Universal Perspective: Exploring the Singularity of Zero Emergence

In summary, the conversation discusses the idea of existence as a big block of legos, with ONE representing everything and ZERO representing nothing. It suggests that the ONEs try to fill the ZERO in the center, creating bubbles and ripples in the process. This is described as a 3-dimensional string, which ultimately forms a doughnut shape. The post also mentions the concept of rotation and expansion from an inside and outside perspective, and suggests that matter and energy are the result of a singularity of zero emergence. However, many of these ideas do not align with current scientific understanding and may be oversimplifications of the complexity of the universe.
  • #1
Let’s imagine that all existence is a big square block of legos. It is infinitely big, so it has no boundaries, but for the purpose of this experiment, it has boundaries. The individual legos are quantified as ONE, just as the entire block is quantified as ONE, because it is all of everything. (stay with me on this).

Now, since existence is ONE and ONE is all that there is, in order to quantify ONE you have to have ZERO. Let’s make ZERO the center point of our block of legos. Since ZERO is less than ONE, and has no value being simply ‘nothing’ set against ‘everything’, the ONE tries to rush into it but cannot. Just like water trying to rush in on air, the water can’t displace the air in it and bubbles are formed. Just like air (comparatively) is empty space and water is (comparatively) solid space – when set against each other, a bubble is formed.

Now, since we are quantifying these legos as individual points, let’s take a straight line of these legos and call them a string.


Now, let's say that at the center of this string of ONEs, you insert a ZERO. What happens?


The string will stretch down to it’s smallest point from both sides until it is stretched to its limit and can’t go any farther trying to fill in that ZERO value and get to the ONE on the other side. Just like a bubble of air at the bottom of the deepest ocean trench is invulnerable to the crushing force of the entire ocean, so too is the vacuum (or zero) at the center of the string invulnerable to the squeezing together of the ONEs. So now we see a string interrupted at the center, and stretched along the entire line with the stretch diminishing the further out it gets from the center. Now make that string 3 dimensional, and what do you have? A bubble, or, 360 degrees of strings focused down to their smallest point like 360 degrees of tapering sewing needles all jamming down on the same center spot but running into each other.

Now, as a consequence of the legos stretching in from all angles, more empty spaces are created along the string in a chain reaction of stretching and compressing.


From the center of the singularity of a ZERO inserted into ONE, like ripples in a pond in 360 degrees, come both bubbles and ripples. The ZEROS that are appearing in a chain reaction from the center of the singularity make the strings appear to be pushing out, or expanding, while the ONEs in between the ZEROs seem to be pushing in or contracting, and the whole event is creating bubbles and ripples at an exponential rate.

Ultimately, the resulting shape is a doughnut, where the center of the doughnut is the singularity of the ZERO emergence. However, that is just its shape in one individual frame. If you spun a doughnut from its center really fast, you would see a ball. Therefore, the universe is a spinning doughnut rotating on the singularity. From the side, it would look like the infinity symbol, a sideways figure 8. From all sides, it would be a 360 degree figure 8, if you can picture what I mean. You have to have the outside perspective of the universe to see this as I mean it.

However, when I say rotating or expanding, I am purely speaking of the perspective inside the event and not outside it. Since the chain of ones is infinite, there is neither expansion nor rotation of the event to its perspective. Think of it this way. Bob has a ball in his hand, and Jim is inside the ball (where he can’t see Bob but Bob can see him). Bob is infinite, and Jim is finite. As the ball got bigger to Jim, Bob got bigger because Bob is infinite. As the ball rotated to Jim, Bob rotated, because Bob is infinite. So, BOTH the ball AND Jim retained the same size and orientation from Bob’s infinite perspective, but from Jim’s fixed perspective both the size and orientation of the ball changed. In this experiment, you and I are Jim. That is what I mean by rotating and expanding.

My point is that matter and energy are the cavitations and ripples of space-time started by a singularity of zero emergence. To the fabric of space time, the universe remains the same size, shape, and orientation because it is infinite. To the universe, however, we are expanding infinitely and rotating on an axis.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2

I find this forum post intriguing and thought-provoking. However, I must approach it with a critical and analytical mindset.

Firstly, the analogy of existence being like a block of legos is a simplification and oversimplification of the complexity of the universe. While it may be helpful in visualizing certain concepts, we must be careful not to take it too literally or apply it too broadly.

Secondly, the concept of ONE and ZERO as quantifiers for existence and non-existence is an interesting perspective, but it does not align with current scientific understanding. In science, we use numbers and mathematical equations to describe and quantify the physical world, but these numbers are not inherently connected to existence or non-existence.

Moving on to the idea of the ONEs trying to fill the ZERO in the center and creating bubbles and ripples, this is an interesting concept, but again, it does not align with current scientific understanding. In reality, the physical properties and interactions of matter and energy are much more complex and cannot be simplified to the stretching and compressing of lego blocks.

Furthermore, the analogy of a spinning doughnut as the shape of the universe is not supported by scientific evidence. The current understanding of the shape of the universe is that it is flat or possibly slightly curved, but not in the shape of a doughnut or figure 8.

Overall, while this forum post presents an interesting and creative perspective on the nature of the universe, it does not align with current scientific understanding and cannot be considered a scientific theory. I would encourage further exploration and critical thinking, but also caution against taking this analogy too literally.

FAQ: Universal Perspective: Exploring the Singularity of Zero Emergence

1. What is the singularity of zero emergence?

The singularity of zero emergence refers to the point at which something emerges from nothing, or the point at which a system or phenomenon begins to exist.

2. How does the concept of zero emergence relate to the concept of the singularity?

The concept of zero emergence is closely related to the concept of the singularity, as both refer to a point of origin or creation. However, while the singularity often refers to a specific event or moment, zero emergence is a more general term that can encompass any type of emergence.

3. What is the significance of exploring the singularity of zero emergence?

Exploring the singularity of zero emergence can help us better understand the nature of existence and the processes by which things come into being. It can also provide insights into the fundamental laws and principles that govern our universe.

4. Can the singularity of zero emergence be observed or measured?

No, the singularity of zero emergence cannot be directly observed or measured. It is a theoretical concept that helps us conceptualize the beginning of something from nothing.

5. How does the singularity of zero emergence relate to the concept of nothingness?

The singularity of zero emergence is often used to explain the creation of something from nothing, or the emergence of a system from a state of nothingness. It is therefore closely related to the concept of nothingness, but it is not the same thing.
