Using binomial theorem in exponential

In summary, the equations given in this article are consistent, but the formulas call into question some of the details.
  • #1
In page 11 of, I am trying to follow the derivation using binomial theorem to get this step:

[tex](e^{j\theta}-e^{-j\theta})^{n+2k}≈\frac{(n+2K)!}{k!(n+k)!}(e^{j\theta})^{n+k}(-e^{-j\theta})^k[/tex]If you read the paragraph right above this equation, it said only the terms that has the ##e^{jn\theta}## alone will not be integrated to zero. So the equation becomes:[tex](e^{j\theta}-e^{-j\theta})^{n+2k}≈\frac{(n+2K)!}{k!(n+k)!}(e^{j\theta})^{n+k}(-e^{-j\theta})^k[/tex]
As it's the ##(k+1)^{th}## term.

Is it because when substitute into (53)
Only the term that has ##e^{jn\theta}## alone can cancel out the ##e^{-jn\theta}## term in (53). Any ##e^{jn\theta}## type exponential term will result in zero after integrate from ##-\pi## to ##\pi##. Am I correct.

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  • #2
Yes, you are correct. The only way [itex] \int_{-\pi}^{\pi} e^{jb\theta} d\theta [/itex] can be non-zero is if [itex] b=0 [/itex] (and the integrand is constant).
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  • #3
HS-Scientist said:
Yes, you are correct. The only way [itex] \int_{-\pi}^{\pi} e^{jb\theta} d\theta [/itex] can be non-zero is if [itex] b=0 [/itex] (and the integrand is constant).

Thanks, you are of big help. I just cannot find any good books that explain Bessel Functions, all the ones I read seemed to assume you know a lot of the derivation and just gave the final equation without a good explanation. The three article including the one you gave are as good as any book in this subject. But the problem is I found inconsistency in their formulas that call into question( most likely are typos). This really hold up my study as I have to stop and really go through it again and again. I have to even post again in another thread just on the very page of this article later.

Thanks for all the detail help. The one you took the time to type for the ##\cos(x\sin\theta)## is the utmost helpful. I went through step by step and really learn a lot.

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Related to Using binomial theorem in exponential

1. What is the binomial theorem?

The binomial theorem is a mathematical formula that is used to expand binomial expressions (expressions with two terms) raised to a power. It provides a way to easily calculate the coefficients of each term in the expanded expression.

2. How is the binomial theorem used in exponential functions?

The binomial theorem is used in exponential functions to expand expressions like (a + b)^n, where 'a' and 'b' are constants and 'n' is a positive integer. This expansion allows us to easily calculate the value of the function for different values of 'a', 'b', and 'n'.

3. What is the general form of the binomial theorem?

The general form of the binomial theorem is (a + b)^n = a^n + na^(n-1)b + (n(n-1)/2!)a^(n-2)b^2 + ... + (n(n-1)(n-2)...1)/n!a^0b^n, where n is a positive integer and a and b are constants.

4. Can the binomial theorem be used for non-integer powers?

Yes, the binomial theorem can be used for non-integer powers. In this case, the formula becomes (a + b)^m = a^m + ma^(m-1)b + (m(m-1)/2!)a^(m-2)b^2 + ... + (m(m-1)(m-2)...1)/m!a^0b^m, where 'm' is a real number.

5. What are some practical applications of the binomial theorem?

The binomial theorem has many practical applications in fields such as physics, engineering, and finance. It is used to model exponential growth and decay, calculate probabilities in statistics, and solve problems in combinatorics. It is also used in the development of algorithms and in the study of fractals.
