Updating my Electricity and Magnetism --> Vector Calculus?

In summary, the individual is an electrical engineer who finished their degree 10 years ago and is looking to refresh their knowledge in Electricity and Magnetism. They are struggling with the math and are looking for recommendations on which book to use to understand the concepts better. Some suggestions were given, including "Div, Grad, Curl" by Schey and "Foundations of Electrodynamics" by Moon and Spencer. The individual also asked for software recommendations for simulating electrical systems, and a list of free and commercial software was provided.
  • #1
Dear all,

I'n an EE that finished his degree more than 10 years ago. I wanted to refresh my Electricity and Magnetism knowledge. I bough Purcells book some weeks ago (https://www.amazon.com/dp/1107014026/?tag=pfamazon01-20) and I'm kind of struggling through the maths (Vector calculus).

I've been reading this forum and there are some topics related to this, so I narrowed down the options to refresh vector calculus to these 2:

I'm not looking forward to a profound maths development of the theory. What I need is to understand the concepts in order to be more fluent at studying Purcell's book.

If any of you has gone through these two books, which one do you recommend?

Thanks in advance for your replies!
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  • #2
If what you want is to understand the concepts, I would recommend Div, grad, curl. Mathews is more of a standard textbook.
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Likes vanhees71, Episki and CalcNerd
  • #3
Thanks! Will go for Schey's book then,
  • #4
Have a look at Ulaby's book "Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics". It teaches EM theory from a engineering perspective. It includes a chapter on vector analysis (divergence, gradient, curl, laplacian). It's an interesting book. Instead of putting theory first it begins with practical engineering concepts like transmission lines, Smith charts, etc. As you get to the end of the book it goes deeper into Maxwell's equations, optics, plane-waves, etc.
  • #6
I would agree with the others on div grad curl and all that.

Another option (which may be cheaper) would be Foundations of Electrodynamics by Moon and Spencer now in Dover paperback. It has the added advantage of worked problems in detail for different EM topics (in a bit more detail then Purcell).
  • #7
The Feynman Lectures on Physics are online for free and have chapters on differential and integral vector calculus. You might want to listen to what Feynman has to say on the matter.

Chapter 2 and 3 of the second volume, to be precise.
  • #8
I also recommend another book on electrodynamics, but obviously I'm pretty lonely with my dislike of Purcell. In my opinion this book obscures the elegance of the relativistic formulation. Much better are in my opinion the textbook by Schwartz (at the same level as Purcell but with much clearer explanations) or Landau&Lifshitz (without all the pedagogical ado, but that's perhaps also a disadvantage for the beginner). An excellent introduction to vector calculus can be find in the classic by Becker&Sauter, which is available in English in a Dover Publication book.
  • #9
Thank you all for your replies. I will try to check them all but obviously there different opinions.

Besides the books you have been mentioning here, do you recommend any software to run some simulations on electricity and magnetism?

For example, I would like at some point simulate a high voltage cable surrounded by some metallic parts, with their resistivity to ground, etc. I would like to know how the whole system behaves: electric field, magnetic field, distortion in these fields, leakage current, etc.

I don't really know if there is a software that can handle all these things in the same package.

PS: English is not my mother tongue so, by all means, sorry If my English is not clear enough at some point (don't hesitate to ask for clarifications if you need).
  • #10
Here is a link to a list of free and commercial software along with a short description of methods and usage:


The commercial versions are much easier to use (GUI front ends) but expensive. I do not have a specific recommendation for the problem you are investigating
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Likes SredniVashtar

FAQ: Updating my Electricity and Magnetism --> Vector Calculus?

1. What is the purpose of updating my Electricity and Magnetism to Vector Calculus?

The purpose of updating your understanding of Electricity and Magnetism to Vector Calculus is to gain a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the underlying mathematical principles that govern these phenomena. This can help you solve more complex problems and make more accurate predictions in the field of electricity and magnetism.

2. How do I update my knowledge of Electricity and Magnetism to Vector Calculus?

There are several ways to update your knowledge of Electricity and Magnetism to Vector Calculus. You can take a course or enroll in a workshop specifically focused on this topic. You can also self-study using textbooks and online resources, or seek guidance from a mentor or tutor.

3. What are the key concepts to understand in Vector Calculus for Electricity and Magnetism?

Some key concepts to understand in Vector Calculus for Electricity and Magnetism include vector fields, gradient, divergence, curl, and line and surface integrals. It is also important to have a strong understanding of basic calculus and linear algebra.

4. How will updating my knowledge of Electricity and Magnetism to Vector Calculus benefit me?

Updating your knowledge of Electricity and Magnetism to Vector Calculus can benefit you in many ways. It can improve your problem-solving skills, increase your understanding of the underlying principles, and allow you to tackle more complex problems. This can be especially beneficial for those pursuing a career in a field related to electricity and magnetism.

5. Are there any recommended resources for updating my knowledge of Electricity and Magnetism to Vector Calculus?

Yes, there are many recommended resources for updating your knowledge of Electricity and Magnetism to Vector Calculus. Some popular textbooks include "Introduction to Electrodynamics" by David J. Griffiths and "Vector Calculus" by Jerrold E. Marsden and Anthony J. Tromba. Online resources such as Khan Academy and MIT OpenCourseWare also offer free courses and lectures on this topic.

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