Upper-level course decision: Solar converters vs. space physics

In summary: Solar energy is a big topic, and one that spans many different areas of physics. If you want to focus on that field, you'll want to take one of the solar energy courses. However, if you're not interested in that area of study, you might be better off taking one of the other courses.
  • #1
I am a 4th year Phy UG on a 5 yr plan and need some advice, these two courses overlap so I can't take both. I am interested in both topics but have more background in astrophysics, not much in the engineering area. I guess my indecision stems from a larger crisis I am having in trying to deciding what kind of career/graduate path I want to pursue... Its about that time for me. Nevermind that, I just want some informed opinions on the various prospects that these two fields have to offer, career-wise, $-wise, etc. Below are course descriptions. (the second is cross-listed as a UG and grad class)

4703 Renewable Energy: Solar Energy Convertors
(3-0) 3 hours credit. Prerequisite: PHY 3103 or consent of instructor.
Topics include physics of photovoltaic cells, semiconductors, solar energy convertors, thin film solar cells, nanostructures for solar energy conversion, dye-sensitized photovoltaic cells, fuels from water and sunlight, strategies for high efficiency.

6403 Fundamentals of Space Physics
(3-0) 3 hours credit. Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor.
The Sun, solar models, solar and stellar winds, heliosphere and astrospheres, synthesis of elements in the Sun and stars, solar system composition and cosmic abundances, terrestrial magnetosphere, ionosphere and thermosphere, comparative planetary magnetospheres and atmospheres.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
One course is not going to make a career. I would not think along those lines.
  • #3
Right, obviously. But a semester is a long time, and time is something I don't have much more of. Taking one of these classes is a pretty decent invesment in my eyes, however naive that might seem.
  • #4
If you choice is only between these two classes, pick them based on:
1) the professor: a good professor can make even a topic you don't enjoy worthwhile and a bad one can making something you like a drag
2) personal interest: which one are you going to want to spend more time reading about or working on
If you're getting hired for something involving solar energy, chances are it's not going to be because you took one course on it.
  • #5

I would advise you to carefully consider your interests and career goals before making a decision between these two courses. Both solar converters and space physics are fascinating and important fields of study, and both have potential for exciting career opportunities and advancements in the future.

If you have a strong background in astrophysics and are interested in pursuing a career in this field, the fundamentals of space physics course may be a better fit for you. It will provide you with a deeper understanding of the Sun, solar and stellar winds, and the composition of the solar system. This knowledge can be applied to many areas of astrophysics, from studying the formation and evolution of stars to understanding the dynamics of planetary magnetospheres.

On the other hand, if you are interested in renewable energy and the engineering aspect of solar energy, the solar converters course may be a better choice. This course will provide you with a strong foundation in the physics of photovoltaic cells and other solar energy technologies. This knowledge can be applied to careers in renewable energy research, development, and engineering.

Ultimately, the decision between these two courses should be based on your personal interests and career goals. It may also be helpful to speak with your academic advisor or professors in both fields to gain more insight and advice. Keep in mind that whichever course you choose, both fields offer exciting and fulfilling career opportunities, so don't feel pressured to make a decision based on potential salary or job prospects. Follow your passion and the rest will fall into place.

Related to Upper-level course decision: Solar converters vs. space physics

1. What is the main difference between solar converters and space physics?

The main difference between solar converters and space physics is their focus and application. Solar converters primarily deal with the conversion of energy from the sun into usable forms such as electricity, while space physics is the study of the physical processes and phenomena occurring in space.

2. How do these two fields relate to each other?

Solar converters and space physics are closely related as both fields involve the study and utilization of solar energy. Space physics provides the understanding of how the sun's energy is generated and transmitted, while solar converters use this knowledge to design and improve technology for harnessing solar energy.

3. Which field has more practical applications?

Both solar converters and space physics have practical applications, but solar converters may have more immediate and tangible applications in the form of solar panels and other solar energy technologies. Space physics, on the other hand, has applications in fields such as satellite communications and space weather forecasting.

4. What skills are needed for upper-level courses in these fields?

Upper-level courses in solar converters and space physics require a strong foundation in physics, mathematics, and engineering. Students should also have a strong interest in renewable energy and space exploration, as well as critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

5. How can I decide which field is the right choice for me?

The best way to decide between solar converters and space physics is to research and explore both fields. You can also talk to professionals and professors in each field, and consider your interests and career goals. It may also be beneficial to take introductory courses in both fields to get a better understanding of the subject matter.

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