Unofficial PF Gathering in Chicago?

  • Thread starter ZapperZ
  • Start date
In summary, Tom is thinking about having a small gathering of PF members in December in Chicago. If anyone is interested, they should let him know.
  • #36
ZapperZ said:
Besides, Chicago during the summer is typically a lot more pleasant anyway. :)
Huh? You consider 105 F and 100% humidity pleasant? I always liked September and October the best there.:!) :!) :!)
Physics news on
  • #37
Another roll call for anyone else who might be interested in an informal get-together in Chicago this coming holidays. So far we have less than a handful, which won't be difficult to manage.

I've thrown out the evenings of Dec. 29 or Dec. 30th as possible dates, but I'm open to considering other dates that might be more suitable to people.

Once we figure out who's coming and how many, we can work out the other details...

  • #38
ZapperZ said:
If I do an off-the-top-of-my-head head count, the possible attendees so far (with no firm commitment of any kind) are me, Tom, Greg, and a maybe-Evo. This is beginning to sound like a Mentor Gathering. Anyone else would like to throw his/her hat into this?
*San Francisco? (I'm not a mentor...)
loseyourname said:
How about San Francisco?
Indeed, that would really work out well :redface:
  • #39
OK, so this is probably the final "boarding call" for anyone who might be interested in our little get-together. I have a tentative date of the evening of Dec. 30th, but this date is flexible somewhat. So far, we have less than a handful of maybe's, which isn't bad since a smaller group would be easier to plan for.

I'll be sending PM's to those who have indicated an interest so that we can work out a more definite plan. If you are interested and haven't indicated so, let me know soon. Everyone is welcome, including spouses, boyfriend, girlfriend, trophy wife, boy toy, significant others, etc. :)


  • #40
The spawn of Evo was in Chicago just this past weekend.
  • #41
Since I don't know her well enough, that's alright. But if you are ever in the 'hood and didn't tell me, I'm not going to forgive you... at least, not until you finally come with us to Disney World.


<you should have guessed that there would be a Disney angle in here somewhere>

  • #42
The first unofficial PF Gathering in Chicago went off beautifully. The turn out was smaller than expected (2 from PF, 3 family/friends). But speaking for myself, I certainly had a terrific time. Thanks Tom for coming out for a visit even on a rainy evening such as today.

We hope to plan another PF Gathering in Chicago some time during Spring. Maybe more people can make then...

  • #43
ZapperZ said:
The first unofficial PF Gathering in Chicago went off beautifully. The turn out was smaller than expected (2 from PF, 3 family/friends). But speaking for myself, I certainly had a terrific time. Thanks Tom for coming out for a visit even on a rainy evening such as today.

We hope to plan another PF Gathering in Chicago some time during Spring. Maybe more people can make then...

I thought Greg was going to join you too!

Glad you had a good time. I thought you'd be out partying all night with all the advanced planning you did for this. What happened to everyone else who said they'd attend? It's a good thing Gale and Whozum got together, or I'd be thinking it's only mentor's gatherings we have at PF.
  • #44
Yes, it was a smashing good time. My folks enjoyed themselves too.

Moonbear said:
I thought you'd be out partying all night with all the advanced planning you did for this.

It would have been nice, but I'm flying back to NY tomorrow.

What happened to everyone else who said they'd attend?

I don't know, but I'll say this much. If any of you do ever make it to a gathering of the Chicago Chapter of PF and meet at Zapper's apartment, upon walking through the front door you will momentarily be confused into thinking that you stepped into a teleporter straight into the Magic Kingdom.

But then it passes and you realize that your mind must be playing tricks on you. The Magic Kingdom doesn't have that much Disney stuff! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
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  • #45
I can't believe it if I wouldn't see some photo of this meeting! o:)

Moonbear said:
It's a good thing Gale and Whozum got together,

Add Astronuc and Clausius2 to the list too!
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  • #46
Sorry sweetie, but cameras were confiscated by my security personnel. In 4 years I have not posted a picture of myself at PF, and I'm not about to ruin the mystique now!
  • #47
Tom Mattson said:
I don't know, but I'll say this much. If any of you do ever make it to a gathering of the Chicago Chapter of PF and meet at Zapper's apartment, upon walking through the front door you will momentarily be confused into thinking that you stepped into a teleporter straight into the Magic Kingdom.
But then it passes and you realize that your mind must be playing tricks on you. The Magic Kingdom doesn't have that much Disney stuff! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:


Don't forget, the Magic Kingdom would also never, in a million years, have any Tweety stuff! :)

  • #48
ZapperZ said:
We hope to plan another PF Gathering in Chicago some time during Spring. Maybe more people can make then...

I already told Zz by PM, but in case anyone else wants to try to make plans, my school's Spring Break is Saturday 3/18 thru Sunday 3/26. I plan to be in IL during that time.
  • #49
Tom Mattson said:
I already told Zz by PM, but in case anyone else wants to try to make plans, my school's Spring Break is Saturday 3/18 thru Sunday 3/26. I plan to be in IL during that time.
I hope you're planning to visit Nevada as well:
  • #50
Tom Mattson said:
But then it passes and you realize that your mind must be playing tricks on you. The Magic Kingdom doesn't have that much Disney stuff! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
I believe it! They used to have that much Disney stuff at the Magic Kingdom until Zz bought it all! :bugeye: :smile: If you all have a gathering on a weekend in the summer, I'll be glad to join (I've been promised that Zz can recommend an excellent Thai restaurant in his neighborhood). I'm just not going to Chicago until it's know, that one month mid-summer. :biggrin:
  • #51
Tom Mattson said:
I already told Zz by PM, but in case anyone else wants to try to make plans, my school's Spring Break is Saturday 3/18 thru Sunday 3/26. I plan to be in IL during that time.

OK, since Tom has announced this, let's shoot for a SECOND Unofficial PF Gathering in Chicago. Either weekend on Saturday (3/18 or 3/25) will work for me. So if anyone interested can let me know either on here or via PM, we can all make an early plan for this.

If the group is small, we can all meet at my place. If it is large, we can meet at a restaurant somewhere that we all agreed on. So put this on your calendar if you're interested!

  • #52
The 2nd unofficial PF Gathering in Chicago has been set for Saturday, March 25, 2006. Tom and I will be there. Hopefully, a few more will show up.

Exactly location for meeting hasn't been decided. As before, if the group is small, we will probably meet at my place and go from there.

If you think you can make it, please let me know. We can then plan on the details.

  • #53
Since it is going to be almost a month till our next unofficial PF gathering in Chicago, I thought I should send out another heads-up notice for people who might have missed the first one or who are still considering.

We are planning the next gathering on Saturday, March 25, 2006 in Chicago. Hopefully the weather would be a lot warmer than it is now. Where we meet depends on how many will be showing up. If we have a small group again like last time, then I can certainly host the initial get-together and then we can pick a nearby restaurant for dinner (I'm suggesting either Japanese or Moroccan since there are two very good restaurants nearby within walking distance).

So far, Tom will be coming. I'm hoping Greg would be able to make it this time. I know there are other PF members around the Chicago area. And who knows, some of you in other parts of the country (or North America) might want to fly in for the weekend for this (and shopping?).

If you are, please let me know so that I can do a preliminary head count.


  • #54
It is another time for a roll call. We're less than 2 weeks away from another planned unofficial PF Gathering in Chicago (see post for details).

If you think you can make it, please let me know.

  • #55
We are a week away from our second unofficial PF Gathering in Chicago. So this will probably be one of the last roll call for any possible last minute participants. Again, the date is March. 25, probably around 4:00 pm, north side of Chicago. Details will be sent out via PM this coming week.

So far, we have a few possible "yea". Since the number is small enough, we will be meeting up at my place and go from there.

If you think you can make it, please let me know.

  • #56
Since I'm flying to Washington DC the following weekend, I can't make it. If I had sense, I should have booked a stopover flight in Chicago and met up with you for a bit. :frown:
  • #57
Evo said:
Since I'm flying to Washington DC the following weekend, I can't make it. If I had sense, I should have booked a stopover flight in Chicago and met up with you for a bit. :frown:

Too bad, Evo. You will miss all my Disney vacation videos that I'm going to show when everyone gets here.

Uh-oh! I think I just lost the rest of the people who are thinking of showing up!


  • #58
Looks like the upcomming planned PF Gathering has to be postponed due to unforeseen schedulling conflict.

We will try to organize another one some time in the middle of summer this year. So plan on it!

But look out for other unofficial PF Gathering being planned elsewhere in other threads.

  • #59
I'll plan on the summer one...assuming none of those unforseen scheduling conflicts pop up. I really think summer is the time of year I want to see Chicago.
  • #60
Moonbear said:
I'll plan on the summer one...assuming none of those unforseen scheduling conflicts pop up. I really think summer is the time of year I want to see Chicago.

I hope you can stay a bit longer than just a couple of days for the gathering, Moonbie. We'd love to show you around the city, go visit a few restaurants, and take you out shopping.


  • #61
I might do a long weekend. We'll see. I really need to get a grant application submitted this summer, so that's going to cut into "play" days. I do want to see Chicago though, so I'll have to see what I can work out.

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