Use voltage divison and current division to find

In summary, voltage and current division work differently for one wire vs two wires in parallel, simplifying resistors can help in solving equations, and solving equations with current division can lead to incorrect results if the resistor values are not simplified.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Find Io, find V, find Vo

Homework Equations

V = IR

And if these are right:

Voltage division:
(voltage across series resistor) = [ (resistance)/(total series resistance) ](total input V)

Current division (only for two resistors in parallel):
(current through parallel resistor) = [ (OTHER resistance)/(total parallel resistance) ](total incoming current)

The Attempt at a Solution

I feel like I can't go anywhere else in the problem without first finding the current Io. I'm not sure how to use voltage division law properly. Does it only apply to one wire (one node)?

Same goes for current division law but I think I understand it better:

I simplified all resistors except for the 24Ω resistor. So I am left with 8Ω and 24Ω resistors in parallel, along with the 8 amp total current coming in.

Trying to solve Io with the current division law above, I get:

Io = (8Ω / 6Ω)8A = 10.6A

but it is wrong, supposedly. ( 6Ω in the equation because (1/8 + 1/24)^-1 = 6 , unless I got something wrong. )

Thank you.
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  • #2
How you managed to bring 6 ohms into the split, I do not understand.

You have current splitting between 8 ohms and 24 ohms. What portion will flow through each?
  • #3
Color_of_Cyan said:

Homework Statement

Find Io, find V, find Vo

Homework Equations

V = IR

And if these are right:

Voltage division:
(voltage across series resistor) = [ (resistance)/(total series resistance) ](total input V)

Current division (only for two resistors in parallel):
(current through parallel resistor) = [ (OTHER resistance)/(total parallel resistance) ](total incoming current)

The Attempt at a Solution

I feel like I can't go anywhere else in the problem without first finding the current Io. I'm not sure how to use voltage division law properly. Does it only apply to one wire (one node)?

Same goes for current division law but I think I understand it better:

I simplified all resistors except for the 24Ω resistor. So I am left with 8Ω and 24Ω resistors in parallel, along with the 8 amp total current coming in.
Yes, good so far.
Trying to solve Io with the current division law above, I get:

Io = (8Ω / 6Ω)8A = 10.6A

but it is wrong, supposedly. ( 6Ω in the equation because (1/8 + 1/24)^-1 = 6 , unless I got something wrong. )
Yup. Your current division is not right. It should be: ("other resistor"/"sum of the resistors") x current.
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  • #4

Ok so instead of 6 ohms it's 32 ohms then, because 8 + 24 = 32. It's just the mathematical sum instead and not r equiv parallel resistance between (like i thought it was).

So Io is 2A then. It's the right answer too.

So then, V = IR makes V = (2A)(24Ω) = 48V, and that's also correct.

Lastly for Vo, 48V is in parallel with the rest of the circuit so it counts as the (total input V) when using voltage division to find Vo, so:

Vo = (30Ω / 80Ω)(48V) ---> Vo = 18V which is also correct.

Many thanks.
  • #5

To find Io, we can use current division as you have attempted. However, there is an error in your calculation. The total parallel resistance is not 6Ω, but rather (1/8 + 1/24)^-1 = 6. The total incoming current is 8A, but the current through the 24Ω resistor is not 8A. Instead, it is (1/6)(8A) = 4/3 A. Therefore, the current through the 8Ω resistor is 8A - 4/3 A = 20/3 A. Using this current and the voltage division law, we can find V as follows:

V = (20/3 A)(8Ω) = 160/3 V

To find Vo, we can use voltage division since the 8Ω and 24Ω resistors are in series. Therefore, we can use the formula:

Vo = (24Ω / (8Ω + 24Ω))(160/3 V) = 120 V

Note that in this problem, voltage division and current division can be used interchangeably since the resistors are either in series or in parallel. However, in more complex circuits, it may be necessary to use both methods to find the desired quantities. It is important to remember the formulas for voltage division and current division and to correctly identify the resistors in series and parallel.

FAQ: Use voltage divison and current division to find

1. How do I use voltage division to find the voltage across a specific resistor?

To use voltage division, you need to know the total voltage in the circuit and the resistance values of each resistor. Then, you can calculate the voltage across a specific resistor by using the following formula: VR = Vtotal * (Rx / Rtotal), where VR is the voltage across the specific resistor, Vtotal is the total voltage in the circuit, Rx is the resistance of the specific resistor, and Rtotal is the total resistance in the circuit.

2. Can I use current division to find the current through a specific branch in a parallel circuit?

Yes, you can use current division to find the current through a specific branch in a parallel circuit. To do so, you need to know the total current in the circuit and the conductance (or resistance) values of each branch. Then, you can calculate the current through a specific branch by using the formula: Ix = Itotal * (Gx / Gtotal), where Ix is the current through the specific branch, Itotal is the total current in the circuit, Gx is the conductance (or 1/R) of the specific branch, and Gtotal is the total conductance (or 1/Rtotal) in the circuit.

3. Is there a difference between voltage division and current division?

Yes, there is a difference between voltage division and current division. Voltage division is used to find the voltage across a specific resistor in a series circuit, while current division is used to find the current through a specific branch in a parallel circuit. The formulas for these calculations are also different, as shown in the previous two questions.

4. Can I use voltage division and current division together in a circuit?

Yes, you can use voltage division and current division together in a circuit. These two principles can be applied in different parts of a circuit to find the voltage and current values at specific points. However, it is important to note that these principles are only applicable in linear circuits, where Ohm's Law and Kirchhoff's Laws hold true.

5. Are there any limitations to using voltage division and current division?

Yes, there are limitations to using voltage division and current division. These principles are only applicable in linear circuits, as mentioned earlier, and may not hold true in non-linear circuits. Additionally, these principles assume idealized conditions and may not be accurate in real-life circuits, where there may be factors such as resistance from wires and voltage drops across components. It is important to consider these limitations when using voltage division and current division in circuit analysis.

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