Unveiling the Mysteries of 14 Dimensions: Exploring String Theory and Beyond

  • Thread starter Aftermarth
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In summary, there are up to 14 dimensions in string theory, which is why my old physics teacher said there is proof for it. I think he was talking about how the extra dimensions are needed for strings to move in different ways.
  • #36
if only we could find all this out. it would be so great to know. i spose this whole thread is built on the desire to know what actually is a fifth dimension and the ones after it.

curious thought:
if a 2d representation of a cube is two squares joined together by lines
then a 3D representation of a hypercube (a 5D variation of our 3D cube) would look like two cubes joined together by lines...
so now try imagining what the actual thing looks like... *brain explodes*



a hypothesis is that gravity is merely waves in the 4th spatial dimension which we can't see... how plausible would that be?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #38
um I am not sure who else writes good books on this... i didnt even know about Kaku until this thread...

ne one with any ideas?

ps... Kaku's Hyperspace is definitely worth a read
  • #39
Originally, scientists noted that the mathematics of string theory faile when you pass ten dimensions, leaving them to believe that there must be ten dimensions. However, after a while, they realized something (I can't quite remember what) which indicates an eleventh dimension.
  • #40
can we get a bit more detail on that?

i loved reading about how putting einstein's and maxwell's equations together only took the addition of the fifth dimension :)

so one of our greatest discoveries is 15 = 10+4+1 :D
  • #41
I quote from a book I read by Michio Kaku, "In 1994 another bombshell was droped. Edward Wittan of Princeton's institute for advanced study and Paul Townsend of Cambridge University speculated that all five string theories were in fact the same theory - but only if we add an eleventh dimension. From the vantage point of the eleventh dimension, all five theories collapsed into one! The theory was unique after all, but only if we ascended to the mountaintop of the eleventh dimension.
In the eleventh dimension a new mathematical object can exist, called the membrane (e.g., like the surface of a sphere). Here was the amazing observation: if one dropped from the eleven dimensions down to ten dimensions, all five string theories would emerge, starting from a single membrane. Hence all five string theories were just different ways of moving a membrane down from eleven to ten dimensions."
  • #42
http: //revver. com/video /99898/i magining -the-tenth-dimension/

I had to make spaces in the URL because I need 15 posts to register...
but I thought I'd share this.
  • #43
It's all very simple...

...but unfortunately untrue
revver . com/video/99898/imagining-the-tenth-dimension/[/url]
  • #44
  • #45
so adding all these dimensions makes the maths becoming increasingly elegant and beautiful. and it sounds all good and fine. just one thing which i was thinking of today bugs me - we add all these dimensions but has anyone actually thought what they mean - like say the 10 dimensions for the 5 string theories.
adding the eleventh collapsed them into one -
but what is the difference from 11 to 10?
  • #46
I guess that after ten dimensions, the mathematical side of it collapses. Ten is the largest number at which the "maths of the dimensions" will work at.
  • #47
I believe there are only the dimensions we have now in this universe. to say we have more dimensions and more parallel worlds is a little bit foolish and fancy full to say the leased.
The cat in the box experiment when its both alive and dead at the same time
was derived to propell this theory of multipulll worlds.
which ever way you look at it , after the cat has been put in a box with radio active
substance and poisen broken by a hammer triggered radioactive substance
the cat is dead
have you seen monty python scetch my dead parrot
The perpetual thinking in this field of multiple worlds is a compleat waste of time
and would be better spent producing a self producing H2 vehical avoiding
H2 storage and disdrabution problems

atoms can be in two places at once, its only time that tells us where they are
in the one universe.
and its time that puts them in two places not two or more universes.

David Stuart Jones 23/9/51
  • #48
david s j said:
I believe there are only the dimensions we have now in this universe. to say we have more dimensions and more parallel worlds is a little bit foolish and fancy full to say the leased.
The cat in the box experiment when its both alive and dead at the same time
was derived to propell this theory of multipulll worlds.
which ever way you look at it , after the cat has been put in a box with radio active
substance and poisen broken by a hammer triggered radioactive substance
the cat is dead
have you seen monty python scetch my dead parrot
The perpetual thinking in this field of multiple worlds is a compleat waste of time
and would be better spent producing a self producing H2 vehical avoiding
H2 storage and disdrabution problems

atoms can be in two places at once, its only time that tells us where they are
in the one universe.
and its time that puts them in two places not two or more universes.

David Stuart Jones 23/9/51

Ditto. There's only one universe.
  • #49
david s j said:
I believe there are only the dimensions we have now in this universe. to say we have more dimensions and more parallel worlds is a little bit foolish and fancy full to say the leased.
The cat in the box experiment when its both alive and dead at the same time
was derived to propell this theory of multipulll worlds.
which ever way you look at it , after the cat has been put in a box with radio active
substance and poisen broken by a hammer triggered radioactive substance
the cat is dead
have you seen monty python scetch my dead parrot
The perpetual thinking in this field of multiple worlds is a compleat waste of time
and would be better spent producing a self producing H2 vehical avoiding
H2 storage and disdrabution problems

atoms can be in two places at once, its only time that tells us where they are
in the one universe.
and its time that puts them in two places not two or more universes.

David Stuart Jones 23/9/51

The cat experimant is to disprove Bohr's idea of particles existing in every stat until someone looks at them. If Bohr's theory was true the cat would be both dead and alive in the same place at the same time. Which is stupid, there can be other dimensions not sure about other universes.
  • #50
Why do you say it is foolish and fanciful to think there might be more then 3 spatial and 1 time dimensions? Many leading physicists think there are more and with good reason.
  • #51
There is also a proof for 26 dimensions...its somewhat arbitrary. Understanding the right amount seems to be the troublesome part.
  • #52
Gear300 said:
There is also a proof for 26 dimensions...its somewhat arbitrary. Understanding the right amount seems to be the troublesome part.
26 dimensions applies to the bosonic string theory. If you want to include matter (supersymmetry on the worlsheet) you need fermionic degrees of freedom. This in turn requires 10 dimensions. Exactly, no freedom, the calculation is somewhat elementary (compared to the rest in this field).

Now there are additional developpements starting from those elementary, old, well known considerations. Add one dimension, that gets you to eleven, where an hypothetic M-theory lives, inspired from a unique supergravity theory in 11 dimensions. The 5 popular instances of superstring theory in 10 dimensions would be several limiting case of M-theory, explaining the web of dualities between them.

Even further, you can get more possibilities, but it gets more involved and less developped. Non-commutative geometry allows for several other dimensionalities, based on quaternions and octonions (I am honestly quite unfamiliar with that, even more than the whole thing anyway...). The thing that I am most intrigued with is the possibility to have a 4 dimensional twistor string geometry. Quite an amount of this business has been developped by Witten.
  • #53
humanino said:
The thing that I am most intrigued with is the possibility to have a 4 dimensional twistor string geometry. Quite an amount of this business has been developped by Witten.

I'm only an amateur (still a student), so I'm just wondering: is what you're referring to the concept of the 4th dimension of time actually being a spatial dimension?
  • #54
I'm too lazy to read this entire thread before putting my two cents in, so sorry if this has been explained already.

String theory deals with gravity on a quantum level. I don't know the gory details of how the quantum mechanics is handled, but the gravity part is explained by having all particles be (or have in their centers) tiny vibrating strings. Of course, according to Einstein, moving things warp spacetime, just like what we see as gravity. So the tiny vibrating strings are warping spacetime, and we see it as gravity. The 10-26 dimensions are required to explain why gravity is so much weaker than the other forces: it actually isn't any weaker. Supposedly, gravity is diluted by the extra dimensions, so we only get a fraction of it. M-theory in particular helps illustrate this concept by having fermions be open-ended strings that are attached to membranes that are the dimensions. Gravitons, on the other hand (which have yet to be observed) would be closed-ended strings that would be free to float off of a lower dimensional membrane up to a higher dimension. (Well, some people visualize it as sinking, since they visualize the membranes as a lower dimension floating on top of a higher dimension, but that doesn't really matter.)

In particular, the amount of dimensions is dependent on the amount of potential energy (of something, I don't know what). All I know on that subject is that the discrepancies between the number of dimensions predicted by the various string theories arise from the different theories applying to different things (for instance, M-theory deals mostly with membranes, while there's a string theory that deals exclusively with bosons). Originally, it was thought that there was only one correct string theory, but physicists have started to see dualities between them all.

Or at least, that's how I understand it as the Science Channel and The Elegant Universe explained it.
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  • #55
Are these 10,11,26 dimensions real or complex?
  • #56
Dmitry67 said:
Are these 10,11,26 dimensions real or complex?

It seems the only thing that has been determined in this thread is that the word "dimension" and exactly how many of them there are seem to be relative to the poster and/or physicist. While we can define the word dimension, it tends to be open ended (which is why you're getting a lot of guesses as to how many there are). This is still really interesting physics and the reason I even registered for this BB.

It's to my understanding that most of these models for the number of dimensions are made from trying to explain 1st hand information that has yet to be explained using the traditional physics "4d". I also get an intense laugh out of "3.5d". Made me think of physics like a version of AOL: "you've got mass!" "you've got movement!".
  • #57
The word 'dimension' is not open ended, it is well defined in mathematics.

If you have 3D space, and each dimension is complex, you need 6 real numbers to define a point, however, still space is 3D and it is different from a 6D real space
  • #58
ok just chucking another idea out there...

in maths I am doing Vector Calculus and Linear Mathematics.
We do simple equations like finding spans and what not

But in the R3 plane, when you find a span of two linerly independant vectors, it is a plane in 3D space.
Given a R4 plane, when you find a span of 3 linerly independant vectors... what does that form? (Visualising things often helps me learn in this maths)

So it would be a complete R3 plane (x,y and z axes) all contained within another plane which we cannot visualise?

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