- #1
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Homework Statement
A fermionic 2-state system is [tex]\left\{\left|00\right\rangle, \left|10\right\rangle, \left|01\right\rangle, \left|11\right\rangle\right\}[/tex], where
[tex]\left|ab\right\rangle = \left|a\right\rangle_{1}\left|b\right\rangle_{2}[/tex] and [tex]\left\langle ab\left|cd\right\rangle = \delta_{ac}\delta_{bd}[/tex].
Homework Equations
What are the creation and annihilation operators [tex]f_{1}, f_{1}^{\dagger}, f_{2}, f_{2}^{\dagger}[/tex] in this base?
The Attempt at a Solution
I just do not know, how to get started. I just cannot find the theory and I do not know how to use it in this problem anyway. Can you give me some hints? Please, do not give right away the correct answers/results, just the hints to get started.
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