Unjust Account Disabling: My Experience with Evo as a Moderator

  • Thread starter iodmys101
  • Start date
In summary: Stop creating new usernames. We are just going to ban those, too. When the 21 day ban expires on your initial account, then you can resume posting, if you can behave yourself.
  • #1
I know this isn't the right place to post this, but... Three of my accounts (user names: iodmys, anonymous299792458, James Dean) seem to have been disabled by one of your mods, Evo, because I dared to question her authority. I can still log in with those accounts, but I can't post. I have made quite a few legitimate posts, which you can confirm for yourself. "James Dean" was disabled supposedly for sexual harassment, although other people on this forum have talked about virtually the same topics. "iodmys" and "anonymous299792458" were disabled simply for asking her why she disabled my first account. I did not deserve this treatment.
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  • #2
Your new account was banned when it was discovered that you already have a banned account, but were continuing to post under multple user ID's.
  • #3
So I was banned merely because I was posting from the same IP? That doesn't seem fair.
  • #4
iodmys101 said:
So I was banned merely because I was posting from the same IP? That doesn't seem fair.
When you are banned under one name, it is not ok to continue to post under other names. Another user that was banned reappeared last night under another name and he was also banned.
  • #5
iodmys101 said:
So I was banned merely because I was posting from the same IP? That doesn't seem fair.

Your additional accounts were banned by me (not Evo) not because you have the same IP as a banned user, but because you ARE in fact a banned user. Don't play dumb, we all know that you are the same person who initially received a 21 day ban through the warning system.

Stop creating new usernames. We are just going to ban those, too. When the 21 day ban expires on your initial account, then you can resume posting, if you can behave yourself.
  • #6
would it be a crime if i showed the guy how to get around detection by you guys and come on with a new user name?
  • #7
philocrazy said:
would it be a crime if i showed the guy how to get around detection by you guys and come on with a new user name?

What, you got some magic trick to make him stop making sexually explicit posts and antagonizing the staff? Seriously, do you think some dopey techno-trick is going cover up an unsavory personality?

FAQ: Unjust Account Disabling: My Experience with Evo as a Moderator

What is the definition of "Unjust Account Disabling"?

Unjust Account Disabling refers to the act of a moderator or website administrator disabling a user's account without valid reason or proper explanation. This can be seen as unfair or unwarranted by the user and can lead to frustration and confusion.

What is Evo's role in the experience of Unjust Account Disabling?

Evo, or Evolution Gaming, is a popular online gaming community that has faced criticism in the past for allegedly unjustly disabling user accounts. As a moderator for Evo, I have personally witnessed and experienced instances of unjust account disabling.

How common is Unjust Account Disabling within online communities?

Unfortunately, it is difficult to determine the exact frequency of Unjust Account Disabling as it can vary greatly between different online communities. However, it is a common issue that has been reported by users in various online forums and discussions.

What are some potential reasons for Unjust Account Disabling?

There are several potential reasons for Unjust Account Disabling, including miscommunication between moderators and users, personal biases or grudges, and misuse of power by moderators. It can also occur due to unclear or unfair community rules and guidelines.

What steps can be taken to prevent Unjust Account Disabling?

To prevent Unjust Account Disabling, it is important for online communities to have clear and fair rules and guidelines in place. Moderators should also be properly trained and held accountable for their actions. Open communication between moderators and users is also crucial in addressing any potential issues before they escalate.

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