Using a JavaScript Function as a Class

In summary, the conversation discusses the issue of referring to the outer function's member body and the use of Function.prototype.bind in newer browsers to solve this problem. Alternative implementations without this feature are also mentioned.
  • #1
I figured out what the bug in my code is, but now I need to figure out how to best remedy it.

Here's my function:

        function snake(C, C_h, C_w)
                /* NOTE TO SELF: C is a Raphel object. Can't find a method to return the height
                   and width of a Raphael object in the documentation: 
                   Using C_h and C_w for now, but should probably change it later.
                this.linkSize = 10; // size of a snake unit, in pixels
                /* On instantiation, the snake direction is down and has 1 link */
                this.dy = this.linkSize;
                this.dx = 0;
       = C.rect(C_h/2, C_w/2, this.linkSize, this.linkSize);
      "fill", "#d7a900");
                this.body = [];
                /* Event listener for changing the direction of the
                   snake with arroy keys on the keyboard
                this.redirect = function(dirnum)
                    switch (dirnum)
                            dirnum corresponds to
                            1 ---> right
                            2 ---> down
                            3 ---> left
                            4 ---> up
                        case 1: 
                            this.dx = this.linkSize;
                            this.dy = 0;
                        case 2:
                            this.dx = 0;
                            this.dy = this.linkSize;
                        case 3:
                            this.dx = -this.linkSize;
                            this.dy = 0;
                        case 4:
                            this.dx = -this.linkSize;
                            this.dy = 0;
                        default: // never happens
[COLOR="Red"][B]                this.move = function()
                    var temp = this.body[0];
                    this.body[0].translate(this.dx, this.dy);
                    for (var i = 1, j = this.body.length; i < j; ++i)
                        this.body[i] = temp;
                        temp = this.body[i];
                this.mover = setInterval(this.move, 500);                


The problem is in the bolded block. I want to refer to the outer function's member body, but I realize it's instead referring to move's nonexistent member body. What is the best way to remedy this?
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  • #2
Newer browsers have Function.prototype.bind

setInterval( this.move.bind(this), 500 );
  • #3
DavidSnider said:
Newer browsers have Function.prototype.bind

setInterval( this.move.bind(this), 500 );

That's useful. Out of curiosity, how would I have done it without this feature?
  • #4
Jamin2112 said:
That's useful. Out of curiosity, how would I have done it without this feature?

The implementation looks something like this
Function.prototype.bind = function (scope) {
    var fn = this;
    return function () {
        return fn.apply(scope);

This would have worked too

    var that = this;
    setInterval(function() {
    }, 500);
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  • #5

I would suggest that you could use the "bind" method to bind the outer function's context to the inner function. This would allow the inner function to access the outer function's members, including the "body" member. Additionally, you may want to consider using a different naming convention for your variables and functions to avoid confusion and potential bugs in the future.

FAQ: Using a JavaScript Function as a Class

What is a JavaScript Function Class?

A JavaScript Function Class is a way of creating objects in JavaScript using a function as a blueprint. It allows for encapsulation and inheritance, making code more organized and reusable.

How do you create a JavaScript Function Class?

A JavaScript Function Class can be created by defining a function with the keyword "function" and using the "this" keyword to assign properties and methods to the function. This function can then be used as a blueprint to create multiple objects.

What is encapsulation in a JavaScript Function Class?

Encapsulation in a JavaScript Function Class refers to the ability to hide certain properties and methods from the rest of the code. This helps to prevent accidental modification of these properties and promotes data privacy.

How do you inherit from a JavaScript Function Class?

Inheritance in a JavaScript Function Class can be achieved by using the "prototype" property. This allows child objects to inherit properties and methods from the parent object, reducing the need for redundant code.

What are the advantages of using a JavaScript Function Class?

Using a JavaScript Function Class allows for code organization, data privacy, and code reuse. It also helps to create a more object-oriented approach to programming, making code more manageable and easier to maintain.

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