Upper and Lower sums & Riemann sums

In summary, upper and lower sums are methods used in calculus to approximate the area under a curve by dividing it into smaller rectangles. They are calculated by dividing the interval of the curve into subintervals and determining the width and height of each rectangle. The purpose of using upper and lower sums is to approximate the area when the exact value cannot be calculated. Riemann sums are a generalization of upper and lower sums, allowing for a more accurate approximation by using any point within the subinterval to determine the height of the rectangle. Both upper and lower sums and Riemann sums can be used for any type of curve that is integrable, but Riemann sums may provide a more accurate approximation for curves with complicated shapes.
  • #1
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I have attachments that can answer the above template, and please look at the attachments if you are trying to help me.

I have two questions regarding upper and lower sums & Riemann sums.

So, the attachments 1 & 2 are example 5 and 6 from the book that I am using. I have underlined in red where I cannot understand how the examples are solved.

Where do these two underlined inequalities come from? How can I find these inequalities (method/approach)?

I want to make sure that I understand these and practice some other questions of the same type, so if you happen to have some question(s) of this type, please inform me.

The third attachment, 3 is the continuation of explanation of Riemann sums, and then the book starts by llPll, which I do not understand, and end the chapter with some limit, which I also do not understand.

My name is Ace, and I will say hello now since you've read through my lines. Please clarify these questions if you have a clue and can explain in a good way. Thanks.


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  • #2

Dear Ace,

Thank you for reaching out for help with your questions about upper and lower sums and Riemann sums. I am happy to assist you in understanding these concepts.

To answer your first question about the underlined inequalities in examples 5 and 6, these inequalities come from the definition of upper and lower sums. In general, the upper sum is the sum of the largest rectangles that fit under the curve, while the lower sum is the sum of the smallest rectangles that fit above the curve. In these examples, the inequalities are used to determine the height of each rectangle, which is determined by the function value at each partition point. To find these inequalities, you can use the same method/approach as shown in the examples, which is to evaluate the function at each partition point and compare it to the previous value to determine if it is larger or smaller.

As for your second question about llPll, this is the notation for the absolute value of P, the partition of the interval [a,b]. In other words, it represents the length of the interval [a,b] that is being divided into smaller subintervals. This is used in the limit at the end of the chapter to show that as the partition becomes finer (i.e. the length of the subintervals approaches 0), the upper and lower sums approach the same value, which is the Riemann sum.

I hope this helps clarify your questions and understanding of upper and lower sums and Riemann sums. I would suggest practicing with more examples and problems to solidify your understanding. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Best of luck with your studies!

Related to Upper and Lower sums & Riemann sums

1. What are upper and lower sums?

Upper and lower sums are methods used in calculus to approximate the area under a curve by dividing it into smaller rectangles. The upper sum is the sum of the areas of the rectangles with their upper edges on the curve, while the lower sum is the sum of the areas of the rectangles with their lower edges on the curve.

2. How are upper and lower sums calculated?

To calculate an upper or lower sum, the interval of the curve is divided into smaller subintervals and the width of each rectangle is determined by the size of the subinterval. The height of each rectangle is determined by evaluating the function at the leftmost or rightmost point of the subinterval, depending on whether it is an upper or lower sum.

3. What is the purpose of using upper and lower sums?

The purpose of using upper and lower sums is to approximate the area under a curve when the exact value cannot be calculated. This is often used in applications of calculus, such as finding the distance traveled by an object with a varying velocity.

4. How does Riemann sum differ from upper and lower sums?

Riemann sums are a generalization of upper and lower sums, where instead of using only the leftmost or rightmost point of each subinterval, any point within the subinterval can be used to determine the height of the rectangle. This allows for a more accurate approximation of the area under the curve.

5. Can upper and lower sums or Riemann sums be used for any type of curve?

Yes, both upper and lower sums and Riemann sums can be used for any type of curve, as long as the function is integrable. This means that the area under the curve can be calculated using calculus methods. However, for curves with complicated shapes, Riemann sums may provide a more accurate approximation due to the flexibility of choosing the height of the rectangle within the subinterval.

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