Using a semicolon in a functin argument. eg. f = f(x, y; t)

  • Thread starter mikeph
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In summary, the conversation discusses the use of the notation "f = f(x, y; t)" and the lack of a clear definition or guideline for its usage. One interpretation is that f is a function over x and y, but also dependent on t, while another is that f represents a family of functions over (x,y) with varying t values. Ultimately, the semicolon serves no mathematical purpose and is simply used for convenience in grouping function parameters.
  • #1
I've seen this a few times, where we say f = f(x, y; t) for example, without a proper definition or any guidelines of usage. In my mind I read this as "f is a function over x and y, but it is also dependent on t although this is usually a fixed parameter", even though we might have some function like

f(x,y;t) = yx2/t

i.e. from looking at the form of f, you could not tell which variables would go either side of the semicolon.

Perhaps it can also be read as f being a family of functions over (x,y), where each is parametrised by t. But then this is just semantics, the maths is no different, so what's the point in the semicolon?

Does anyone know a better definition of this notation?

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  • #2
I think its your second definition of a set of surfaces in 3-space with varying 't' value.
  • #3
MikeyW said:
Perhaps it can also be read as f being a family of functions over (x,y), where each is parametrised by t. But then this is just semantics, the maths is no different, so what's the point in the semicolon?
There is no mathematical need for the semicolon. The notations ##f(x,y;t)## and ##f(x,y,t)## mean the same thing. The semicolon is there because the author wants to group the function parameters in some way, hopefully for the convenience of the reader: perhaps ##x## and ##y## are spatial coordinates and ##t## is time.
  • #4
Ah, perfect. That is exactly what I want to do.

  • #5

Hello Mike,

Thank you for bringing up this topic. The usage of semicolons in function arguments can be a bit confusing and there are varying opinions on its proper use. In general, the semicolon is used to indicate a separation between independent and dependent variables in a function. So in the example f = f(x, y; t), the semicolon is indicating that t is a dependent variable while x and y are independent variables.

Some mathematicians argue that the semicolon should be used when there is a clear distinction between independent and dependent variables, while others argue that it should only be used when there is a specific reason for doing so. In the end, it comes down to personal preference and the specific context in which the function is being used.

In the case of f(x,y;t) = yx2/t, I would argue that the semicolon is not necessary as the function is clear and the variables are all related in a straightforward manner. However, in more complex functions where there may be a mix of independent and dependent variables, the semicolon can help to clarify the relationship between them.

Ultimately, the use of the semicolon in function arguments should be consistent within a particular context or field of study. If there is no clear consensus on its usage, it may be best to avoid it altogether and find alternative ways to indicate the relationship between variables. I hope this helps to clarify the issue.

FAQ: Using a semicolon in a functin argument. eg. f = f(x, y; t)

1. What is the purpose of using a semicolon in a function argument?

A semicolon in a function argument is used to separate the arguments that are passed into a function. It helps to distinguish between parameters and temporary variables that may be used within the function.

2. Can a semicolon be used in place of a comma in a function argument?

No, a semicolon should not be used in place of a comma in a function argument. Semicolons are used to separate arguments, while commas are used to separate elements within an argument.

3. When should a semicolon be used in a function argument?

A semicolon should be used in a function argument when there are multiple arguments being passed into the function and there is a need to differentiate between them. It can also be used when there is a mix of parameters and temporary variables being passed in.

4. Are there any potential drawbacks to using a semicolon in a function argument?

One potential drawback is that it may make the code less readable and harder to understand, especially for those who are not familiar with using semicolons in this way. It may also cause confusion if the function is being called by someone else who is not aware of the use of semicolons in the argument.

5. Is using a semicolon in a function argument a common practice?

No, using a semicolon in a function argument is not a common practice. In most cases, commas are used to separate arguments in a function. However, there may be some specific situations where a semicolon may be necessary or preferred for better organization and clarity within the code.

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