Unlock Hidden Disk Space on Dell Latitude D800

  • Thread starter rocketboy
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    Drive Hard
In summary: The program that informs users not to marge system partitions with any other partitions is PartitionMagic.
  • #1
Ok, so up until this morning I thought my hard drive was only 20GB (Dell Latitude D800), because that is the size of my C drive and no other drives are visible when I open My Computer.

But this morning I was thinking there is no way my computer only came with 20GB, so I went into the System BIOS and found out that I actually have 60GB...but where is it? I can't access the other 40GB...and it would be really nice seeing as I am constantly deleting stuff because 20GB just isn't close to enough.

Does anybody know how to find my hidden disk space? I really don't want to have to re-format.
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  • #2
ooh...that's interesting...

I opened up the device manager, and opened the properties of my hard drive.

Here's what it says under the "volumes" tab:

Disk: Disk 0
Type: Basic
Status: Online
Partition Style: Master Boot Record (MBR)
Capacity: 57233 MB
Unallocated Space: 36742 MB
Reserved Space: 0 MB

Volumes: Capacity:
(C:) 20481 MB
  • #3
Go to control panel->administrative tools->computer management-> disk management and allocate the space to a new drive.

It is surprising your pc came that way...
  • #4
Awesome, I was getting ready to re-format. THanks so much!

Is there any way I can assign the unallocated disk space to the current drive or do I need to create a new partition?
  • #5
Awesome, I was getting ready to re-format. THanks so much!

Is there any way I can assign the unallocated disk space to the current drive or do I need to create a new partition?
Don't marge primary partition with another primary where you system is installed. However you can do that but it would screw up your system. Just create new primary partition, 40GB, and store files there that you don't want to lose when reinstalling windows.
  • #6
You can merge partitions without screwing up the system. Just be aware that editing partitions is a dangerous practice.
  • #7
-Job- said:
You can merge partitions without screwing up the system. Just be aware that editing partitions is a dangerous practice.

How? I now have 2 primary partitions, a 20 GB and a 40GB (well, approx). I would love for it to be one, it's much more space efficient.
  • #8
-Job- said:
You can merge partitions without screwing up the system. Just be aware that editing partitions is a dangerous practice.
No, Windows will not do that. You need a special app like PartitionMagic.
  • #9
That's the program i had in mind.
  • #10
"That's the program i had in mind."
That is the program that specifically informs users not to marge system partitions with any other partitions.
  • #11
I don't know what you mean. He can delete the partition he isn't using, and extend the system partition for one, which is the equivalent since his secondary partition is empty.
  • #12
Cept now I have used up 18gigs of the 40 gb partition i formatted the other day...:bugeye:

So I am using them both, I use D: (40 gig) for media, and the 20 gig partition for my main partition, runnign windows and all my programs etc...
  • #13
LOL funny missing that much of space. Trying to view all the files and folders that are hidden. The slowly count the amonut of files you have and add up together how much of file you have used. I can say that you have too many temp document. The temp files and folder that auto save you won't notice. Mine save up till 10gb till i realize so much of space lost. Go to the document and setting to find your temp folder. There has many unwanted files that you don't need. 2nd is that windows folder save some of the files that you install or d/l to your comp. so I am not sure which part in windows folder but i suggest don't try finding it.
  • #14
Mmx said:
LOL funny missing that much of space. Trying to view all the files and folders that are hidden. The slowly count the amonut of files you have and add up together how much of file you have used. I can say that you have too many temp document. The temp files and folder that auto save you won't notice. Mine save up till 10gb till i realize so much of space lost. Go to the document and setting to find your temp folder. There has many unwanted files that you don't need. 2nd is that windows folder save some of the files that you install or d/l to your comp. so I am not sure which part in windows folder but i suggest don't try finding it.

Lol, no the 18 gigs isn't taken up by hidden files or temp files...every file on my D partition is media, which I had burned on to a zillion cd-r's prior to finding my hidden disk space. I bet on C drive I have a lot of temp files though, but I don't use up space on that drive to quickly, all music/movies go onto my D drive.

Related to Unlock Hidden Disk Space on Dell Latitude D800

1. How much additional disk space can be unlocked on a Dell Latitude D800?

The amount of additional disk space that can be unlocked on a Dell Latitude D800 varies depending on the current usage and configuration of the laptop. However, it is possible to free up several gigabytes of space by removing unnecessary files and programs.

2. How can I unlock hidden disk space on my Dell Latitude D800?

To unlock hidden disk space on a Dell Latitude D800, you can start by running a disk cleanup utility to remove temporary files and old system files. You can also uninstall any programs or applications that you no longer use. Additionally, you can use disk partitioning tools to resize and reallocate space on your hard drive.

3. Will unlocking hidden disk space on my Dell Latitude D800 affect my files and programs?

No, unlocking hidden disk space on your Dell Latitude D800 should not affect your files and programs as long as you are only removing temporary and unnecessary files. However, it is always recommended to back up important files before making any changes to your hard drive.

4. Can I recover the hidden disk space on my Dell Latitude D800 after it has been unlocked?

Yes, if you decide to recover the hidden disk space on your Dell Latitude D800, you can simply reinstall any programs or applications that you had previously uninstalled. However, keep in mind that this will take up additional space on your hard drive.

5. Are there any risks involved in unlocking hidden disk space on a Dell Latitude D800?

Unlocking hidden disk space on a Dell Latitude D800 does not pose any significant risks as long as you are careful and follow proper procedures. However, it is always a good idea to create a backup of your important files before making any changes to your hard drive.

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