • #19
Actually, that is too little. You very first answer was off by a factor of exactly 10. You had eight significant digits in your initial answer (too many), somewhere along the line you dropped to only one significant digit (which is too few).

What makes you think you answer is wrong? Do you know the right answer?
  • #20
off by a factor of 10? does that mean the answer is 900km? and if it is, how did i make such

an error (asking myself). but anyway based on the calculations the answer comes out to be

9000km unless i missed something again. do you see what i did wrong in my math?
  • #21
You made two errors in your original post, where you came up with 94,147,166 meters. That number was off by a factor of ten because you calculated 10-11*1024 as 1015 rather than 1013. Then you compounded that error by conflating the orbital radius with the orbital altitude.

Somehow you went from too many digits (94147...) to just one digit. This first appeared in post #12, where you said "over 9000 km", and later in post #18, "9.0*10^6". You are being a bit sloppy.
  • #22
I wasn't getting straight answers from you. so i was just throwing up answer i did quickly hopping you would say, if it's correct or not. you tell everything else but one important thing: the answer. and you still didn't tell me if it's 9000km
  • #23
and another thing. did you try the calculations yourself? and if yes. what was your answer?
  • #24
I wasn't answering directly because doing so is against the rules here. We are here to help you do your own homework. We do not do your homework for you.

Yes, I did the calculations myself. I always do before I help someone, and no, I'm not telling you. You need to find the answer and I will tell you something on the lines of "Yes! You got it!".
  • #25
thank you very much for your service. i wasnt confident in my answers because the distance seem rediculous from answer that i saw in the examples of my course book. but once again thank you for your expertise.
  • #26
hydrocarbon said:
thank you very much for your service. i wasnt confident in my answers because the distance seem rediculous from answer that i saw in the examples of my course book. but once again thank you for your expertise.
Most of the examples in your text probably dealt with satellites in low Earth orbit (LEO). The gravitational acceleration in LEO is about 90% of that on the Earth's surface. You need to go much higher to achieve more than a 50% reduction (4.5/9.807=0.459) in the gravitational acceleration.
  • #27
hydrocarbon said:

I typed into my calculator the following : (6.67x10-11)(5.98x1024) and I got 3.98866x1014... I did it several times and came up w/ that number...

So the answer i am submitting is 1000 m than what you submitted... 24 and -11 make 13, how did i get 14?
  • #28
hydrocarbon said:
thank you very much for your service. i wasnt confident in my answers because the distance seem rediculous from answer that i saw in the examples of my course book. but once again thank you for your expertise.

if you're taking it from ILC, so am I, and there are a lot of questions that don't make sense like that... the calculations and the constants are correct, but then they give you ridiculous numbers to deal with that don't make sense...

FAQ: Universal gravitational constant and satellite

1. What is the Universal Gravitational Constant (G)?

The Universal Gravitational Constant, represented by the letter G, is a fundamental constant in physics that quantifies the strength of the gravitational force between two objects. It is a key component in Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation and helps to explain the motion of celestial bodies such as planets and satellites.

2. How is G related to the mass and distance of two objects?

G is directly proportional to the product of the masses of the two objects and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. This means that as the mass of either object increases, the gravitational force between them increases, and as the distance between them increases, the force decreases.

3. What is the value of G and how is it measured?

The currently accepted value of G is approximately 6.674 x 10^-11 m^3/kg/s^2. It is measured using highly sensitive instruments and precise experiments, such as the Cavendish experiment, which involve measuring the gravitational force between two masses at a known distance.

4. How does G affect the motion of satellites?

G is crucial in determining the trajectory and speed of satellites in orbit around a larger object, such as the Earth. It is used in mathematical equations, such as Kepler's laws of planetary motion, to calculate the necessary velocity and distance for a satellite to maintain a stable orbit.

5. Can G change over time or vary in different parts of the universe?

While there have been some suggestions that G may have varied in the past, it is currently considered to be a constant value. However, there is ongoing research and debate about the possibility of G varying in different regions of the universe. So far, no significant variations have been detected.
