USB Eyepiece for Microscopes: Quality Viewing from Any Position

In summary, the conversation discusses the potential use of a USB eyepiece for telescopes and its effectiveness in producing quality images. Some members have had success with it, while others remain skeptical due to its low cost. However, it can be a good entry point into astrophotography and produce decent images of bright objects like the moon. The overall consensus is that it is worth trying out and may lead to further investments in equipment.
  • #1
Gold Member
I stumbled across this.

I've got a 6" reflector on an equatorial mount. At some angles, an hour of viewing could put me in a chiropractor's office.

It would be cool to observe the sky from a sitting position that didn't put a crick in my neck.
Do you guys think this would produce a quality image that could be comparable to one's eye to the eyepiece?
Astronomy news on
  • #2
Also marketed as the Orion Starshoot astrocam:

It isn't equivalent to the naked eye, but can be better or worse, depending on your point of view. In realtime, it is worse than the naked eye, but with exposures of a few seconds will reveal faint objects you can't see with the naked eye. Or with many short exposures and post-processing, it will reveal details you can't see with the naked eye. That's the entry-point into astrophotography -- see my website for details.
  • #3
Hi Dave

for that price, it would be worth having a play and see what can be achieved
For bright objects like the moon, it should be great, not so good on the planets, and definitely interesting to see how it
works on star clusters, comets and nebula etc.
Put a solar filter over the front of your scope and do some sunspot images as well

At Russ suggested, you can do what he and I do with even the more advanced cameras and take many
short exposure images that you then stack on each other in free software like DSS ( Deep Sky Stacker)
This produces a total combined exposure time of all the individual exposures :)

get one and have a play, you don't have much to loose ;)

  • #4
Ohhh ... looking at that link Russ gave to the Orion site
there's a bunch of lunar, solar and planet pix there ... looking good

  • #5
My primary interest is in planets. Moon doesn't really interest me, and stars are still just points, even in a scope.

I'd prefer realtime, but I imagine having a computer handy would start me into astrophotog.

I'd like to be able to image Mars features, Jupiter's bands and GRS, and subtleties in Saturn's rings.

So, in your opinion(s), it's not just a cheap piece of plastic with cheap electronics?
  • #6
DaveC426913 said:
So, in your opinion(s), it's not just a cheap piece of plastic with cheap electronics?

well if the selected images in that link on the Orion site are to be believed, then it has good ( not great) possibilities
( the thing is they didn't say what sort of scope the camera was used on for each of those images)
It is right at the bottom end as far as price goes ... so in the ol' words, "ya gets what you pays for"

its going to most likely give you a reasonable start into astrophotography and that will help you decide if you want
to make a bigger investment for a greater return at a later date

  • #7
I wish I could be more helpful with details but to add to the already high quality from russ watters, a new member here, a teacher/professor in Astronomy iirc, posts in the astronomy section and has shown some truly remarkable high quality images he has taken with fairly modest equipment. Also this site should be interesting

I haven't yet bought such an eyepiece for telescopy but I do have a cheap one for microscopy and while it has tradeoffs, overall it was an excellent purchase that I'm very happy I made the decision.

FAQ: USB Eyepiece for Microscopes: Quality Viewing from Any Position

1. What is a USB eyepiece for microscopes?

A USB eyepiece for microscopes is a device that can be attached to a microscope's eyepiece and connected to a computer via a USB port. It allows for live viewing of microscope images on a computer screen, making it easier to share and analyze the images.

2. How does the USB eyepiece improve viewing quality?

The USB eyepiece allows for high-resolution digital images to be viewed on a computer screen, providing a clearer and more detailed view compared to traditional eyepiece viewing. This is especially helpful for sharing images with others or for precise analysis.

3. Can the USB eyepiece be used on any microscope?

Most USB eyepieces are designed to fit into the eyepiece slot of standard microscopes. However, it is important to check the compatibility of the eyepiece with your specific microscope model before purchasing.

4. Is the USB eyepiece easy to install and use?

Yes, the USB eyepiece is typically very easy to install and use. It usually involves attaching the eyepiece to the microscope and then connecting it to a computer via the USB port. The included software often has a user-friendly interface for adjusting settings and capturing images.

5. What are the benefits of using a USB eyepiece for microscopes?

Using a USB eyepiece for microscopes offers several benefits, including improved viewing quality, easier image sharing and analysis, and the ability to capture and save images for future reference. It also eliminates the need for multiple people to crowd around a microscope for viewing, making it a useful tool for group work or presentations.

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