Unraveling the Mysteries of Time: A Scientist's Perspective

In summary, "Unraveling the Mysteries of Time: A Scientist's Perspective" explores the concept of time from a scientific point of view. The article delves into various theories and discoveries surrounding time, including its relativity, perception, and potential ties to the universe's creation. It also discusses the ongoing research and experiments to better understand time and its role in our lives. Ultimately, the article highlights the complexity and ongoing exploration of time, and how it continues to fascinate and challenge scientists.
  • #1

Time Definition
If we go to search everything about definition of time finally will be a disillusion because of confusing definitions.
My theory will brink you clear vision about fog and confusion.

Here the definition of time: Time is 4th dimension and is equal to radius of sphere where the space is defined. Compression or expansion of space will generate compression or expansion of time. All four dimensions are correlated and cannot be separated. More concise: space is surrounded by time or defined by time and part of time. This is way so far time cannot be seen because is hard to be seen from inside.

Simple Math of Time Definition ( See my site)
At any moment a partition of time d(t) is a partition of radius __d(r), d(t)=d(r) and include space d(s)
The vector r(t) is:_______________ _x = x (t)
____________________________ _________________y = y (t)_
______________ _______________________________z = z (t)
Any movement in space (x, y, z) will be: r = (x, y, z,)= xi + yj + zk
If r(t) derive twice R
First derivate r’(t) = v (speed).
Second derivate r”(t) = a ( acceleration)
Speed vector v(t) = r’(t)=( _x’(t), y’(t), z’(t) ) = x’(t)I + y’(t)j + z’(t)k)
Acceleration vector:
a(t) = v’(t) = r”(t) = ( x”(t), y”(t), z”(t)) = x”(t)I + y”(t)j + z”(t)k
Here how space is surrounded by time.
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  • #2
Why is this posted a half dozen times?

FAQ: Unraveling the Mysteries of Time: A Scientist's Perspective

What is the definition of time?

The definition of time is a measurement of the duration between events or the sequence of events as they occur. It is a fundamental aspect of the universe and is often referred to as the fourth dimension.

How is time measured?

Time is typically measured in seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, and years. These units are based on the Earth's rotation around the sun and its rotation on its own axis. More precise measurements of time are done using atomic clocks.

Is time a constant?

No, time is not a constant. The concept of time as a constant or linear progression is a human construct. In reality, time can be influenced by factors such as gravity, velocity, and the presence of mass.

What is the theory of relativity and its relation to time?

The theory of relativity, proposed by Albert Einstein, states that time is relative to the observer's frame of reference. This means that time can appear to pass at different rates for different observers depending on their relative speed and gravitational fields.

Can time be reversed or travel through time be possible?

The concept of time travel and reversing time is still a topic of debate and remains in the realm of science fiction. While it is possible to slow down time using certain techniques, reversing time or traveling through it is not currently possible with our current understanding of the laws of physics.

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