Unravelling real and complex parts of material parameters

In summary, the real and complex parts of material parameters are essential in understanding the physical and mathematical properties of a material. They can be measured through techniques like spectroscopy and are affected by factors such as temperature and composition. These parameters are crucial in engineering and scientific applications, but there are challenges in accurately determining them due to experimental limitations and the complex nature of some materials.
  • #1

I'm writing a term paper and am having a lot of trouble understanding what is meant by the real and imaginary parts of various quantities. It seems a lot of textbooks have their own conventions and it's hard to understand whether they've redefined some symbol when they "complexify" them.

I do understand certain things, like how in the Drude model a complex electric field implies a complex magnitude of velocity for the oscillating electrons, which in turn means that they pick up some offset phase from the electric field.

An example of my discomfort is captured by the following excerpt from Wooten's Optical Properties of Solids, available (with his consent) online.

"Although D-hat can be written in complex notation, the values for the physical quantities that D-hat represents are not ovtained by taking the real part of D-hat. The quantity D-hat is truly a complex quantity and represents two real quantities D and J. The true values from D-hat must be obtained from the right-hand side of D-hat = D + i 4 pi J/ omega by taking the real parts of D and J, i.e., D-hat(true) = Re(D-hat) + i (4 pi / omega) Re (J). Having recognized that there is a truly complex D-hat, we shall from here on generally follow convention and simply write D."

He says "two real quantities D and J" then takes Re(J).

It's difficult to capture my confusion, because I now mistrust all of this complex stuff and never know what's supposed to be real and what's complex and what either of those mean.

Help, please!
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  • #2

Hi there,

I completely understand your confusion and frustration with understanding the real and imaginary parts of complex quantities. It can be a tricky concept to grasp, especially when different textbooks use different conventions. But don't worry, I'm here to help clarify things for you!

First, let's define what we mean by "real" and "imaginary" parts of a complex quantity. A complex quantity is made up of two parts - a real part and an imaginary part. The real part represents the magnitude or size of the quantity, while the imaginary part represents the phase or direction of the quantity. In other words, the real part is the "normal" or "ordinary" part of the quantity, while the imaginary part is the "extra" or "special" part that gives it a unique direction or angle.

Now, when we talk about complex quantities in physics or science, we often use the notation of a complex number, with a real part and an imaginary part separated by the letter "i" (which represents the square root of -1). For example, a complex quantity could be written as a + bi, where a is the real part and bi is the imaginary part. This notation is commonly used to represent complex quantities in equations and calculations.

In the excerpt from Wooten's book that you provided, he is discussing a complex quantity D-hat, which represents two real quantities D and J. However, in order to obtain the true values of D and J from D-hat, we must take the real parts of both D-hat and J, as he explains in the equation D-hat(true) = Re(D-hat) + i (4 pi / omega) Re (J). This means that the real part of D-hat is D and the real part of J is J (since the imaginary part is multiplied by i). So, in this case, the real parts of D-hat and J are the true values that we are looking for.

In summary, the real and imaginary parts of a complex quantity represent different aspects of the quantity - the real part is the magnitude or size, while the imaginary part is the phase or direction. When dealing with complex quantities in physics or science, it is important to understand how to obtain the true values from the complex notation, as explained in the excerpt from Wooten's book. I hope this helps clarify things for you and makes the concept of complex quantities a little less confusing. Let

Related to Unravelling real and complex parts of material parameters

1. What is the significance of real and complex parts of material parameters?

The real and complex parts of material parameters refer to the physical and mathematical properties of a material, respectively. The real part represents the material's ability to conduct heat and electricity, while the complex part represents its ability to store and release energy. These parameters are essential in understanding the behavior and performance of materials in various applications.

2. How are the real and complex parts of material parameters measured?

The real and complex parts of material parameters can be measured through various techniques such as spectroscopy, impedance analysis, and thermal analysis. These methods involve subjecting the material to different stimuli and measuring its response, allowing for the determination of its real and complex properties.

3. What factors can affect the real and complex parts of material parameters?

The real and complex parts of material parameters can be affected by a variety of factors, including temperature, pressure, frequency, and composition. Changes in these parameters can alter the material's physical and chemical properties, leading to variations in its real and complex parts.

4. How can the real and complex parts of material parameters be used in engineering and scientific applications?

The real and complex parts of material parameters are crucial in engineering and scientific applications as they provide valuable information about a material's behavior and performance. These parameters can be used to design and optimize materials for specific applications, such as in electronics, energy storage, and biomaterials.

5. Are there any challenges in accurately determining the real and complex parts of material parameters?

Yes, there are challenges in accurately determining the real and complex parts of material parameters. These include experimental limitations, such as the sensitivity of measurement techniques and the effects of external conditions on the material. Additionally, the complex nature of some materials and their interactions with other substances can make it difficult to isolate and measure their individual real and complex properties.

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