Universe entropy variation of one body and a reservoir

In summary, the entropy of the universe decreases as the body approaches equilibrium with the reservoir.
  • #1

Homework Statement

One body of constant pressure heat capacity [itex]C_P[/itex] at temperature [itex]T_i[/itex] it's placed in contact with a thermal reservoir at a higher temperature [itex]Tf[/itex]. Pressure is kept constant until the body achieves equilibrium with the reservoir.
a) Show that the variation in the entropy of the universe equals:
[itex]C_P [x − ln(1 + x )][/itex],
onde [itex]x = − \frac {(Tf− Ti )}{Tf}[/itex]

(There might be some translation issues from Portuguese to English).

Homework Equations

All I can think is
[itex]C_P= T \left ( \frac {\partial S}{\partial T} \right )_P [/itex]
[itex] dU = T dS [/itex]
[itex] dQ = C_P dT [/itex]
[itex] dS = \frac {dQ}{T} [/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

I haven't been able to understand the underlying physics properly. I attempted a "no idea what I'm doing but here I go" with the first equation, which led to nothing. I assume that the entropy variation of the universe should be the addition of the variation in the body and in the reservoir but can't seem to calculate them correctly.Thank you for your time people.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I know it's rude to bump threads, but does anybody have the time and knowledge to help me?
  • #3
Sabian said:
I know it's rude to bump threads, but does anybody have the time and knowledge to help me?

To get the total entropy change for the combination of system and surroundings, you have to take each of them separately along reversible paths from the initial to the final state. Can you think of a reversible path between the initial and final state for the system? Can you think of a reversible path between the initial and final state for the reservoir? How much heat is transferred between the system and the reservoir when it goes from the initial to the final state? All this heat is transferred to the reservoir at its (constant) temperature Tf.

That's all the hints I can give you without revealing every last detail.
  • #4
I could figure it out, thanks man, really.
  • #5

As a scientist, my response would be that the variation in entropy of the universe is a fundamental concept in thermodynamics and is related to the concept of irreversibility. In this particular scenario, the entropy variation can be calculated using the equation provided in the homework statement, which takes into account the constant pressure heat capacity, initial and final temperatures, and the temperature of the reservoir. This equation is derived from the fundamental equations of thermodynamics, such as the heat capacity, internal energy, and entropy equations.

To understand the physics behind this equation, we can think of the body as a closed system that is in contact with a thermal reservoir. When the body is placed in contact with the reservoir, heat will flow from the reservoir to the body until they reach thermal equilibrium. During this process, there is an exchange of energy and entropy between the body and the reservoir. The body will absorb heat and increase its internal energy, while the reservoir will lose heat and decrease its internal energy. However, the entropy of the universe, which is the sum of the entropy of the body and the reservoir, will increase due to the transfer of heat and the irreversible nature of the process.

The equation provided in the homework statement shows that the entropy variation of the universe is directly proportional to the heat capacity of the body and the temperature difference between the reservoir and the initial temperature of the body. It also takes into account the logarithmic relationship between the temperature difference and the temperature of the reservoir. This equation can be used to calculate the entropy variation in various thermodynamic processes, and it highlights the importance of considering the universe as a whole when analyzing thermodynamic systems.

In conclusion, the equation provided in the homework statement is a fundamental tool in understanding the concept of entropy variation and its relation to thermodynamic processes. It shows that the entropy of the universe always increases in irreversible processes, and it can be used to calculate the entropy variation in various scenarios, such as the one described in the homework statement.

FAQ: Universe entropy variation of one body and a reservoir

1. What is "Universe entropy variation of one body and a reservoir"?

"Universe entropy variation of one body and a reservoir" is a concept that refers to the change in entropy of a single body in a system when it interacts with a larger reservoir, such as the entire universe. Entropy is a measure of the disorder and randomness in a system, and this concept helps to explain how energy and heat flow in a system.

2. How does the entropy of a body change when it interacts with a reservoir?

When a body interacts with a reservoir, there is an exchange of energy and heat between the two. As a result, the entropy of the body may either increase or decrease, depending on the direction of this energy and heat flow. This change in entropy is described by the second law of thermodynamics.

3. Why is the concept of "Universe entropy variation of one body and a reservoir" important?

This concept is important because it helps us understand how energy and heat flow in a system. It also helps to explain why certain processes occur spontaneously and others do not, based on the direction of entropy change. It has applications in various fields, including physics, chemistry, and biology.

4. Can the entropy of a body decrease when it interacts with a reservoir?

Yes, the entropy of a body can decrease when it interacts with a reservoir. This can occur when the body receives energy and heat from the reservoir, which allows it to become more ordered and organized. However, the overall entropy of the system (including both the body and the reservoir) will always increase, as required by the second law of thermodynamics.

5. How does the concept of "Universe entropy variation of one body and a reservoir" relate to the overall entropy of the universe?

The concept of "Universe entropy variation of one body and a reservoir" is related to the overall entropy of the universe because all systems within the universe are constantly exchanging energy and heat, causing changes in entropy. The second law of thermodynamics states that the overall entropy of the universe will continue to increase over time, as energy becomes more dispersed and systems become more disordered.
