Unraveling the Mystery of the Speed of Sound

In summary: The speed of sound is not dependent upon the sound amplitude, frequency. Frequency is simply the number of pressure waves that pass a given point per unit of time. Sound waves have a range of frequencies, from very low frequencies (below 20 hertz, the human hearing range) to very high frequencies (above 20,000 hertz). However, the speed of sound is fairly constant within a given medium, regardless of the frequency of the waves. Why is this? The speed of sound is fairly constant within a given medium because the pressure differentials that cause sound waves to propagate can only travel at the speed of sound. This is due to the principle of pressure waves traveling through a medium as a series of pressure
  • #1
I posted a question at another forum about "choked flow" where a fluid (in this case air) if flowing through a very small orifice. Apparently when the pressure difference on each side of a orifice is about 2:1 and above then the speed of the air passing through the orifice is limited to the speed of sound. This got me thinking...what is so special about the speed of sound?

Please, I am a non physicist. I know that the speed of sound varies depending on the density of air and humidity, etc. but it is fairly constant. I also know that the speed of sound is much faster but fairly constant in water. Increasing the energy makes for louder sound but not faster sound.

Why is the speed of sound fairly constant within the same medium? What keeps it from slowing down or speeding up significantly? What is the principal that limits sound to a fairly narrow speed?
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  • #2
The speed of sound is nothing more than the speed at which pressure differentials can propagate through a given medium. Sound happens to be pressure waves we can hear, but the limit applies to all pressure differentials. It's why planes have to be carefully designed to travel faster than sound and why air piles up in front of incoming meteroids and compreses to incandescence rather than simply flow out of the way.
  • #3
Thanks. What limits the pressure differentials?
  • #4
The difference in pressure is the amplitude, or loudness, of the sound. The lower limit is, of course, zero PSI since you can't meaningfully have negative pressure. I'm sure there is an upper bound, as well, but I don't know what that might be. Large explosions can have overpressures exceeding 30 PSI which is more than enough to kill you dead.
  • #5
flycast said:
Why is the speed of sound fairly constant within the same medium? What keeps it from slowing down or speeding up significantly? What is the principal that limits sound to a fairly narrow speed?

Your question can be generalized to any wave propagation.

Instead of discussing air I will first discuss propagation of a transversal wave along the length of a string under tension, such as a guitar string.

The following may seem like a detour, please bear with me.
When a guitar string is struck the vibration can be thought of as a combination of two transversal waves traveling along the string, in opposite direction. The resultant wave of those traveling waves is a standing wave.

The mass of the string gives the inertial mass, and the tension of the string provides the force that draws back to the equilibrium point. The force that pulls the string back towards equilibrium position is pretty much proportional to the amount of displacement. In general a force with that characteristic is called a 'harmonic force', as it tends to sustain harmonic oscillation.

A harmonic force has the following property: the period of the vibration that it sustains is independent of the amplitude. (Which is a characteristic that you know from string instruments; playing them soft or hard has little effect on the pitch.)

The guitar string: I will refer to the force that pulls the string back towards equilibrium position the 'restoring force'. If you increase the string tension you increase the restoring force, and then the string will vibrate at a higher frequency. This higher frequency corresponds to higher velocity of wave propagation along the string.

Finally, back to sound propagation. The two factors that determine the speed of sound are the density of air (like the mass per unit of length affects the guitar string pitch), and the elastic properties of air: if you compress air, how much does the pressure increase as the volume decreases.

As in the general case of harmonic oscillation: the speed of wave propagation is pretty much independent of the amplitude. That is why the speed of sound in air remains within quite a small range.

I read somewhere that the first scientist to predict the speed of sound from first principles was Isaac Newton. As I understand it he worked along the above lines: given the density of air and the way air responds to compression you can calculate the propagation speed.

  • #6
i studied somewhere that speed of sound is not dependent upon the sound amplitude, frequency. i have problem here, the frequency = (1/time) if the frquency changes the speed of sound must change. can anyone explain, why what i am saying is wrong?

FAQ: Unraveling the Mystery of the Speed of Sound

What is the speed of sound?

The speed of sound is the rate at which sound waves travel through a medium. It is typically measured in meters per second and varies depending on the properties of the medium.

What factors affect the speed of sound?

The speed of sound can be affected by several factors, including the type of medium, temperature, and humidity. In general, sound travels faster in solids than in liquids and faster in liquids than in gases. Higher temperatures and humidity levels can also increase the speed of sound.

How does the speed of sound differ in different materials?

The speed of sound can vary significantly depending on the material it is traveling through. For example, sound travels at approximately 343 meters per second in air, but it can travel at over 5,000 meters per second in steel.

Why is the speed of sound faster in solids than in liquids and gases?

The molecules in solids are packed closer together than in liquids and gases, allowing sound waves to travel more quickly. Additionally, solids have a higher elasticity, meaning they can vibrate faster and transmit sound waves more efficiently.

How is the speed of sound measured?

The speed of sound can be measured using various techniques, such as using a stopwatch to time how long it takes for a sound to travel a known distance. It can also be calculated using the formula speed = distance/time. More precise measurements can be made using specialized equipment such as a sound level meter.

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