Unravelling the Mystery of Infinite Potential Solutions

In summary, there are three unknowns and four equations in this problem, with two boundary conditions for continuity of the wavefunction and one for continuity of its derivative. However, the normalization equation can also be used, resulting in a total of three constraints. If normalization is not used, the remaining three constants are only determined up to a multiplicative constant. This is because the four equations will determine the three coefficients and the set of allowed energy eigenvalues. Using normalization allows for the determination of all three coefficients, while not using it only determines their ratios, with the third equation determining the allowed eigenvalues.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Say I have a potential that is infinite from - infinity to 0, -V_0 from 0 to a, and 0 from a to infinity.

Then I have three unknowns, two for the plane wave solution in the finite well and one for the exponential outside the well.

But I also have four equations. Two wavefunction continuity boundary conditions and a wavefunction derivative continuity boundary conditions. I also have the normalization equation!

How is this possible? How can the solutions depend on which 3 of the four equations I select to use?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

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  • #2
You already used the normalizability constraint in eliminating the exp(+ax) solution outside the well. Otherwise you would have four equations in four unknowns.
  • #3
But I never used the constraint that square integral over all space of the piecewise wavefunction must be 1.
  • #4
You used that it should be finite and then arbitrarily threw away a free constant.
  • #5
But if I use the 3 boundary conditions to determine the 3 remaining constants then I could get a wavefunction with no adjustable parameters left and with a square integral over all of space not equal to 1, right?
  • #6
No. If you've done this problem, and I know you have, you should know that the remaining three constants are only determined up to a multiplicative constant. If you want to continue bickering about this just do it with four equations and four unknowns. The same thing will happen.
  • #7
I do not want to bicker. I just want to understand the problem.

I found that it is not even possible to implement the continuity of the derivatives at a which makes some sense considering the shape of the functions. So I was wrong, there are only a total of three constraints left and all is well.

I am not sure why it makes sense that the derivatives would not be continuous since there are no delta functions at boundaries, though?
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  • #8
The derivative at zero is not continuous because there is an infinite potential at x=0. That's worse than a delta function.
  • #9
Of course. I am talking about the derivatives at a.
  • #10
The derivatives at a are continuous.
  • #11
So, maybe I did something wrong. I still do not understand what you were saying about the "the remaining three constants are only determined up to a multiplicative constant".

We have three equations and three unknowns, we should be able to uniqually determine each of the unknowns if there is a solution.
  • #12
The point is that your four equations will determine the three coefficients AND the set of allowed energy eigenvalues.
  • #13
Yes. I agree with that.
  • #14
So, that's the solution. If you don't use normalization, then you don't determine the values of all three coefficients, but only their ratios; the 3rd equation then determines the allowed eigenvalues.
  • #15
Thanks. I see.

FAQ: Unravelling the Mystery of Infinite Potential Solutions

What is meant by "Infinite Potential Solutions"?

When we say "Infinite Potential Solutions," we are referring to the idea that there are unlimited possibilities and outcomes for a given problem or question. It suggests that there are a vast number of solutions that could potentially exist, and it is up to us to uncover them.

Why is understanding "Infinite Potential Solutions" important?

Understanding Infinite Potential Solutions can provide us with a more open-minded and creative approach to problem-solving. It encourages us to explore different options and think outside the box rather than settling for the most obvious solution.

How do we unravel the mystery of "Infinite Potential Solutions"?

Unravelling the mystery of Infinite Potential Solutions requires a combination of critical thinking, experimentation, and an open-minded approach. It involves examining the problem from different perspectives and considering all potential solutions, no matter how unconventional they may seem.

Are there any limitations to "Infinite Potential Solutions"?

While the concept of Infinite Potential Solutions suggests unlimited possibilities, there may be practical limitations in terms of resources, time, and feasibility. It is essential to consider these constraints when exploring potential solutions.

How can we apply the concept of "Infinite Potential Solutions" in real-life scenarios?

The concept of Infinite Potential Solutions can be applied in various real-life scenarios, such as in scientific research, business, and personal problem-solving. By embracing this idea, we can find more innovative and effective solutions to complex problems.

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