Use member types to declare variable

In summary, the conversation discussed the use of member types in STL containers, specifically the key_type member in the map container. It was explained that the purpose of these member types is to make the code hardware-independent and general-purpose, rather than for direct use by the user. The only time one would want to declare a variable of type key_type is if they were building their own container template based on map. The conversation also mentioned the use of typedefs to make typing easier, and provided an example of a trie container template.
  • #1
The STL containers have a lot of member types, so I assume they must be there for declaring variables of those types. However, I can't discern how exactly it is that I'm supposed to use those member types to declare a variable.

For example:
map<int, char> t;

t::key_type u; // I want this to mean "int u." That is the purpose of the member type, isn't it?
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  • #2
The reason for key_type etc is to make the library code hardware-independent and general-purpose, not necessarily for you to use directly.

The only time you would want to declare a variable of type key_type is if you were building your own contaner template based on map, or something similar. In that case, you don't know what type the key will be, and also you don't know how the map class represents keys internally. (For example the code that implements the map might treated all keys as bit strings, indepedent of what variable type the user declared them to be).

If your code declares and uses a map<int, char> to store data (and that is the most common way that application programs use the container classes), you know the keys for your paticular map are ints (because you declared them to be that!), and you can use int variables for anything to do with keys.
  • #3
AlephZero said:
The only time you would want to declare a variable of type key_type is if you were building your own contaner template based on map, or something similar. In that case, you don't know what type the key will be, and also you don't know how the map class represents keys internally. (For example the code that implements the map might treated all keys as bit strings, indepedent of what variable type the user declared them to be).
That's exactly what I'm doing. I'm developing a container (trie) that uses a map for underlying storage.

#ifndef NODE_H
#define NODE_H

#include <functional>
#include <iterator>
#include <map>
#include <tuple>

template<typename T, typename... U>
class node
	node() : _value(nullptr) {}

	void erase(std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag, T> start, std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag, T> end)
		typename std::map<T, node<T, U...>>::iterator t = _subnodes.find(*start);
		// more stuff

	typedef T key_type;
	typedef std::tuple<U...> value_type;

	T _key;
	std::tuple<U...> *_value;
	std::map<T, node<T, U...>> _subnodes;

#endif // NODE_H
I could type "typename std::map<T, node<T, U...>>::iterator" every time, but that's an insanely long type and it do any good if I decide to change _subnodes from map to something else. Is there any other way?
  • #4
I could type "typename std::map<T, node<T, U...>>::iterator" every time, but that's an insanely long type and it do any good if I decide to change _subnodes from map to something else. Is there any other way?

Why not define a typedef for the typename?

typedef typename std::map<T, node<T, U...>>::iterator trie_iterator;
or whatever you want to call it.
  • #5
I finally took the time to finish it. Here it is if anyone wants to use it. It's public domain.
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>

template<class T, typename U>
class trie
	trie() : _root(_data) {}

	typedef typename std::map<T, U>::iterator iterator;
	typedef typename std::map<T, U>::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator;

	iterator begin()
		return _data.begin();

	iterator end()
		return _data.end();

	reverse_iterator rbegin()
		return _data.rbegin();

	reverse_iterator rend()
		return _data.rend();

	inline void erase(const T &key)
		_root.erase(key.begin(), key.end());

	inline iterator find(const T &key)
		return _root.find(key.begin(), key.end());

	inline std::pair<iterator, bool> insert(const T &key, const U &value)
		auto t = _data.insert(std::pair<T, U>(key, value));
		_root.insert(key.begin(), key.end(), t.first);
		return t;

	class subtrie
		subtrie(std::map<T, U> &data) : _data(data) {}

		inline void erase(const T &key)
			erase(key.begin(), key.end());

		void erase(typename T::const_iterator begin, typename T::const_iterator end)
			typename std::map<typename T::const_iterator::value_type, subtrie>::iterator t = _subtries.find(*begin);
			if(begin != end)
				t->second.erase(begin, end);

		inline iterator find(const T &key)
			return find(key.begin(), key.end());

		iterator find(typename T::const_iterator begin, typename T::const_iterator end)
			if(begin != end)
				typename std::map<typename T::const_iterator::value_type, subtrie>::iterator t = _subtries.find(*begin);

				if(t != _subtries.end())
					return t->second.find(begin, end);
					return _data.end();
				return _it;

		inline void insert(iterator it)
			insert(it->first.begin(), it->first.end(), it);

		void insert(typename T::const_iterator begin, typename T::const_iterator end, const iterator it)
			if(begin != end)
				typename std::map<typename T::const_iterator::value_type, subtrie>::iterator t = _subtries.insert(typename std::map<typename T::const_iterator::value_type, subtrie>::value_type(*begin, subtrie(_data))).first;
				t->second.insert(begin, end, it);
				_it = it;

		iterator _it;
		std::map<T, U> &_data;
		std::map<typename T::const_iterator::value_type, subtrie> _subtries;

	subtrie _root;
	std::map<T, U> _data;

FAQ: Use member types to declare variable

1. What are member types in variable declaration?

Member types in variable declaration refer to the different data types that can be used to declare a variable in a programming language. These include integers, floating-point numbers, strings, and booleans, among others.

2. How do member types affect variable declaration?

The member type chosen for a variable determines the type of data that can be stored in that variable. For example, if a variable is declared as an integer, it can only hold whole numbers and not decimal values.

3. Can multiple member types be used in a single variable declaration?

No, a variable can only have one member type at a time. However, some programming languages allow for a special type called "variant" or "dynamic" that can hold different types of data.

4. What are the benefits of using member types in variable declaration?

Using member types in variable declaration helps ensure that the correct type of data is stored in a variable, which can prevent errors and improve the efficiency of the program. It also allows for better organization and readability of code.

5. How do I choose the right member type for a variable?

The member type chosen for a variable depends on the type of data that needs to be stored in it. For example, if the variable will hold a person's age, an integer type would be appropriate. It is important to understand the different member types and their uses in order to make the right choice for a variable.
