Universe Expansion: How Space is Created

In summary, the universe is expanding and space is created when particles collide. The universe has a finite size and time will eventually run out. There is no end to the universe.
  • #1
i know that the universe is expanding...but i don't understand how

how can space be created...like...i know the universe is HUGE...but it has to end somewhere it can't just keep going...like if say hypothetically that we can keep flying thru space and kept going...would in the end hit a wall or something lol...i just can't picture infinite ..., there HAS to be an end somewhere!
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
Picture a balloon with little galaxies on it. Than blow it up. Space expands, universes recede. If you fly in one direction you would eventually end up where you started. Its commonly believed that the universe is as such.
  • #3
Because the size of the universe is related to how much time has passed since the Big Bang,just think of time passing - there is no reason why time can't keep passing.What is the wall that time runs into?
  • #4
I doubt anyone can imagine the totality of Infinity. But a physical wall makes no sense especially since it begs the question as to what would be on the other side. Observational data suggests that the universe is infinite in extent. But, if space is not infinite, then it curves back on itself somewhat like Parth Dave described.
  • #5
decibel said:
i know that the universe is expanding...but i don't understand how

how can space be created...like...i know the universe is HUGE...but it has to end somewhere it can't just keep going...like if say hypothetically that we can keep flying thru space and kept going...would in the end hit a wall or something lol...i just can't picture infinite ..., there HAS to be an end somewhere!
At what scale does logic no longer apply? If causality is essential at all scales, then it applies even to the point where spacetime first came into existence, even before there were any particles. If applies to the most fundamental level, then causality would require that the very first point of spacetime should be the cause of another. If this is the definition of spacetime itself, then it is the very nature of spacetime to expand.
  • #6
Mike2 said:
At what scale does logic no longer apply? If causality is essential at all scales, then it applies even to the point where spacetime first came into existence, even before there were any particles. If applies to the most fundamental level, then causality would require that the very first point of spacetime should be the cause of another. If this is the definition of spacetime itself, then it is the very nature of spacetime to expand.
[nitpick]the limits of our current, best physics theories - QFT and GR - are ~Planck time and size; only String/M Theory and/or LQG can help us with the universe at earlier times, and we have *no* indication as to whether which, or any, of these matches reality.[/nitpick]

FAQ: Universe Expansion: How Space is Created

1. What is Universe Expansion and how does it occur?

Universe Expansion is the process by which the space in the universe is continuously increasing. This concept was first proposed by Edwin Hubble in the 1920s and has been supported by various scientific evidence since then. It occurs due to the expansion of space itself, rather than objects moving apart from each other.

2. What is driving the expansion of the universe?

The expansion of the universe is driven by a force called dark energy. This mysterious force is believed to make up about 70% of the total energy in the universe and is responsible for the acceleration of the expansion. However, its exact nature and origin are still not fully understood by scientists.

3. How fast is the universe expanding?

The rate of universe expansion is measured by a value called the Hubble constant, named after Edwin Hubble. Currently, the most accepted value for the Hubble constant is about 70 km/s per megaparsec. This means that for every 3.26 million light years of distance, the expansion causes objects to move 70 kilometers further apart per second.

4. Will the universe continue to expand forever?

Based on current scientific evidence, it is believed that the universe will continue to expand forever. This is because the acceleration of the expansion is not expected to slow down or reverse, as long as dark energy continues to exist. However, there are ongoing studies and debates about the fate of the universe in the distant future.

5. How does the expansion of the universe affect us on Earth?

The effects of universe expansion on Earth are not directly noticeable because the expansion is happening on a very large scale. However, it has been observed that the expansion causes galaxies to move further apart from each other, which could eventually lead to the disappearance of some galaxies from our observable universe. This process is known as the "Big Rip" and is still a topic of research and debate among scientists.
