Unlock Role of Correspondence Thm for Groups in Analysing Composition Series

In summary: D_12$ by applying the following rules:$D_6 = (1,r,r^2,r^3,r^4,r^5,s,rs,r^2s,r^3s,r^4s,r^5s)$$D_7 = (0,r,r^2,r^3,r^4,r^5,s,rs,r^2s,r^3s,r^4s,r^5s)$$D_8 = (1,r,r^2,r^3,r^4,r^5,s,rs,r^
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
I have made two posts recently concerning the composition series of groups and have received considerable help from Euge and Deveno regarding this topic ... in particular, Euge and Deveno have pointed out the role of the Correspondence Theorem for Groups (Lattice Isomorphism Theorem for Groups) in analysing composition series ...

I am trying to fully understand the role of the Correspondence Theorem for Groupsin analysing composition series ... but need a bit more help ...

The issue I am focused on is the following:

Aluffi in his book, Algebra: Chapter 0 in the proof of the Jordan-Holder Theorem (pages 206 - 207) ... given a composition series:

\(\displaystyle G = G_0 \supsetneq G_1 \supsetneq G_2 \supsetneq \ ... \ ... \ \supsetneq G_n = \{e \} \)

states the following:

" ... ... there are no proper normal subgroups between \(\displaystyle G_1\) and \(\displaystyle G\) since \(\displaystyle G/G_1\) is simple ... ... "

... so then more generally we have the following:

... there are no proper normal subgroups between \(\displaystyle G_{ i + 1}\) and \(\displaystyle G_i\) since \(\displaystyle G_i/G_{ i + 1}\) is simple ... ... "Now ... ... in a previous post, Euge pointed out that this statement can be established through applying the Correspondence Theorem ... but how, exactly?To establish a notation, I am providing the statement of the Correspondence Theorem from Joseph J Rotman's undergraduate text, An Introduction to Abstract Algebra with Applications (Third Edition) ... as follows ... :View attachment 4919Now to restate the above in terms of our problem, we have:

\(\displaystyle G_{i + 1} \triangleleft G_i \)

Then \(\displaystyle \text{ Sub}( G_i ; G_{i + 1} )\) is the family of all those subgroups \(\displaystyle S\) of \(\displaystyle G_i\) containing \(\displaystyle G_{i + 1}\)


\(\displaystyle \text{ Sub}( G_i / G_{i + 1} )\) is the family of all subgroups of \(\displaystyle G_i / G_{i + 1} \)
Now ... we need to show that

\(\displaystyle G_i / G_{i + 1}\) is simple \(\displaystyle \Longrightarrow\) there are no proper normal subgroups between \(\displaystyle G_i\) and \(\displaystyle G_{i + 1}\)

... BUT ... ... how exactly do we do this ... ... ?Seems like we should use the Correspondence Theorem part (iii) ... but how exactly ... ?

Hope someone can help ...

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  • #2
Let's do it this way:

Lemma. Let $K$ be a normal subgroup of a group $G$. If $G/K$ is simple, then there are no normal subgroups $N$ of $G$ such that $K \subsetneq N \subsetneq G$.Proof. I'll prove the contrapositive, i.e., if there is a normal subgroup $N$ of $G$ such that $K\subsetneq N \subsetneq G$, then $G/K$ is not simple. Suppose such an $N$ exists, and consider the factor group $N/K$. Note that $N/K$ is the image of $N$ under the correspondence $\operatorname{Sub}(G;K) \to \operatorname{Sub}(G/K)$ in the Correspondence Theorem. By Proposition 2.123(iii), $N/K$ is normal in $G/K$. Furthermore, $N/K \neq G/K$ and $N/K \neq K$ (remember, $K = K/K$ is the identity of $G/K$), for otherwise Proposition 2.123(i) gives $N = G$ and $N = K$, respectively. These are contrary to assumption. Therefore, $N/K$ is a proper, nontrivial normal subgroup of $G/K$. This means that $G/K$ is not a simple group.
  • #3
Euge said:
Let's do it this way:

Lemma. Let $K$ be a normal subgroup of a group $G$. If $G/K$ is simple, then there are no normal subgroups $N$ of $G$ such that $K \subsetneq N \subsetneq G$.Proof. I'll prove the contrapositive, i.e., if there is a normal subgroup $N$ of $G$ such that $K\subsetneq N \subsetneq G$, then $G/K$ is not simple. Suppose such an $N$ exists, and consider the factor group $N/K$. Note that $N/K$ is the image of $N$ under the correspondence $\operatorname{Sub}(G;K) \to \operatorname{Sub}(G/K)$ in the Correspondence Theorem. By Proposition 2.123(iii), $N/K$ is normal in $G/K$. Furthermore, $N/K \neq G/K$ and $N/K \neq K$ (remember, $K = K/K$ is the identity of $G/K$), for otherwise Proposition 2.123(i) gives $N = G$ and $N = K$, respectively. These are contrary to assumption. Therefore, $N/K$ is a proper, nontrivial normal subgroup of $G/K$. This means that $G/K$ is not a simple group.
Thanks so so much for your help Euge ...

The proof is very clear and extremely helpful ...

Thanks again,

  • #4
Let's look at an example, because it's fun to play with our toys.

For our group $G$, we'll choose $D_6$ the symmetry group of the regular hexagon, of order $12$.

Explicitly, we'll write this as $\langle r,s: r^6 = s^2 = 1, sr = r^5s\rangle$, so that:

$G = \{1,r,r^2,r^3,r^4,r^5,s,rs,r^2s,r^3s,r^4s,r^5s\}$.

We can think of $r$ as being the linear transformation $\Bbb R^2 \to \Bbb R^2$ which has the matrix (in the standard basis):

$R = \begin{bmatrix} \frac{1}{2}&-\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}\\ \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}&\frac{1}{2}\end{bmatrix}$

and $s$ being the linear transformation $\Bbb R^2 \to \Bbb R^2$ which has the matrix:

$S = \begin{bmatrix}1&0\\0&-1\end{bmatrix}$ (reflection about the $x$-axis, the line between vertex $1$ and $3$).

Now the subgroup $\langle r\rangle$ (the *rotation* subgroup) is of index $2$, so automatically normal, and the quotient, being of prime order, is necessarily simple.

So we can begin our composition series $D_6 \supsetneq \langle r\rangle$.

Now $\langle r\rangle$ is cyclic (of order $6$), but not of prime order, so it has a non-trivial subgroup (all of its subgroups are normal, since it is abelian)of order $d$ for any divisor $d$ of $6$. So let's pick $d = 3$, so we have the subgroup:

$\langle r^2\rangle = \{1,r^2,r^4\}$.

As before, we have $\langle r^2\rangle$ of index $2$ in $\langle r\rangle$. And $\langle r^2\rangle$ is simple (it is cyclic of prime order), so our composition series is the following:

$D_6 \supsetneq \langle r\rangle \supsetneq \langle r^2\rangle \supsetneq \{1\}$.


Let's do this another way. First, we want to find a normal subgroup, let's use a different one than we used above. So we'll use $Z(D_6) = \{1,r^3\}$ (it's a fun exercise to prove this is indeed the center), which is always a normal subgroup.

Just for grins, let's investigate what $D_6/Z(D_6)$ is, and how the correspondence theorem plays out for it.

First, let's meet our cosets:

$Z(D_6) = \{1,r^3\}$
$rZ(D_6) = \{r,r^4\}$
$r^2Z(D_6) = \{r^2,r^5\}$
$sZ(D_6) = \{s,r^3s\}$ (recall $r^3$ commutes with $s$ so $sr^3 = r^3s$).
$rsZ(D_6) = \{rs, r^4s\}$
$r^2sZ(D_6) = \{r^2s,r^5s\}$

Clearly, $D_6/Z(D_6)$ has order $6$, so it is either cyclic of order $6$, or isomorphic to $S_3$. Which is it?

Note $(rZ(D_6))(sZ(D_6)) = (rs)Z(D_6)$, while:

$(sZ(D_6))(rZ(D_6)) = (sr)Z(D_6) = (r^5s)Z(D_6) = (r^2s)Z(D_6) \neq (rs)Z(D_6)$

so we conclude $D_6/Z(D_6) \cong S_3$ (since it is non-abelian).

For clarity's sake, let's abbreviate $gZ(D_6)$ as $[g]$. So the subgroups of the quotient $D_6/Z(D_6)$ are:

$\{[1],[r],[r^2],,[rs],[r^2s]\}$ -isomorphic to $S_3$
$\{[1],[r],[r^2]\}$ -isomorphic to $A_3$ (in this case the $3$-cycles and the identity).
$\{[1],[r^2s]\}$ - these correspond to the groups generated by a transposition

The correspondence theorem then tells us the subgroups of $D_6$ containing $Z(D_6)$ are:

$\langle r\rangle$ (this is the only subgroup of order $6$ containing $Z(D_6)$, it is cyclic.)
$\{1,r^3,r^2s,r^5s\}$ (these three groups are isomorphic to $V_4$, the klein viergruppe)

Now let's use $S_3$ and $\Bbb Z_2$ to build a composition series for $D_6$:

First, the composition series for $S_3$:


The composition series for $\Bbb Z_2$ is, of course, trivial, since $\Bbb Z_2$ is simple.

Pulling back the composition series for $S_3$ to $D_6$, and continuing with the composition series for $Z(D_6) \cong \Bbb Z_2$ we have:

$D_6, \langle r\rangle, \langle r^3\rangle,\{1\}$

Note this is a *different* composition series, but both series we have found have the same length, and the quotients that occur are both the same, just in a different order.
  • #5
Deveno said:
Let's look at an example, because it's fun to play with our toys.

For our group $G$, we'll choose $D_6$ the symmetry group of the regular hexagon, of order $12$.

Explicitly, we'll write this as $\langle r,s: r^6 = s^2 = 1, sr = r^5s\rangle$, so that:

$G = \{1,r,r^2,r^3,r^4,r^5,s,rs,r^2s,r^3s,r^4s,r^5s\}$.

We can think of $r$ as being the linear transformation $\Bbb R^2 \to \Bbb R^2$ which has the matrix (in the standard basis):

$R = \begin{bmatrix} \frac{1}{2}&-\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}\\ \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}&\frac{1}{2}\end{bmatrix}$

and $s$ being the linear transformation $\Bbb R^2 \to \Bbb R^2$ which has the matrix:

$S = \begin{bmatrix}1&0\\0&-1\end{bmatrix}$ (reflection about the $x$-axis, the line between vertex $1$ and $3$).

Now the subgroup $\langle r\rangle$ (the *rotation* subgroup) is of index $2$, so automatically normal, and the quotient, being of prime order, is necessarily simple.

So we can begin our composition series $D_6 \supsetneq \langle r\rangle$.

Now $\langle r\rangle$ is cyclic (of order $6$), but not of prime order, so it has a non-trivial subgroup (all of its subgroups are normal, since it is abelian)of order $d$ for any divisor $d$ of $6$. So let's pick $d = 3$, so we have the subgroup:

$\langle r^2\rangle = \{1,r^2,r^4\}$.

As before, we have $\langle r^2\rangle$ of index $2$ in $\langle r\rangle$. And $\langle r^2\rangle$ is simple (it is cyclic of prime order), so our composition series is the following:

$D_6 \supsetneq \langle r\rangle \supsetneq \langle r^2\rangle \supsetneq \{1\}$.


Let's do this another way. First, we want to find a normal subgroup, let's use a different one than we used above. So we'll use $Z(D_6) = \{1,r^3\}$ (it's a fun exercise to prove this is indeed the center), which is always a normal subgroup.

Just for grins, let's investigate what $D_6/Z(D_6)$ is, and how the correspondence theorem plays out for it.

First, let's meet our cosets:

$Z(D_6) = \{1,r^3\}$
$rZ(D_6) = \{r,r^4\}$
$r^2Z(D_6) = \{r^2,r^5\}$
$sZ(D_6) = \{s,r^3s\}$ (recall $r^3$ commutes with $s$ so $sr^3 = r^3s$).
$rsZ(D_6) = \{rs, r^4s\}$
$r^2sZ(D_6) = \{r^2s,r^5s\}$

Clearly, $D_6/Z(D_6)$ has order $6$, so it is either cyclic of order $6$, or isomorphic to $S_3$. Which is it?

Note $(rZ(D_6))(sZ(D_6)) = (rs)Z(D_6)$, while:

$(sZ(D_6))(rZ(D_6)) = (sr)Z(D_6) = (r^5s)Z(D_6) = (r^2s)Z(D_6) \neq (rs)Z(D_6)$

so we conclude $D_6/Z(D_6) \cong S_3$ (since it is non-abelian).

For clarity's sake, let's abbreviate $gZ(D_6)$ as $[g]$. So the subgroups of the quotient $D_6/Z(D_6)$ are:

$\{[1],[r],[r^2],,[rs],[r^2s]\}$ -isomorphic to $S_3$
$\{[1],[r],[r^2]\}$ -isomorphic to $A_3$ (in this case the $3$-cycles and the identity).
$\{[1],[r^2s]\}$ - these correspond to the groups generated by a transposition

The correspondence theorem then tells us the subgroups of $D_6$ containing $Z(D_6)$ are:

$\langle r\rangle$ (this is the only subgroup of order $6$ containing $Z(D_6)$, it is cyclic.)
$\{1,r^3,r^2s,r^5s\}$ (these three groups are isomorphic to $V_4$, the klein viergruppe)

Now let's use $S_3$ and $\Bbb Z_2$ to build a composition series for $D_6$:

First, the composition series for $S_3$:


The composition series for $\Bbb Z_2$ is, of course, trivial, since $\Bbb Z_2$ is simple.

Pulling back the composition series for $S_3$ to $D_6$, and continuing with the composition series for $Z(D_6) \cong \Bbb Z_2$ we have:

$D_6, \langle r\rangle, \langle r^3\rangle,\{1\}$

Note this is a *different* composition series, but both series we have found have the same length, and the quotients that occur are both the same, just in a different order.

Hi Deveno ... thanks for the help ..

So good to have an example! ... I felt that I really needed an example on the Jordan-Holder Theorem as I did not have a good feel or sense of how/why the result held and how the result would look in a concrete case ... ... and being an obsessive collector of mathematics texts, especially algebra texts, I had searched my various texts for an example and found none ... yes, that is right, more than half a dozen texts and not one example! ... so a special thanks for your post!

I am now working through the details ...

I do find that examples help give a concrete sense of how and why a result holds ... maybe even more so than the proof ... especially where the proof is a bit abstract ...

Thanks again,


FAQ: Unlock Role of Correspondence Thm for Groups in Analysing Composition Series

1. What is the Correspondence Theorem for Groups?

The Correspondence Theorem for Groups is a fundamental concept in group theory that states the relationship between normal subgroups and quotient groups. It states that for any normal subgroup N of a group G, there is a one-to-one correspondence between the subgroups of G containing N and the subgroups of the quotient group G/N. This theorem is essential in analyzing the structure of groups and their composition series.

2. How does the Correspondence Theorem help in analyzing composition series?

The Correspondence Theorem provides a way to break down complex groups into simpler ones. By identifying normal subgroups and their corresponding quotient groups, we can create a composition series, which is a sequence of normal subgroups that cannot be further simplified. This allows us to better understand the structure and properties of a group.

3. Can the Correspondence Theorem be applied to all groups?

Yes, the Correspondence Theorem applies to all groups. However, the group must have normal subgroups for the theorem to be useful in analyzing its composition series.

4. How does the Correspondence Theorem relate to the Isomorphism Theorems?

The Correspondence Theorem is closely related to the Isomorphism Theorems in group theory. It can be seen as a specific case of the Third Isomorphism Theorem, which states that for normal subgroups A and B of a group G, the quotient groups (G/A)/(B/A) and G/B are isomorphic. Therefore, the Correspondence Theorem is a powerful tool in proving and understanding the Isomorphism Theorems.

5. Can the Correspondence Theorem be used for practical applications?

Yes, the Correspondence Theorem has practical applications in mathematics, physics, and computer science. For example, it is used in cryptography to create secure codes by utilizing the one-to-one correspondence between subgroups. It is also used in physics to study the symmetries and transformations of physical systems. Additionally, the Correspondence Theorem has applications in data compression and error-correcting codes in computer science.

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