Unveiling the Ultra Deep Field: The Big Bang Blast of 10,000 Galaxies

  • Thread starter Orion1
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    Big bang
In summary, the Ultra Deep Field captures light that had streaked through space for more than 13 billion years, starting its journey when the universe was only 5 percent of its 13.7-billion-year age. The view has about 10,000 galaxies, some mixed in chaos that one astronomer said "looked like a train wreck."
  • #1
The snapshot of the universe, called the Ultra Deep Field, captured light that had streaked through space for more than 13 billion years, starting its journey when the universe was only 5 percent of its 13.7-billion-year age. The view has about 10,000 galaxies, some mixed in chaos that one astronomer said "looked like a train wreck."

Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
I would have expected the structures to be less well formed and possibly still in the process to condensing into galaxies. This looks more like the chaotic remnants of an explosion rather than some ordered process.
  • #3
Universal Genesis...

This looks more like the chaotic remnants of an explosion rather than some ordered process.

This Ultra Deep Field definitely suggests that the Universe originated from the most chaotic, torrential, violent, etc. explosion ever.

The most powerful nuclear explosions conducted on Terra are far more stable and organized by comparison.

This definitely appears to have been a result of a enormous collision of excess matter and reduced anti-matter, as suggested by some Universal Genesis theories. Such explosions are extremely unstable and violent, the most violent and chaotic explosions imaginable, as suggested by the UDF.

I would expect that fabricated device-based anti-matter nuclear explosions would be highly unstable and chaotic explosions when detonated, producing highly chaotic debree.

It appears that I may have dismissed Chaos Theory far too soon in my philosophy studies.

  • #4
Hmm ... for a start, most of the objects in the UDF are much closer than z ~=10+.

Next, in the first few billion years, galaxy collisions were likely considerably more frequent than they are "now". Nearby galaxies disturbed or disrupted by a collision (e.g. http://www.naoj.org/Science/press_release/0003/M82.jpg ) certainly look chaotic, so it's no surprise that distant disturbed or disrupted galaxies also look chaotic.

So the challenge is to
a) define objective measures of 'chaos' in deep images,
b) measure the degree of 'chaos' in a statistically significant selection of sky fields,
c) take spectra (to develop redshift measures) of a sufficient number of the 'chaotic' fragments,
d) derive/predict chaos from your favourite theory of explosions, and lastly
e) compare observation with prediction!
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FAQ: Unveiling the Ultra Deep Field: The Big Bang Blast of 10,000 Galaxies

1. What is the Ultra Deep Field?

The Ultra Deep Field is an image captured by the Hubble Space Telescope that shows a small patch of sky which contains the most distant objects ever seen. It is a composite image made up of multiple observations taken over several years, revealing around 10,000 galaxies.

2. How was the Ultra Deep Field created?

The Ultra Deep Field was created by pointing the Hubble Space Telescope at a seemingly empty patch of sky for an extended period of time. This allowed the telescope to capture light from extremely faint and distant objects, resulting in a detailed and rich image of the early universe.

3. What is the significance of the Ultra Deep Field?

The Ultra Deep Field is significant because it provides a glimpse into the early universe and helps us understand the formation and evolution of galaxies. It also allows us to study the distribution of galaxies and the large-scale structure of the universe.

4. What can we learn from the Ultra Deep Field?

The Ultra Deep Field allows us to study the properties of galaxies in the early universe, such as their sizes, shapes, and colors. It also provides information about the rate at which galaxies were forming and the distribution of dark matter in the early universe.

5. How does the Ultra Deep Field support the Big Bang theory?

The Ultra Deep Field provides evidence for the Big Bang theory by showing the vast number of galaxies that existed in the early universe. This supports the idea that the universe was once much smaller and denser, and has been expanding and evolving over time.

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