Useless Knowledge Quiz: How Much Pointless Information Do You Really Know?

In summary, the conversation revolved around the results of a useless knowledge quiz and the participants' scores. Some felt disappointed in their score, while others were proud of their "wealth of useless knowledge." The scoring system was also discussed, with some finding it fishy and others pointing out that it was based on how the individual's score compared to others in their age and gender. Some participants shared their strategies for answering certain questions, such as using logical estimates or relying on their knowledge in specific fields. The conversation also touched on the uselessness of metric/imperial conversions and how knowing the wrong conversion can actually be considered useless knowledge. In general, the participants had mixed feelings about the quiz and what constitutes as trivia or useless knowledge.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor

You scored 70 % in Useless Knowledge!

You know a fair bit of trivial facts. You probably aced that one about the thing with the stuff... You know what I mean. Maybe someday your brain will soak up enough useless knowledge to score higher.

This test tracked 1 variable. How the score compared to the other people's: Higher than 89% on Trivia

I'm really rather disappointed in my score, I was sure I had much more useless knowledge. :frown:
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  • #2
Something's fishy. I scored 56%, and still got a 'Brilliant' designation. But it said I was higher than 99%.
  • #3
jimmysnyder said:
Something's fishy. I scored 56%, and still got a 'Brilliant' designation. But it said I was higher than 99%.
It's based on how you scored against others in your age and gender. Perhaps only one other 105 year old has taken the test. :biggrin:
  • #4
Your Score: Trivially Aware
You scored 48 % in Useless Knowledge!

You probably have one or two useless factoids stored up in that old noggin of yours. You may even know the origin of the word "noggin." Who knows? Keep studying and maybe eventually you'll score higher than 50%.

Yeah, with only a few exceptions, once I got past the first page of "easy" warm-up questions, I realized many of the trivia sectors in my brain have been overwritten at some point. :rolleyes:
  • #5

The first page was pretty smooth sailing, but after that I was lost!
  • #6
Having read several sets of encyclopedias and any book I could get my hands on, not to mention lots of tv, I have been called a "wealth of useless knowledge". Everyone wanted to be my trivial pursuit partner.
  • #7
You scored 82 % in Useless Knowledge!

That wasn't too bad apart from the music questions and the superbowl.
  • #8
Kurdt said:
You scored 82 % in Useless Knowledge!

That wasn't too bad apart from the music questions and the superbowl.
  • #9
Evo said:
Having read several sets of encyclopedias and any book I could get my hands on, not to mention lots of tv, I have been called a "wealth of useless knowledge". Everyone wanted to be my trivial pursuit partner.
The problem is when one's useless knowledge isn't useful in trivial pursuit. :frown:
  • #10
Hurkyl said:
The problem is when one's useless knowledge isn't useful in trivial pursuit. :frown:
No Math Trivial Pursuit?

You could always shout out complex math equations at the people playing and intimidate them.
  • #11
78%. I always knew I was among the more useless here. :biggrin:
  • #12
Evo said:
I have been called a "wealth of useless knowledge".

I can't remember where I first heard it, or who said it (for all I can remember, it could have been someone here), but I've found the phrase catchy, "I'm either a great font of useless knowledge, or a useless font of great knowledge."
  • #13
You scored 60 % in Useless Knowledge!

Used logical estimates for the speed/distance to pluto ones. I knew everything on the first page right away. :p
  • #14
48%...this is pointless! Yes, those questions related to music stars and superbowl were probably the ones that let me down, too.

Like ddm, I knew the approximate distance to Pluto in AU, so that helped.
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  • #15
31% ... eww

... superbowl is football right? :biggrin:
  • #16
Metric/imperial conversion is useless knowledge?
  • #17
matthyaouw said:
Metric/imperial conversion is useless knowledge?
Yes. Everyone knows the metric system sucks.
  • #18
I know... having a unit increase by powers of ten?? who created such a counter-intuitive system as the metric system?! ... it's so much simpler to have a unit increase by 12, then 3, then 5280, then 3 o:)
  • #19
"My car gets forty rods to the hogshead and that's the way I likes it!"
-Abe Simpson
  • #20
All this useless knowledge stored in our brains cosntitutes a huge amount of entropy of the universe, as Landauer pointed out in his explenation of why Maxwell's Demon demons cannot be effective on the long run (because sooner or later he has to empty his memory filled with useless information he has used to decide wheter or not to let the molecules go from one side to the other side). :)
  • #21
There were certainly a few questions that were good for the science people here, especially the astronomers and astrophysicists.
  • #22
matthyaouw said:
Metric/imperial conversion is useless knowledge?
Well, knowing the wrong conversion is definitely useless. The only way to score 100% on the quiz is to guess the wrong answer for that question (answer how many km in a mile).

PS: Most of these questions are hardly what I'd call trivia...more like general knowledge. The only questions that I think are really trivia, are the superbowl question, and the tallest dude question, and maybe the scyphozoa quetion...and the pluto question. Okay, if you stretch it, then also the monty python question, but that's it.

Related to Useless Knowledge Quiz: How Much Pointless Information Do You Really Know?

What is "Are You a Trivia Master?"

"Are You a Trivia Master?" is a trivia game that tests your knowledge on a variety of topics.

How do I play "Are You a Trivia Master?"

To play "Are You a Trivia Master?" you will need to have a device with internet access. Simply open the game and select your preferred category. Each question will have four multiple choice options and you will need to select the correct answer.

What topics are covered in "Are You a Trivia Master?"

"Are You a Trivia Master?" covers a wide range of topics including history, science, pop culture, literature, and more.

How many questions are in "Are You a Trivia Master?"

"Are You a Trivia Master?" currently has 100 questions, but more questions are constantly being added to keep the game challenging and engaging.

Can I play "Are You a Trivia Master?" with friends?

Yes, you can play "Are You a Trivia Master?" with friends by sharing the game link and competing against each other to see who has the highest score.

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