Unraveling the Mystery: How Do We Sense Heat?

In summary: PMC2949564/ TRPV1 is the receptor that is activated by capsaicin, and it is responsible for the hot sensation when you eat a phaal curry. TRPM8 is the receptor that is activated by menthol, and it is responsible for the cold sensation when you eat chewing gum.
  • #1
Gold Member
Does the kinetic energy of molecules make us feel a substance to be hot? I want to know the mechanism through which we feel something to be hot.

How the molecules come in contact to our skin molecules and interact with them to send message to our brain through neurons? How the brain atoms interpret it as hot? and finally how this whole meat feel it to be hot?

I want to know about this, for the sake of discussion going on, in Physics section and mainly in my way to understand humans as either just robots or something different.

I don't have Bio-background, I would also like to know the fields which I should look for. Thank you.
Biology news on Phys.org
  • #3
The sensation of hot/cold is the sensation of thermal energy flow rate, direction and magnitude.
  • #4
Physics section and mainly in my way to understand humans as either just robots or something different.

Why the distinction?
It can be conceived that a mechanical robot could be constructed with appropriate sensors and emulate a response the same as a biological entity.
The difficult part would be the surface sensor density and performing the cognotive response ( which for biology may not be the repeatable or same for different units).

Some sites that may help you out,
which describes the receptors in the skin and response to stimuli.

And more on thermoreceptors,

I would think that the sensors do not just respond to just kinetic thermal energy, but rather to radiant energy and total thermal energy conducted to/from the skin.
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  • #5
Although it is very different than how we sense temperature, bacteria are also capable of sensing temperature through RNA thermometers. These are RNA structures whose thermodynamics of folding are tuned such that they adopt a specific structure at low temperature which breaks apart at high temperature. These RNA structures allow the bacteria to block the production of the proteins they encode at low temperature, but then rapidly produce them at high temperature (many of these RNA thermometers are on RNAs encoding "heat shock" proteins that help cells respond to the stresses of elevated temperatures). For more information see http://www.nature.com/nrmicro/journal/v10/n4/full/nrmicro2730.html
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  • #6
Sensory neurons called thermonociceptors are responsible for the sensing of temprature in the peripheral skin. Neurons express thermotransducer proteins such as TrpV1 or TrpM8 which change conformation and allow the conduction of an action potential when a threshold temprature is reached.

Interestingly, capsaicin (the active ingrediant in red hot chillipeppers) Binds and activates TrpV1 (transient receptor potential vanilloid 1) causing that hot sensation when you eat a phaal curry. The name TrpV1 is named so because hot chillis come from the vanilla pod family of plants, hence the name vanilloid 1. The TrpM8 receptor (transient receptor potential member 8) binds Menthol, and results in that cold sensation when you eat chewing gum.

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  • #7
As Jinamgo mentioned, the TRP channels are some of the main proteins responsible for sensing temperature in thermosensory neurons. These proteins are ion channels that switch between an open conformation that allows ions to flow through and activate the neuron, and a closed conformation that does not allow ions through. The open-closed equilibrium of these TRP channels changes dramatically with temperature, and it has been proposed that this is due to the exposure of hydrophobic residues during the conformational change, which associates a large ΔCP with the transition (see http://www.pnas.org/content/108/49/19492.full for a more complete explanation). This model has quite strong support because it has allowed researchers to re-engineer a non temperature-sensitive ion channel into one that responds to temperature.

FAQ: Unraveling the Mystery: How Do We Sense Heat?

1. What causes the sensation of feeling hot?

The sensation of feeling hot is caused by the activation of thermoreceptors in the skin, which send signals to the brain indicating an increase in temperature. This triggers the body's thermoregulation response, causing blood vessels to dilate and sweat glands to produce sweat in order to cool the body down.

2. How does the body regulate its temperature when feeling hot?

The body has several mechanisms in place to regulate its temperature when feeling hot. These include sweating, which releases heat through evaporation, and vasodilation, which increases blood flow to the skin's surface to release heat. The body may also increase respiration and heart rate to help cool down.

3. Why do certain activities or environments make us feel hotter than others?

Certain activities or environments can make us feel hotter due to their effects on the body's thermoregulation process. For example, physical activity causes an increase in body temperature, which can lead to a feeling of being hot. Similarly, high humidity environments make it more difficult for sweat to evaporate, making us feel hotter.

4. Is there a difference between feeling hot and having a fever?

Yes, feeling hot and having a fever are two different things. Feeling hot is a normal response to an increase in temperature, while a fever is a symptom of an underlying illness or infection. A fever occurs when the body's internal thermostat is reset to a higher temperature in order to fight off the infection or illness.

5. Can emotional or psychological factors contribute to the sensation of feeling hot?

Yes, emotional and psychological factors can contribute to the sensation of feeling hot. Stress, anxiety, and strong emotions can trigger the body's thermoregulation response, leading to a feeling of being hot. Additionally, certain medications or medical conditions that affect the nervous system can also cause a person to feel hot without a change in temperature.

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