US Soldier Killing Violates Geneva Convention: Cold & Sickening

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In summary, a disturbing report on BBC showed a US soldier killing a wounded person in a room with no escape, suspected to be an insurgent in Fallujah. The act was deemed cold-hearted and cowardly, potentially violating the Geneva Convention. It was broadcasted to millions of people, giving a negative perception of US forces. However, there are certain situations where killing may be justified, such as when civilians are at risk or when a wounded militant still poses a threat. More information is needed to determine if this act truly violates the Geneva Convention.
  • #1
Watched a disturbing report on bbc of a us soldier killing a seriously wounded person (through a window) in a room with no escape thought to be an insurgent in Fallujah, it was very cold hearted/cowardly and sickening . Surley this must violate the geneva convention. This must have been broadcast to millions of people it does not look good...

EDIT: Especially the way it was portraited/appeard as if this was a common conduct of us forces. Looks more and more like vietnam or something worse everyday.
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Physics news on
  • #2
There could be situations where the killing would be justified.

Here's one : if there are civilians in the house that the militant could hold hostage and possibly kill, then it would be justified in killing him.

Two : a severely wounded militant with a grenade in his bag/pocket is still considered dangerous. If he reaches for something, he can be shot. If he's thrown away/given up all his arms and surrendered, he can not be shot.

This may be in violation of the GC, but it would be hard to say with the limited info (do you have a link to a source?).
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  • #3
The Geneva Convention is a set of international treaties that establish rules for the protection of victims of armed conflicts, including the treatment of wounded or sick individuals. The actions described in the report, if true, would indeed violate the Geneva Convention.

The killing of a seriously wounded person who poses no immediate threat is considered a war crime and goes against the basic principles of humanity and the laws of war. It is a disturbing and sickening act, and it is understandable that it would be portrayed as a violation of the Geneva Convention.

The fact that this incident was broadcasted to millions of people only adds to the severity of the situation. The actions of this soldier not only reflect poorly on the individual, but also on the entire US military. It is important for military personnel to adhere to the laws and ethical standards set forth by the Geneva Convention in order to maintain the integrity and reputation of their country.

It is also concerning that this incident may be seen as a common conduct of US forces. It is crucial for the military to investigate and address any potential violations of the Geneva Convention to prevent such actions from becoming a norm. Any violation of the Geneva Convention is a serious matter and should not be taken lightly.

In conclusion, the actions described in the report are a clear violation of the Geneva Convention and should be thoroughly investigated and addressed by the appropriate authorities. The principles of the Geneva Convention are in place to protect the rights and dignity of all individuals involved in armed conflicts, and it is important for all parties to abide by them.

FAQ: US Soldier Killing Violates Geneva Convention: Cold & Sickening

What is the Geneva Convention?

The Geneva Convention is a set of international treaties that establishes standards for the treatment of civilians and prisoners of war during armed conflicts. It also outlines rules for the conduct of war, including prohibition of certain tactics such as torture and the targeting of civilians.

How does the Geneva Convention protect soldiers?

The Geneva Convention provides protections for soldiers who are wounded, sick, or shipwrecked during armed conflicts. It also sets out rules for the humane treatment of prisoners of war, including their rights to medical care and humane treatment.

What actions are considered violations of the Geneva Convention?

Violations of the Geneva Convention include intentionally targeting civilians, torture, and mistreatment of prisoners of war. The killing of unarmed and defenseless soldiers is also considered a violation of the Geneva Convention.

What are the consequences for violating the Geneva Convention?

The consequences for violating the Geneva Convention can vary depending on the severity of the violation and the circumstances of the conflict. In some cases, individuals may be prosecuted for war crimes and face imprisonment or other penalties. Nations that violate the Geneva Convention may also face sanctions or other forms of punishment from the international community.

Why is it important for soldiers to adhere to the Geneva Convention?

Adhering to the Geneva Convention is important for soldiers because it helps to maintain humane treatment and respect for human rights during armed conflicts. It also helps to protect soldiers themselves, as they may be entitled to certain protections and rights under the Convention if they are wounded, sick, or captured as prisoners of war. Additionally, following the Geneva Convention can help prevent escalations of violence and promote the restoration of peace after conflicts end.

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