Usenet forums: sci.physics.strings and sci.physics.research

  • Thread starter chroot
  • Start date
In summary, the two usenet forums, sci.physics.strings and sci.physics.research, are being integrated on the site pf. However, there are some issues with the integration and it may take a day or two for sci.physics.strings to receive news. There is also a heuristic latex parser in place to parse math posted on the usenet, but it is not perfect yet. Some users have jokingly compared the integration to Greg taking over the world, but the creator of the forums resents this comparison. There is also a discussion about the legality of using usenet forums on the site.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Hey everyone,

As you can see, we're rapidly reaching the green light on our integration of two usenet forums:


on our site here at pf. You'll also notice that not all of it is working perfectly just yet! So please bear with us. sci.physics.strings will not be receiving news for another day or two, because it's a new group and our news server has not begun carrying it yet.

sci.physics.research is now receiving news.

We've also built in a heuristic latex parser into the system, so that math posted on the usenet (even without [ tex ] tags and so on) will be found and parsed. It's far from perfect, at least at the moment, so please excuse any of the wacky things it might do!


- Warren
Physics news on
  • #2
Wow. And I thought I was joking about Greg taking over the world...
  • #3
Greg is to physics as Microsoft is to software.
  • #4
Cod said:
Greg is to physics as Microsoft is to software.

I resent that comment! :wink: :biggrin:
  • #5
is that good or bad ? (being compared to m$) ... that is the question
  • #6
The time delay on this thing is freaking me out.
  • #7
is it legitimate to use the usenet forums in here?
is it ok with those who are in charge of these forums?
i've just wondered about this issue of legality.

FAQ: Usenet forums: sci.physics.strings and sci.physics.research

What is Usenet?

Usenet is a worldwide distributed discussion system that originated in the early 1980s. It consists of a collection of newsgroups, each focused on a specific topic, where users can post and read messages.

What is the purpose of sci.physics.strings and sci.physics.research?

These Usenet forums are dedicated to discussions and research related to physics, specifically the topics of string theory and general physics research.

Who can participate in these Usenet forums?

Anyone with access to Usenet can participate in these forums. However, users are expected to follow the rules and guidelines set by the forum's moderators and adhere to proper etiquette.

How can I find relevant information on these forums?

Users can use the search function provided by Usenet to find specific topics or keywords within these forums. They can also browse through the threads and discussions to find relevant information.

What are the benefits of participating in Usenet forums for science?

Participating in Usenet forums allows scientists to connect and collaborate with others in their field, share their research and ideas, and engage in discussions and debates. It also provides a platform for learning and staying updated on the latest developments in the field of science.
