Useful pi systems generating the borel sigma algebra

In summary, you have made good progress in proving that 1-4 generate the borel sigma algebra and that lebesgue is sigma finite on 1 and 2. To complete the proof, you can use a similar approach as you did for 2 to show that 3 and 4 also generate the borel sigma algebra. Additionally, you can use a similar approach as you did for 1-4 to show that C_half also generates the borel sigma algebra. Finally, your reasoning for showing that lebesgue is not sigma finite on C_half is correct.
  • #1

Homework Statement

For the purpose of my module, we define the lebesgue measure over Int(a,b) where
Int(a,b) = (a,b] where -∞≤a≤b<∞
(a,∞) else
And l((Int(a,b) = b-a a≤b<∞
∞ a≤b =∞

And thus we say the borel sigma algebra is generated by C={Int(a,b) -∞≤a≤b≤∞}
We then get told that a variety of pi systems generate the borel sigma algebra, other than C={Int(a,b) -∞≤a≤b≤∞} ;
1. C' = {(a,b] -∞<a≤b<∞}
2. C_0 = {(a,b) -∞≤a≤b<∞ }
3. C_open = { A [itex]\subseteq[/itex] Reals : A open}
4 C_closed = { B [itex]\subseteq[/itex] Reals: B closed }
5. C_half = {(-∞,b] b [itex]\in[/itex] Reals }

We need to prove that 1-5 generate the borel sigma algebra and that lebesgue is sigma finite on 1-4 but not 5 (to do this I need to find an increasing sequence of events in each C such that the union is the sample space (the reals) and that l(Ai) < ∞ for all i .

The Attempt at a Solution

Basically I have proved 1-4 generate the borel sigma algebra, but 5 is proving difficult, I know that C_half [itex]\subseteq[/itex] C [itex]\subseteq[/itex] σ(C) so this proves that
σ(C_half) [itex]\subseteq[/itex]σ(C), but now I need to show it the other way round, to show that they're equal. I can't seem to figure this out.

Secondly, again I have shown sigma finite for 1 and 2, but i can't do 3 (and therefore 4), with all the others I did how I had been taught, i.e for 2 I said let Ai = (-i,i) then Ai is increasing, the union is the reals and then I wrote (-i,i) = U{n=1..} (-i,i-1/n] and used continuity to take lebesgue measure ... etc.
How would you do this with open and closed sets?
Finally for showing l isn't sigma finite on 5, is it enough to say that whatever increasing sequence you take in C_half, using continuity of the lebesgue, when you do the lebesgue measure will always get ∞ + b where b is in the reals which is clearly never going to be finite?

Thanks a lot for any help, I'm really stuck on these and theyre really important in my module!
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  • #2

Dear forum post author,

Thank you for your question. It seems like you have made good progress in proving that 1-4 generate the borel sigma algebra and that lebesgue is sigma finite on 1 and 2. For 3 and 4, you can use a similar approach as you did for 2. Let A_n = (-n,n) for n ∈ N. Then, A_n is an increasing sequence of open sets that cover the reals, and you can use continuity of lebesgue measure to show that l(A_n) < ∞ for all n.

As for showing that C_half generates the borel sigma algebra, you can use a similar approach as you did for 1-4. Let A be an open set in the borel sigma algebra. Since A is open, it can be written as a union of open intervals, i.e. A = ∪_i (a_i, b_i). Now, for each i, there exists a rational number r_i such that a_i < r_i < b_i. Let A_i = (-∞, r_i]. Then, A_i is an increasing sequence of sets in C_half and ∪_i A_i = (-∞, b_i) ⊆ A. Thus, A is a countable union of sets in C_half, and therefore A ∈ σ(C_half). This shows that σ(C) = σ(C_half), and therefore C_half also generates the borel sigma algebra.

Finally, for showing that lebesgue is not sigma finite on C_half, your reasoning is correct. Any increasing sequence of sets in C_half will have infinite lebesgue measure, since it will always contain a set of the form (-∞, b] for some b ∈ R, which has infinite measure.

I hope this helps you in completing your proof. Good luck with your module!

Related to Useful pi systems generating the borel sigma algebra

What is a "useful pi system" in relation to the Borel sigma algebra?

A useful pi system is a collection of sets that is closed under finite intersections and generates the Borel sigma algebra. In other words, this collection of sets is enough to create all the sets in the Borel sigma algebra by taking finite intersections.

Why is the Borel sigma algebra important in mathematics?

The Borel sigma algebra is important because it is the smallest sigma algebra that contains all the open sets in a given topological space. This makes it a fundamental tool in analysis and measure theory.

How are useful pi systems used to generate the Borel sigma algebra?

A useful pi system can be used to generate the Borel sigma algebra by taking finite intersections of sets in the pi system. This results in a new set that is also in the pi system, and by repeating this process, all sets in the Borel sigma algebra can be created.

What are some examples of useful pi systems?

Some examples of useful pi systems include the collection of all open intervals on the real line, the collection of all open balls in a metric space, and the collection of all half-open intervals on the real line. These are all collections of sets that are closed under finite intersections and generate the Borel sigma algebra on their respective spaces.

How are useful pi systems related to sigma algebras and measure theory?

Useful pi systems are important in measure theory because they allow us to create the Borel sigma algebra, which is used to define measures on topological spaces. This allows us to assign a measure to sets and integrate functions over these sets, which is a fundamental concept in analysis and probability theory.
