Using conservation of energy with pendulums

In summary, the conservation of energy can be used to predict the velocity of a pendulum, but the equation itself does not determine the direction of motion. The properties of the pendulum, such as its constant length, must be taken into account to determine the direction of the velocity vector. The tension in the rope does not affect the magnitude of the velocity, but only changes its direction. This is why the velocity gained in a free falling object is equal to the velocity of a pendulum, even though the vectors are in different directions.
  • #1
Mr Davis 97
I am confused about how the principle of conservation of energy can be used to predict the velocity of a pendulums for any given height and angle. For example, say I use the equation U = -K (potential is equal to kinetic) to solve for the velocity at 15 degrees of a pendulum bob whose wire length is 1.2 m. The answer turns out to be 1.5 m/s. But this confuses me. The bob is not in free fall because there is the tension of the wire pulling on the pendulum bob. So what does this 1.5 m/s refer to? How does the equation "know" that the bob is swinging in an arc and not vertically falling?
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  • #2
The equation doesn't "know" and doesn't care! The kinetic energy is a scalar and has no direction. YOU have to use the properties of the pendulum to determine the direction of motion. IF the pendulum is "rigid", so has a constant length, then pendulum bob must move along a circle with radius equal to the constant length of the pendulum so the velocity vector must be tangent to that circle.
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Likes Mr Davis 97
  • #3
Be careful with the "reference level for potential energy". It is better to say U+K=constant, which could be zero, if the reference level is chosen correctly.

The tension in the rope does zero work (because the that force is always perpendicular to the displacement)... that's why you can use conservation of total energy.
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Likes Mr Davis 97
  • #4
HallsofIvy said:
The equation doesn't "know" and doesn't care! The kinetic energy is a scalar and has no direction. YOU have to use the properties of the pendulum to determine the direction of motion. IF the pendulum is "rigid", so has a constant length, then pendulum bob must move along a circle with radius equal to the constant length of the pendulum so the velocity vector must be tangent to that circle.

So if I had a free falling object, would the velocity gained in the distance "fallen," .12 meters , be the same as the velocity of the pendulum, given that for the free falling object the velocity vector is pointed downwards while for the pendulum it is tangent to the arc? If the vectors are in completely different directions, how are the magnitudes of the velocity equal?
  • #5
Mr Davis 97 said:
So if I had a free falling object, would the velocity gained in the distance "fallen," .12 meters , be the same as the velocity of the pendulum, given that for the free falling object the velocity vector is pointed downwards while for the pendulum it is tangent to the arc?
Yes. (At least for a simple pendulum.)

Mr Davis 97 said:
If the vectors are in completely different directions, how are the magnitudes of the velocity equal?
The wire changes the direction of the velocity. Since the tension is perpendicular to the velocity, it changes the direction but not the magnitude. (The tension force does no work on the pendulum bob, as robphy noted.)
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Likes Mr Davis 97

Related to Using conservation of energy with pendulums

What is the principle of conservation of energy?

The principle of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be transformed from one form to another. In other words, the total amount of energy in a closed system remains constant.

How does conservation of energy apply to pendulums?

In a pendulum, there are two forms of energy: potential energy and kinetic energy. As the pendulum swings back and forth, the potential energy is converted into kinetic energy and vice versa. However, the total energy of the pendulum remains constant, in accordance with the principle of conservation of energy.

Can the energy of a pendulum be completely conserved?

In theory, the energy of a pendulum can be completely conserved if there is no friction or air resistance. However, in practical situations, some energy is always lost due to these factors, and the pendulum will eventually come to a stop.

What is the formula for calculating the potential energy of a pendulum?

The potential energy of a pendulum is given by the formula PE = mgh, where m is the mass of the pendulum, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height of the pendulum above its lowest point. This formula applies to pendulums on Earth, where the acceleration due to gravity is approximately 9.8 m/s².

How does the length of a pendulum affect the conservation of energy?

The length of a pendulum affects the period of its oscillation, but it does not affect the conservation of energy. As long as there is no external force acting on the pendulum, the total energy will remain constant regardless of its length.

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