Universal Shape: Is There One in Our Universe?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of a universal shape in the universe and suggests that a circle may be the most fitting shape. It also touches on the idea of strings in string theory and how they vibrate in different dimensions. The conversation ends with a discussion on the energy source for the vibrations and the limitations of our current technology in observing them.
  • #1
Is there such a thing in our Universe as a "Universal Shape"? By that, I mean, is there one shape that everything else in the universe is made up of?

I suspect that a "circle" would be more fitting if there as such a universal shape.

If everything in the Universe is made up of Atoms, then aren't Atoms round (circles)? Therefore, all shapes within our Universe are made up of round things (Atoms.

Does this idea have any real meaning within the world of Physics?
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  • #2
  • #3
Originally posted by timejim
Does this idea have any real meaning within the world of Physics?

Means gravity likes circles
  • #4
Strings have all different shapes.
  • #5
Originally posted by aychamo

Okay, I have heard of strings, just what are they (explained as simply as possible). Thanks
  • #6
My Condensed Version

In string theory the basic objects are one-dimensional strings (as opposed to particles in other theories) that may have ends or be shaped like closed loops (think rubber bands). These strings vibrate with certain resonant frequencies whose wavelengths fit between the two ends (think bumps and valleys). These different frequencies cause different masses and force charges.

I hope this helps
  • #7

Originally posted by W. M.
In string theory the basic objects are one-dimensional strings (as opposed to particles in other theories) that may have ends or be shaped like closed loops (think rubber bands). These strings vibrate with certain resonant frequencies whose wavelengths fit between the two ends (think bumps and valleys). These different frequencies cause different masses and force charges.

I hope this helps

Yes, it helps but brings other questions. Where does the energy come from that causes the strings to resonate, and, you say bumps and valleys, is this like sine waves? Your a big help. Also, I am having some trouble grasping a one dimensional "thing", could you help me with this, also? Also, if the strings are resonating, is it possible to detect this resonance with some sort of frequency detector or is the resonance confined to the string?
  • #8
Well, let's see...

Also, I am having some trouble grasping a one dimensional "thing", could you help me with this, also?

The best way to think of this is to use "real-world" everyday objects as examples. A shoebox is three-dimensional because it has height, length, and width. A sheet of paper has width and length, but no height, and therefore is two-dimensional. A piece of string, however, is one-dimensional because it has neither height nor width, but only length.

you say bumps and valleys, is this like sine waves?


Also, if the strings are resonating, is it possible to detect this resonance with some sort of frequency detector or is the resonance confined to the string?

Because cosmic strings are microscopic, they would have to be magnified many times before we could observe the vibrating strings. The problem is, is that strings can vibrate consistantly only in ten or 26 dimensions, and we do not as of yet have the access to observe those extra dimensions (although that may change as more particle collider experiments are conducted).

Where does the energy come from that causes the strings to resonate

I honestly don't know (If anyone else here reading this would know, please jump in). My guess would be (and it's only a guess)would be the energy needed for vibrations is left over from the Big Bang.

the problem in discussing string theory is that it is just that...theory. And unfortunately, we have neither the technology or energy to actually observe cosmic strings. Two books that discuss this theory are "Hyperspace" by Michio Kaku, and "The Universe in a Nutshell" by Stephen Hawking. Also you might want to try out this website:


Well, I'm sorry I couldn't help you more here, but there are probably other places here at the Physics Forum that discuss string theory in more detail than I am able to.
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  • #9

Originally posted by W. M.
Because cosmic strings are microscopic,
cosmic strings are not microscopic
  • #10
Originally posted by W. M.
The best way to think of this is to use "real-world" everyday objects as examples. A shoebox is three-dimensional because it has height, length, and width. A sheet of paper has width and length, but no height, and therefore is two-dimensional. A piece of string, however, is one-dimensional because it has neither height nor width, but only length.


Because cosmic strings are microscopic, they would have to be magnified many times before we could observe the vibrating strings. The problem is, is that strings can vibrate consistantly only in ten or 26 dimensions, and we do not as of yet have the access to observe those extra dimensions (although that may change as more particle collider experiments are conducted).

I honestly don't know (If anyone else here reading this would know, please jump in). My guess would be (and it's only a guess)would be the energy needed for vibrations is left over from the Big Bang.

the problem in discussing string theory is that it is just that...theory. And unfortunately, we have neither the technology or energy to actually observe cosmic strings. Two books that discuss this theory are "Hyperspace" by Michio Kaku, and "The Universe in a Nutshell" by Stephen Hawking. Also you might want to try out this website:


Well, I'm sorry I couldn't help you more here, but there are probably other places here at the Physics Forum that discuss string theory in more detail than I am able to.

All of you guys are a big help and with very interesting information for my part. Keep it up as an answer sometimes brings up another question and so on. Timejim
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Related to Universal Shape: Is There One in Our Universe?

1. What is the Universal Shape?

The Universal Shape is a theoretical concept that suggests there may be a single, fundamental shape that exists throughout the entire universe. This shape would be present in everything from the smallest atoms to the largest galaxies, and would be a fundamental building block of the universe.

2. How do scientists study the concept of a Universal Shape?

Scientists study the concept of a Universal Shape through various methods, including observations of the physical world, mathematical models, and experiments. They also use theories such as string theory and quantum mechanics to explore the fundamental structure of the universe.

3. Is there evidence to support the existence of a Universal Shape?

Currently, there is no concrete evidence to support the existence of a Universal Shape. However, some theories, such as the holographic principle, suggest that there may be underlying patterns and structures that govern the universe.

4. How would the existence of a Universal Shape impact our understanding of the universe?

If a Universal Shape does exist, it would revolutionize our understanding of the universe and the laws of physics. It would provide a unifying framework for the fundamental principles that govern the universe, and could potentially lead to new discoveries and technologies.

5. Can the concept of a Universal Shape ever be proven?

Proving the existence of a Universal Shape would require a deep understanding of the fundamental nature of the universe, which is currently beyond our technological capabilities. However, ongoing research and advancements in science may one day provide evidence for or against this concept.

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