Unjust Midterm Pass: No Math Class in 3 Weeks

In summary: When I was in college (yeah, franz, back in the dark ages, I know), I placed out of several of my first year classes based on my AP exam scores, and placed into advanced levels of several other classes (they didn't call anything "honors" courses, but that's essentially what they were) based on my college placement test scores. This was great because it got me out of those huge freshman lectures and into smaller classes where the profs actually knew who we were. I think you have come across one of the problems with our educational system: in many cases, courses are not geared toward the best in the class, but allowing the
  • #36
Monique said:
What does that mean, when the curve is 10-15%?

It means the grades aren't on a curve but are all scaled up so the highest score is an A.

Students would very much complain if scores were really curved, because if everyone does well, you could actually be given a lower grade than your raw score indicates...only a very masochistic instructor would try that, because it would ensure their torture at the hands of the students. But, how the class is graded is ultimately up to the professor.
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  • #37
franznietzsche said:
I hate to break it to you, but the fact that I'm an a-hole is common knowledge. Congratulations looks like you were last to know.

That makes you my wife.


I was just about to go to bed, but I don't think I'll sleep now. Thanks buddy, I mean darling, I mean... oh whatever. :frown:
  • #38
the number 42 said:
I was just about to go to bed, but I don't think I'll sleep now. Thanks buddy, I mean darling, I mean... oh whatever. :frown:

:smile: :smile:

Glad i could help honey.

  • #39
Moonbear said:
It means the grades aren't on a curve but are all scaled up so the highest score is an A.

Students would very much complain if scores were really curved, because if everyone does well, you could actually be given a lower grade than your raw score indicates...only a very masochistic instructor would try that, because it would ensure their torture at the hands of the students. But, how the class is graded is ultimately up to the professor.

I've had professors do that for the full class grade. Its the only time i ever worry about my grades, because i don't like my grade to be dependent on everyone doing worse than me.
  • #40
That's just weird. If you don't answer all questions correctly, you should not be given a full grade. At least that's how things work around here.
  • #41
When I taught, I would give an absolute grade. The student either got it right or wrong. I failed students who did not put in the effort, and I gave D's.

For students, who received F's or D's, I had them come talk to me. In some cases, I recommended that they consider another area of study.

I was somewhat lenient for freshman, and was less so up the ranks. For graduate students, I was much tougher, since at that point, one should have a significant amount of academic discipline and responsibility. The position of a graduate student is equivalent to an entry level engineer or scientist.

Franz - Rather than being pissed off, go find a professor and see if you can get involved in some research. I had a colleague, who was simply brilliant (4.0). During his sophomore year, he got involved in the development of numerical methods. He was effectively doing Masters level research. In fact, his research became the basis of his MS and PhD work. He ended up working for one of the National Labs.
  • #42
It seems to me that learning math is similar to learning language, it does not necessarily reflect you ingenuity, perhpas more of your personality, it is certainly a more simple and efficient form of language.
  • #43
Astronuc said:
Franz - Rather than being pissed off, go find a professor and see if you can get involved in some research. I had a colleague, who was simply brilliant (4.0). During his sophomore year, he got involved in the development of numerical methods. He was effectively doing Masters level research. In fact, his research became the basis of his MS and PhD work. He ended up working for one of the National Labs.

:smile: I never thought you would stoop to such sarcasm, Astronuc. That kid'll drop out of college and be drunk off his ass, flippin' burgers and belching lines from 'Beyond Good & Evil' till his arteries clog. Don't mess with nature. Do we really need another genius messing around in laboratories? Haven't you noticed the shortage of off-the-wall characters in fast food these days? The kids in Taco Bell are virtually catatonic.
  • #44
I agree, do some extra research on your own. Or if not interested, just relax and pass the class with ease.
  • #45
Yeah, try out some different paper hats. See which ones you like best.
  • #46
the number 42 said:
Haven't you noticed the shortage of off-the-wall characters in fast food these days? The kids in Taco Bell are virtually catatonic.

I actually have noticed this, for several years now. What happened to all the smart high school kids trying to earn some money to pay for college, or some smart college kids trying to earn some pizza money who used to work in the fast food joints? The kids working there really do all seem to be somewhat catatonic! It's frightening. I was starting to wonder if they were told Special K is good for breakfast and didn't realize someone meant the cereal.
  • #47
Moonbear said:
I actually have noticed this, for several years now. What happened to all the smart high school kids trying to earn some money to pay for college, or some smart college kids trying to earn some pizza money who used to work in the fast food joints? The kids working there really do all seem to be somewhat catatonic! It's frightening. I was starting to wonder if they were told Special K is good for breakfast and didn't realize someone meant the cereal.

I'm glad you agree that only Nitchy - and wasters of his ilk - can save us from bland service in our fine fast food joints. I mean, what a noble sacrifice that would be.
  • #48
the number 42 said:
I'm glad you agree that only Nitchy - and wasters of his ilk - can save us from bland service in our fine fast food joints. I mean, what a noble sacrifice that would be.

Well, if he used the extra time he has due to skipping class to get a part time job somewhere, he wouldn't have to keep complaining that his mom controls what he can spend money on either. Ever noticed that he seems to have no shortage of money to spend on alcohol, yet for some reason isn't allowed to spend US$25/year to be a PF contributor?
  • #49
Moonbear said:
Well, if he used the extra time he has due to skipping class to get a part time job somewhere, he wouldn't have to keep complaining that his mom controls what he can spend money on either. Ever noticed that he seems to have no shortage of money to spend on alcohol, yet for some reason isn't allowed to spend US$25/year to be a PF contributor?

Yeah. They should waive the fee for drunks. Good point, Mooners.
  • #50
Astronuc said:
Franz - Rather than being pissed off, go find a professor and see if you can get involved in some research. I had a colleague, who was simply brilliant (4.0). During his sophomore year, he got involved in the development of numerical methods. He was effectively doing Masters level research. In fact, his research became the basis of his MS and PhD work. He ended up working for one of the National Labs.

I am, we're working on modelling solar energy transport, specifically how convection works in the sun, in particular how convective cells are structured, how fast the gas actually flows, how much energy is actually carried by convection rather than by radiation.

Moonbear said:
I actually have noticed this, for several years now. What happened to all the smart high school kids trying to earn some money to pay for college, or some smart college kids trying to earn some pizza money who used to work in the fast food joints? The kids working there really do all seem to be somewhat catatonic! It's frightening. I was starting to wonder if they were told Special K is good for breakfast and didn't realize someone meant the cereal.

I worked customer service in a phone center in high school. Almost entirely in spanish (this was in San Fernando).

Moonbear said:
Well, if he used the extra time he has due to skipping class to get a part time job somewhere, he wouldn't have to keep complaining that his mom controls what he can spend money on either. Ever noticed that he seems to have no shortage of money to spend on alcohol, yet for some reason isn't allowed to spend US$25/year to be a PF contributor?

Actually the problem isn't spending cash, its credit card spending. The trick to the alcohol is repeated small bank withdrawals.

the number 42 said:
I'm glad you agree that only Nitchy - and wasters of his ilk - can save us from bland service in our fine fast food joints. I mean, what a noble sacrifice that would be

For you, i would even spit in the food.
  • #51
the number 42 said:
Yeah. They should waive the fee for drunks. Good point, Mooners.

I don't see you paying the $25/year either, asshat.
  • #52
franznietzsche said:
I don't see you paying the $25/year either, asshat.

"Asshat"? You must have been sober when you thought up that one. :biggrin:
  • #53
franznietzsche said:
For you, i would even spit in the food.

Now that's just plain kinky :rolleyes:

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